Jealous Ssul. Secretive Jjung.

He's my Crush

It's been 4 months since f(x) ended their promotion of RPPP. After they finished promoting, it has been hard for the 5 of them to see together especially the actress couple. Sulli, Krystal and Victoria began filming on their respective acting project. Sulli being pirates and Krystal as an heiress while Vic is on her second filming project because the first one has been postpone. Amber busy being MC while Luna.. well, wedding singer isn't bad?


The girls can hardly remember when's the last time they film altogether or perform as a complete group. It's good to have individual project, but to them, being able to perform altogether in a stage where they belong and appreciated and love by fans was all they dream about.




Sulli sighed as she enters the dorm. Her filming just got finished. It's only eight in the evening and there's no way she would crawl on her bed and sleep. After she's done with her food, she quickly opens her laptop and search for the latest update.


"Oh, Soojung's drama is finally ending now?" Sulli thought it’s odd because her girlfriend didn’t tell her about it. Sure, both of them were busy, but that doesn’t mean they would not inform each other’s activity.


“Jjung~ where are you right now?” She asked as soon as the other line answered.


“Just got home Ssul. Wait.” Sulli hears Krystal saying goodbye to an ‘oppa’ and she didn’t like it.


“Seriously Soojung where are you and who are you with?”


“I’m home Jinri. What’s with that tone?”


“Where did you come from?”


“Ahm.. Aren’t you going to film?”


“Jung Soojung. You’re going here to the dorm right now or I’m going to invade your house. I don’t care if your dad is there.” The older girl said in commanding tone which the younger know she can’t disobey.


“Alright. I’ll be there in 20.” Soojung mumbled softly on the phone.




When Soojung arrived at f(x)’s dorm, she can hear the television playing her drama, the last episode of it to be exact. She can feel that tonight won’t be peaceful and she blames herself for that.


She slowly walks to the silent girl who’s watching--- more like staring at the TV and sit beside her.


“Ssul. I brought an ice cream.” The mentioned girl only looked at her then turn her attention on the TV.


Sulli is ignoring her, she expected that but she is also tired. After some minutes of silence, Krystal can’t take it anymore. She needs to rest already because she had a schedule on Rag & Bone Store and she needs to attend the ‘The Heirs’ after party or maybe because she doesn’t want to watch the drama with Sulli right now because she didn’t tell to the older girl her scene with her onscreen boyfriend.


“Jinri, if you don’t have anything to say, then I’m going to the room and sleep.” She stands up but was pulled down again.


“Stay. I am just going to finish this then we talk okay?” 


“Can you not finish it?” Sulli raised her brow and looks at Soojung who’s head down and fiddling her fingers.


“Why not? I haven’t seen you yet in this episode.”


“I.. I—if you’re only looking for me it’s not totally worth it because it’s less than 2 minutes only.”


“Really? Less than two minutes appearance? It must be worth it even though it wasn’t that long. Did you two kiss?”


Sulli was looking at her girlfriend when she asked it. Soojung is tracing a circle through her finger at the table which only means that she lied or she’s hiding something and she knew she just hit the right spot. Sulli sighed. She doesn’t really mind if Krystal and MinHyuk kissed. What she didn’t like is that Krystal kept it to her.


“Who are you with before you came home? Don’t lie.”




“Do I need to ask why or you will tell me?”


“I’ll tell it.” Soojung looked at Sulli with all the sincerity. “We both came from a small talk of the production team. Before we got apart he invited me to eat out. I complied since I’m hungry too then he sends me home after. That’s when you call me.” She then avoided Sulli’s gaze. “And yes, we kissed on this episode. It was just a peck though.”


Just when Soojung finished her explanation, her scene’s already showing and she can’t help but to held her breathing.


“Lee Bona, you’re out. You have to grant my wish.” Chan Young points at his cheeks telling Lee Bona to kiss him. Just when Bona about to kiss him, he turns his head and that makes both of their lips touch each other


“I love Kang Yeseol” Sulli said while she grabs the ice cream. She’s relieved that the kissing scene was only a peck. “Was it only two of you in the dinner?”


“No. We were with Hyungsik, Sooji and Jiwon.”


“Then why did you hide it from me? You know I hate it when you keep things to me.” Sulli said softly


“Promise me you won’t be mad.” Soojung said with a grin on her face because she knows she is already forgiven. When Sulli nodded, Krystal grin wider. “I’ve got a crush on Kang MinHyuk”


“YAH JUNG SOOJUNG!! DO YOU HEAR WHAT YOU’VE JUST SAID?! DOESN’T MEAN I LET YOU PASS ON THAT PECK YOU CAN HAVE A CRUSH ON THAT DRUMMER!!” Sulli yell at top of her lungs when she hears that and she can’t help but to sulk more when Soojung only laugh at her.


“Are you jealous now?” Soojung asked with a mischievous smile. Loving how her girlfriend is getting mad at her teasing but Sulli noticed it and she thinks a proper comeback for that.


“Why would I be if I can kiss you more than just a peck and all throughout your ing y body?” She said with a smirk that got wider when she saw Soojung’s blushing face.


“Then kiss me right now!” and Sulli can’t help but to suppress her laugh when she kissed her cute girlfriend.


“Ugh! I miss your lips baby! More!”


And the couple was restless that night.



not the official plot actually but i fell asleep and when i wake up this is what came up. comments will be highly appreciated . thanks


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Chapter 1: Ohmygod asdhsjkdhjsdsd
Chapter 1: Lol krystal with her tease XD
vousmevoyeznini #3
aigoo jungli hahah. why are you so cute?
Chapter 1: Gawd, this is really cute! I was even held my breath before let out a high-pitched squeal-- KYAAAAA THIS IS SO CUUUTE XD
Chapter 1: Aw~~~ that is so sweet. ^^
Chapter 1: Aigoo JungLi :)))