Dont ask me!

The fire from his hands

She grabbed her natural blonde hair and pulled it into a high pony tale. She wore red skinny jeans with spiked combat boots and a black shirt with random writing on it and a black leather jacket. Guys sent winks her way as the girls sent glares. She walked into the cafeteria and looked around for a second, until she spotted a girl with shirt waby black hair and green and black glass's. Very plain but pretty. She made her way past the tables of girls and dudes. Most importantly the BTS gang. They all looked up and gawked, every. damn. morning. She stopped and turned her head to look at them. She smiled and they smiled back.


"Sup dudes?," She asked turning her gaze to the girl in the back for a quick second and then returning her attention back to them. RapMon looked at her for a second taking a full body up-and-down gaze. She sent him a wink, because she wasn't so crazy about if guys checked her out or not.  He quickly turned away, hoping to have not been caught but knowing full well he had been.


"Depends, what are you doing here so early?," V asked with a bit of flirtyness in his voice, She laughed and smiled once more. She nodded over at the girl in the back.


"Meetin up with Sofi of course, isn't it obvious?," She asked with a tilt of her head. Her hands sat clasped together in a sweet-innocent-girl pose and she pouted her lips a bit. V rolled his eyes in all playfulness.


"If it was would we have asked?," She brought one of her hands to her lips to muffle her giggles.


"Maybe, Well I will see you all soon, Espescially you Joonie," She said with a wink and a skip to her step as she made her way over to the girl. The Very Plain, But Very Pretty girl looked up and smiled as the blonde headed girl sat down and smiled. They began to carry of their conversation from last night, all playfulness gone in their expression. The boys all blinked at RapMon.


"Don't ask me, I have no clue what that was all about," As RapMon threw up his hands in defeate before they would be able to throw questions at him. Sucha weird girl.

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