❝dirty little secrets — edit mode



title ; dirty little secrets
author ; namubburi
genre ; drama, romance, angst, thriller
characters ; idols & chosen applicants
credits ; heavily inspired by pretty little liars and the layout came from here.


well, if it wasn't already painstakingly obvious, this is definitely inspired by the american tv drama pretty little liars. though the main idea of it is the same, hopefully I can still those who have seen it guessing and surprise people with new plot twists and slightly different stories. the plotlines, cheatsheet and application will be released shortly, so stay tuned!
a group of six girls' lives are soon torn into disarray when one of them goes missing during a summer camping trip. the remaining five begin to drift apart from one another until their best friend's body is found just over a year later. the girls reunite at jooah's funeral and are forced to reconnect after they all start to receive mysterious messages from somebody penned as JJ. they begin to worry more and more about the secrets they shared with jooah as JJ threatens to reveal some things only jooah could have known. things that they would do anything to keep secret. just when the five girls don't think their lives could become more confusing, it becomes apparant that jooah's death wasn't an accident. determined to uncover the mystery of jooah's disapperance and murder, all the whilst keeping their secrets safe, they put the bonds of friendship to the test.

o n e ; subscribing is a must
t w o ; there are five plotlines to choose from (I won't be in the story)
t h r e e ; comments will be my motivation so they are always appreciated, but if you're chosen please comment regularly
f o u r ; the cheatsheet will be your best friend, please read it carefully as it will help with the plots too
f i v e ; if you have any questions please ask them
s i x ; ulzzangs for face claims, no idols
s e v e n ; love interests and other relations can be any idol
e i g h t ; please don't plagiarise, it won't be tolerated
n i n e ; those not chosen will most likely have a cameo appearance
t e n ; the deadline is january 25th




❝dirty little secrets — I'm extending the deadline an extra week since some people wanted to still apply. deadline is now 1st of feb!


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Chapter 4: Oh wow, good luck choosing! :)
The deadline already passed. Goodluck at choosing the applicants~
Chapter 4: omg today's the deadline? i'm so happy and nervous! can't wait till you choose the characters and start the story~
good luck on that btw! <3
is it the deadline already? odg.
good luck with choosing the girls! c:
chasingmondays #5
Chapter 3: can't wait till the story starts!
Chapter 4: wow i'm really excited x) fighting then~!
I'm super excited for this fic, even if I'm not applying. I can't wait til you start writing Author-nim. I have high hopes for you ^_^