Thank You

Present For You

Chen took a glance at the quiet couple in front of him.

BaekSoo. Or that is what they called them.

He didn't sad at the couple. But that doesn't mean he happy too.

He just... Hurt..

He don't want to feel it but he can't help.

Christmas.. Happiness... But he didn't feel it at all.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo's relationship is hitting the edge... Chen didn't feel happy or sad.


Because Kyungsoo was hurt make Chen's heart ache hundred times.

"Guys, let's go home now! EXO didn't prepare anything for Christmas yet. Tomorrow is Christmas. Ppalli." Their manager called. Three of them followed their manager.

They arrived EXO's dorm and saw the members was sitting on couch without doing anything.

"Yah! Aren't you guys going to prepare anything for Christmas? Just go and buy something! I will give you guys money." Their manager smile.

Other EXO members jumping happily except Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chen. EXO members settled down and force a smile.

"Okay! Suho, Kris, Luhan and Sehun will buy Chritmas tree. Tao, Lay and Xiumin will buy food and cookies. Kai and Chanyeol will buy decorations. Ah! Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Chen, you guys can buy presents. No worries. Just buy 13 presents because it all from me. And, your individual present you can buy it by yourself right?" Their manager said try to cheer the mood.

"Nde!! Komawo Hyungnim!" Suho said. All of them move to their own duties.

Although they are feeling insecured about Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Chen left alone.

"Kyungiee, which one do you think will suit for the members?" Baekhyun ask Kyungsoo as they are in the souvenir shop.

"Umm. Anything will suits them. I think, headphone for both of Kris and Suho, our Luhan and Sehun would like if we give them bear. Kai and Xiumin we should give them pillow. Tao and Lay, we should give them t-shirt. Chanyeol, we should buy for him new casing handphone as his casing handphone has broken. " Kyungsoo said and smile. Baekhyun turn his gaze towards Chen that is looking at the gift.

"Chen, what do you want for Christmas?"Baekhyun ask. Chen smile sadly.

"Nothing but happiness." Chen muttered. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo speechless. Chen know, he and Kyungsoo will never be together. Although Kyungsoo and Baekhyun argue, they will be fine after a while. Chen know, he wouldn't get Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo's heart will never be his.

"We have done buying our gift for the members, how about you Chen?" Kyungsoo ask.

"I have buy for them too." Chen answered them. Kyungsoo nod and cross the road. Chen and Baekyun wants to cross the road too when suddenly, Baekhyun's beg fall down so he has to pick up the gift. Chen look at Kyungsoo who is crossing the road happily.

"Yah! Be careful!" A person shout at Kyungsoo. Baekhyun and Chen saw it coming.

"KYUNGSOO!!" Both Chen and Baekhyun shout.

Kyungsoo saw the light coming. He close his eyes and wait for the impact. He felt himself flying. His body is aching everywhere. He roam his eyes to find Baekhyun and Chen. But he just saw Chen. He smile weakly before finally close his eyes.


Kyungsoo open his eyes and saw nothing but white. He saw the members sitting on the couch. The HunHan couple was hugging each other while crying. Kris and Suho bit their nails. Kai and Chanyeol's eyes swollen. Tao, Lay and Xiumin has tears stained at their face.

"Baekhyun.." Kyungsoo called weakly. The other EXO members rush towards Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Suho ask. Kyungsoo nod his head.

"Here is hurting.." Kyungsoo said weakly and touch his heart.. He wince when his hand touch something else on top of it.

"Don't move too much. You're just having heart surgery." Luhan said.

"What? What happen?" He ask.

"You accident just now. Hit and run." Chanyeol said.

"Where is Baekhyun? Where is Chen?" Kyungsoo ask as he realise that Chen and Baekhyun wasn't there. EXO look at each other.

"Tomorrow is Christmas.. We have 5 hours to go before Christmas." Tao changed the topic.

"You rest.. Tomorrow, we will celebrate Christmas here. We wants to bring the Christmas tree, cookies and gift here." Xiumin said and force a smile.

"Mianhe I troubled you guys.." Kyungsoo said.

"Never mind. We are brothers after all. Just rest.." Kris said. Kyungsoo nod and close his eyes.


"Hyung, how we want to tell him about Baekhyun and Chen? I just can't. I just can't." Luhan said and cry in Sehun's hug.

"Let's not tell him yet. Let both of them settled it first." Sehun said. Luhan nod.

The Christmas come.. They should be happy... But how?

"Merry Christmas!!!" Luhan said happily. They try to be happy.

"Where is Baekhyun and Chen?" Kyungsoo ask. They stopped eating their cookies.

"Can you take this first?" Sehun hand Kyungsoo a box of gift.

"That was from Baekhyun. There is another gift too. But he will give it by yourself." Sehun said.

"How about Chen? Where is them?" Kyungsoo ask again. In the verge of tears. Luhan can't hold himself so he cried. Chanyeol too. He cried sliently.

The door cracked open. Their manager comes in with someone.

"Baekhyunnie.." Kyungsoo smile weakly. Baekhyun who is sitting on the wheelchair smile too.

"Kyungsoo. My Kyungsoo." Baekhyun said weakly. Their manager bring Baekhyun sit beside Kyungsoo.

EXO members all crying now. They know.. Now they know..

"Where is Chen?" Kyungsoo ask again. Baekhyun look at his lover with sad eyes.



Snow fall on top of their head.

"Chen, thank you so much. You have make a big sacrifice in your life. Thank you.." Kyungsoo whisper. EXO give a smile.

"It have been a year. In this one year, we couldn't get over you. Merry Christmas Chen. Merry Christmas.." Baekhyun said.

Kyungsoo caress the tombstone. It have been a year since Chen left all of them on Christmas. This should be their 2nd year Christmas together. But, Chen didn't even get to give EXO members the gift by himself. But, Kyungsoo was so lucky. Chen left him with a big gift. Life.. Chen gives him a life.. Chen know Kyungsoo's heart will never be his. But, that doesn't mean Chen's heart cannot be Kyungsoo's. They smile weakly..

"We will meet again Chen. Thank you. And I love you Chen. EXO love you so much." Kyungsoo said. EXO walk away from the cemetry.

'I love you guys too..' A familiar voice whisper. They smile..

Because, Chen left them with another words instead of I love you a year ago.

"Please let Kyungsoo and Baekhyun be happy without me. Tell Kyungsoo, I am sorry for not giving him any gift in real world. Because my heart is his gift."


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Chapter 1: Aigooo! Love the story... Chenchen you are a kind guy, you give your heart to the one you love! Altough his heart never be yours. I'm already crying when Kyungsoo only see Jongdae, hiks... ;_;

4kasuna Fu-Chan