white coat, red roses and a black rosette

white coat, red roses and a black rosette

You sat on the bench near the fountain. It was cold and the first snow had started to fall. You didn’t think it was a problem, you actually loved the snow and if it wasn’t for the times peopled had looked at you like you were weird for not wearing a coat in cold you would have skipped it. But now you had the white coat he had given you last Christmas.

 This was the third Christmas you would spend together and he had told you he would meet you here half an hour ago.  He wasn’t the kind of guy that would be late. Where the hell is he? He is never late. After 35 minutes you stood up to leave. Then an unknown man came with a red rose with a black rosette. “Just wait a few more minutes, he will come.”  He left you alone again. 

All the other couples that were there a little time ago was now gone and you were all alone. You started to shiver a bit the cold was now a bit too much. You then heard footsteps in the snow and in front of you was a choir. They sang your favorite Christmas song (Little drummer boy). As they started to sing some more unknown people came with one rose each. After a while you had got almost hundreds of them.

After an hour the tears started to roll down on your cheeks. You heard quick steps in the snow and him shout. “Baby I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed make you cry.” You looked up and you started to smile instead. Of course you was a bit mad at him for not being on time, but he had done something beautiful.

He came to you and took you in for a hug. You felt him let go you and he got down on one knee. He took out a small red box. “Baby girl three years is a long time. I planned to ask you last year but didn’t have the courage then.” You saw he was a bit afraid. He was afraid you would say no. “Do you want to marry me?” You couldn’t wait to answer so you answered him quickly. “Don’t start to think I’m not mad at you for letting me wait on you for an hour. I know you had a good reason why you let me. And yes I will marry you.” Instead of the pout you had shown him before you started to talk you now had a smile.  He put the on your finger and took you in for another hug. Then you whisper in his ear. ”Hey dad. We will meet in a few months. ” He broke the hug and looked at you with big eyes. Your smile got even bigger and then he started to smiled to.



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