After Hours

After Hours - Hoya

It was just about closing time at the toy shop that you both worked at. Hoya was a cashier and you were a gift wrapper. Working together was great, he would give you the order and you would wrap the presents for the costumers. Sometimes Hoya would help you finish off the presents by taping a bow on the top and bagging the presents.

While you were waiting, you would make bows. Hoya would watch you intently as he watched your fingers play with the ribbon as you spread them out and taped them together before curling the ends with scissors.

Hoya was happy and chirpy with the customers, sometimes you helped bag their things as well. Yet it was some of the many jobs that you performed together.

Light music played in the background as you walked around the store, straightening the toys on the shelves as you pulled some of the toys to the edge of the shelf. It was close to closing as Hoya cleaned up the counter by putting away all of the wrapping paper and bows that you had carefully made.

Your manager walked through the store and bid you goodnight as you both wished him the same as he walked through the doors. Hoya caught your eyes as you blushed and looked away quickly. Biting his lip, he walked from the counter and adjusted his apron that he wore as he started to turn off the lights. A few lights still remained as you worked your way around the store straightening toys and putting them back in their rightful places.

Hoya met you in the middle of the store as you just finished your shift. He was in close proximity to you as he looked at you with his big brown eyes. With your eyes locked with his and your heart pounding faster and faster inside your chest, you felt a tint of red move onto your cheeks as you just stood there frozen.

Softly, Hoya cleared his throat as his hands gently moved around you as your hand found their way to his shoulders. Lost in the moment, he began to sway with you as you soon were slow dancing around the dimly lit store.

Gently setting your head against his shoulder, he moved his body flush against yours as you moved around slowly as his head rested against yours. This was just like a dream. You knew that you liked him and always felt butterflies around him, but this is the first time that someone like you back. His hands were set firmly on your back as your feet danced slowly together.

With one slow, yet smooth motion he gently pulled on the bow of your apron as it gently fell to your side. Carefully, he slowly pulled it over your head as he threw it on the counter, followed by his. He smiled sweetly at you as your eyes got a little wide.

"Don’t worry, _______-ah." He whispered as he tucked some fallen hair from behind your ears. Setting one hand on your hip and the other hand in yours, he properly danced with you happily as time seemed to slip through your fingers.

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Chapter 1: Awww this was absolutely so beautiful!! How amazing it would be if my boyfriend was always this close to me .. at home and my colleague at work too! Dancing with me at night aaaah so so beautiful
At least returning back to work after holidays will never cause me depression
Chapter 1: one question; do u ever do ? haha
Chapter 1: Aww dancing in a store after hours... so cute :D
Chapter 1: This is beyond cute ! You're a machine I cannot with <3