Im your Santa Claus babe!

Im your Santa Claus babe! 2013

Nana pulled her black hoodie onto her head,mixing with the night sky and continued walking as the white snowflakes fell from the dark skies eleganlty while some violently dropped down,walking down the sideline by herself.She jumped up and turned back to see of anything fell out of her backpack like last time,after comfiming that nothing fell out of her back pack,she plugged in her earplugs into ears and tpyed her password in onto the which she has been holding for age's.


Pressing the i-tune app and looked for a song,she ended up choosing 'all i want for chirstmas is you' by mariah carey.She started to sing along with it,she knows it too well,somehow she always chose this song when it's christmas.She slipped her phone into her jeans back pocket on the left and pulled her hoodie down since she felt it going up and she began her long-short journey to the beach where she spent most of her christmas's and other events.


As cars began to slowly stop passing by her,she walked over to the center of the beach taking of her somewhat high heels,threw her backpack on the sand which made a small thud noise and started to walk into the pitch black sea singing the song,she started to dance along to the familiar song hoping here and jumping there,twirling here and spining there, as she stopped dancing she fell down onto her knees,finally giving in,she cried her heart out,her lonliness began to make her go crazy just in case you didnt know.


All these years she has been alone,in her room. every christmas,every new year,every halloween,every year on a special event unless its a party or so,excpt the maids who try and make her speak,and her so-called friends who takes her money away to buy cheap and tastless clothes. When she was 11 she decided to sneak out every time,avoiding the maids ,avoiding the guards and avoiding being caught.


She had finally found a place she liked,a place that says her emotion,a place where she can let everything out and give into saddness and lose her cool then be the fragile and cry-baby she once was and still is. She chose this place out of all places because the way the wind blew,the way the waves moved,the way how perfectly the lamps were position and how she liked the way the waves cried for her to step into the water,and let the waves comfort her,she's not crazy,she's just too deep and...lonely. She needs love,she needs warmth...she needs someone to lean on.


She went through the hard and tough times herself,she would chose bulter Yoo over her family.she would choose strangers over family; hatred,dissapointment,loneliness,anger,betrayel and just jelousy.In her own imaginary world when she see's a happy familyhappy couple any type of happiness made her jelous but it alls turns in to bad memorys as she thought of how she was being treated compared to the people insight.On these events and the event she hated most was christmas where families gather home and celebrate or where they just celebrate with there lovers at some place.Where as she herslf is stuck at home getting ready to run off or attend stupid partys.


She would always laugh in her head when her so-called friends say how lucky she was born in a wealthy famely with fame surrounding her,love from celebrity's and love from her fans,and how she could get famous without even working as a celebrity or any thing that would make her famous and known.Laughing,she would always laugh in her head and saying how stupid they were when she got home. How she would as God why he let be born in a wealthy family,with no love,or warmth,just fame and money,what she didn't need.


she got out of the water and put on her poker face once more,clapping her hands together and shaking to get a least some water off,she went over to her backpack and pulled the zip all the way down untill it reached it's limits.She pulled her black trainers on with no struggles since it's still a little big for her,she put the heels into the backpack and pulled it up till it met with the other zip she hadn't bothered to touch.She flung the backpack onto her back and started to walk again,very slowly enjoying the night view,who said you must enjoy it way up high?You can see more details down below.


As she walked on the sidewalk,she bumped into something hard,very hard.when she looked up,she saw a lampost.She rubbed her forehead and cursed inside of her head.She stood up still rubbing her red forehead and whimpered everytime it hurt and she still did so,as she walked back to the mansion she lived in which took her almost 43:41mins.


She quietly and fastly moved around trying not to get caught on the CCTV's that had been installed since her mom nearly got shot by some crazy saessangs of her appa,kim jaejoong,they say she got the looks from her dad while her soft black hair and curvy slim body structure from her mom,why did they even look at those stiff in the first place?her phone rang,she took it out of her pickets ans she just realised that her pockets were drenched with water,she answered the call.



Hyemi:yah!you better come to the back door!its late and im tired!

Nana:yeah coming.

Hyemi:you better!ive got clothea for you i can imagine a drenched miss! Nana:yeah,yeah.i hang up before her only maid real best friend hyemi,could scold her anymore she hung up on her and carried on rushing to the backdoors.


Hyemi was bulter Yoo's oldest and only daughter alive. Her sister yoomi got into a car crash and her twin sisters died before they even stepped out to see how the light on earth was,and her mom died when giving birth,she got into the crash as well,bulter Yoo was picking up hyemi to get to hospital,thats how they avoided the crash,her youngest brother was lucky to have been saved since he had a different blood type,hes bulter Yoo's decreased wifes ex-husbands son,but he's still unconcious and its been two years,he's in the care of my uncles hostipital which is also the best in seoul.


Hyemi was waiting for her with clean and expensive clothes suitable for her status and grabbed them and enyered hyemis room and got changed into the clothes. The maids and bulters had dorms for them,some chefs and cleaners stay there if they have no where to go or they have a problem woth something so they stayed there,they didnt eat leftovers they ate quite decently and heathly under the care of Nana.They all liked her,she was practicaly their savior,saving them from her 12 big brothers.


They are all famous...can you guess?From idols to actors from actors to CEO's and CEO's to Docters or surgeons or even models. Just take the wild guess then.the moment she was born they thought another devil will grow and tournament them,but hell no she as different, they would not have ever thought they were related if it wasnt for a maid who Accompanied to the hoatpital all the times for the births of the twelve goodlooking brats,she's 46 this year just if your wondering. 


She tied her hair into a bun not the messy type anyways.she walked up the cold and marble stairs to her dismay,as she reached the top she turned left and ran all the way to the end of the corridor and opened a door with x-1 written on it,she went in and took a long bath with petals in it which is also on her hate list.She got out and opened another door near the sink,she went inside the closet,which is also extened,it was decrorated with purple,red and black,you could also see hints of silver near the door edges,the handles which was made out of pure sapphire was very shiney like the way she wanted.


she got into:


She cursed under her breath at whoever chose this dress.she could guess it was her grans choice because of her for fluff and hats,she looked cute...which she hates,not her style was what she always thought about her grans style.She looked at the clock which read 12:30 she put a bit of gel on her fringe so it doesnt lose its place.She heard the guests arriving for the christmas party already.sighing,she went down to welcome the guests and compimenting them while they complimented on her as well,such as:

'wah~your cute too!'

'you could do as a model or idol in our company.'

'you look so talented,want to join our company?'

'what a fine looking young lady...'

'i bet you have alot of talents like your parents!'

She already heard enough compliements already.she elegantly walked over to her parents with a very confidence Aura around her like her mom.She demaned attention with the way she walked even though she wearing something so...cute.As she walked near to her parents she bowed to an elder who works with her mom in filming,the elder commented on how polite and well mannered Nana was,and compimented her parents for the way they teach her.


Her mom gently touched her soft hair and laughed as the elder laughed at his own joke about marrying me off to his 'HOT' son,which Nana see's as UGLY IDIOT even though she hasnt met him,yet but her instints and guts says it all.Like father like son,right?As soon as the elder walked off to who knows where Jaejoong turned to his daughter and softly smiled at her and said "we wont marry you off,no worries princess!" as he ruffled her hair which made his wife snap at him.


Nana was bored to hell as she had nothing to do.She went back up stairs to play but she heard a squeak and turned around to see a tall and handsome young man who banged into the wall with his whole body,she went over to help him as part of the rules of being polite and gentle.her heart skipped a beat when the young man said thanks to she faced him nearer,she stared at his eyes before snapping out of it as he blinked cutely and with that she helped him over to the 3rd living room,on the same floor.


She got some ice from the fridge and told the head chef to get her a cold towels for the she helped the man,he spoke up and said gentle "thank you,i thought no one will help" and he added a pout to that which made her blush."No problem,it's my job to look after my guests"she told him,he was going to tell her something when suddenly a diva-hottie came over and asked the man alot of things and she figured out his name was Minho since the Diva-hottie asked him loads of questions which included his name.


"Key,your embarrassing yourself!" Minho told key,he turned around and blushed while saying "Thanks!"and then whispered to minho "what should i say!?",Nana chuckled lightly but bite her inside cheeks to stop her laughing.Key just kept nudging minho while minho kept screaming at the now not-so-hot-diva who suddenly became oh-im-so-childish-diva,who could have thought of him like that? then another boy came in shorter but not too small.


"YAH! key get your over here now!!"he screamed,Nana detected jelousy inside of her voice,it's a speciality that grows around here.Them a cute looking boy came in as well,limping and sat next to Minho and whispered alot of things while Minho just blushed and shook his head furiously."JONGHYUN!!!!!!!!!!where IS Taemin?!"key roared,"i...dont know..."jonghyun squeaked.key shook his head while key excused himself and jonghyun followed him with everystep key took,onew went as well while saying look after him,which probaly was minho.


"So...minho are you okay now?" she asked AGAIN. he said yes and he stood up trying to walk but failed as he tripped and landed with Nana underdeath him. 5 seconds passed he got up andsaid sorry and sorry to Nana for ages and she said it was okay.They gotton closer through the accident and they slipped out to beach through her secret path way.which is the back gate hidden near the trees and plants.She told Minho all her secrets and about her life since she trusted him for this reason."Are you feeling better?"Nana finally asked. "Yup tot's ,its normal i guess...oh...can i tell you something?"Minho asked.


Nana anticipated for what he had to tell her and it ened up being this...


"IM YOUR SANTA CLAUS BABE!"Minho screamed really,really loudly. Nana was about to ask what it means when suddenly she heard a high pitched scream.'' I WANT MY HYUNGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","oh thats taeminie!"and he rushed of to who knows where.'your my santa claus,ey?' she thought as she followed him to look for taemin,she thanked santa for meeting them...what time was it? The end of christmas...









i couldn't put taemin in it...*sobs* worrie taeminie! i'll write a oneshot staring you,wah~ so many typos...........





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wow this sounds awesome!! the girl sounds similar to my Christmas one shot (not one shot anymore) :P