The Fight

The Angel On The Christmas Tree

"Hand me some more tinsel Mir." Lee Joon held out his hand, waiting for the maknae to do as he asked.

Mir ran to his hyung, dragging silver tinsel behind him. "Here you go hyung, do you think we are done yet?" Mir watched as Lee Joon wrapped the shiny tinsel on the tree branches, smiling at the tree that was very close to completion. Baubles, candy canes, and lights hung from various branches, creating a sparkle around the tree.

"Almost done. I think we are ready to put the angel on the top now." Lee Joon jumped down from the stool and nodded his head in satisfaction. Mir ran to a box that had a silver and gold angel topper for the tree, holding it carefully as if it was a new born baby. Mir's face soon turned from excitement to confusion as Lee Joon held out his hand for the angel.

"Hyung, it's my turn to put the angel on." Mir took a step back as Lee Joon made an attempt to grab the angel from his hands. "Hyung~ It's my job to put it on~" Mir whined as Lee Joon ignored him and made another attempt to pull the angel away from his hands.

"MIR, GIVE ME THE ANGEL!" Lee Joon dived at the makane, who squealed and ran around the room. "MIR I DID THE TREE, SO I GET TO PUT THE ANGEL ON!" Lee Joon ran across the coffee table and jumped over the sofa, doing a front flip like a ninja. Mir froze in his tracks, just giving him enough time to run into the dining room with his hyung right behind him.

"You put it on last time, so I get to do it this year!" Mir shouted as Lee Joon chased him around the table, doing an act from Tom and Jerry.

"I did the tree, so I get to finish it!" Lee Joon grabbed a handful of hard candies, from the bowl on the table, and threw them at Mir, who sqeauled in pain as the candies hit his bare arms, leaving small red marks.

Mir spun around and grabbed a handful from the same bowl, throwing some back at Lee Joon as he ran around the house. "That hurt your jerk!"

"JERK? HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR HYUNG LIKE THAT!" Lee Joon suddenly got a lot more speed, closing in on Mir until he colided with Mir's bedroom door. He tried to force his way in, but Mir had locked it from the other side. "You'll pay for that you little brat!" Lee Joon ran into the hall, searching for the spare key to Mir's room. Seungho kept one spare to every room just in case they had to get in for an emergency.

Mir panicked, darting around his room in search for a hiding space from his mean hyung. "I'm coming for you Mir! Just give me the angel and we will call it quits ok?" Mir froze in fear as Lee Joon spoke with a menacing tone on the other side of his door. "I got the spare key! You're dead now!"

"You're bluffing!" Mir really hoped he was, but soon found out that he wasn't when the door unlocked from Lee Joon's side.

"Here's JOONIE!" Lee Joon burst into Mir's room, his face fell when he saw that Mir had hidden from him. "Oh Mir~ Come out, come out wherever you are~" Lee Joon looked in the wardrobes, and under the beds, only to find nothing. He sighed for a moment, enough time for him to hear a sudden noise from the right of him. This meant one thing; Mir's personal bathroom. Lee Joon smiled wickedly as he walked into the bathroom, only finding the angel on the floor; Mir had obviously dropped it in a panic. "Oh Mir, so stupid of you. Idiot!" Lee Joon teased as he walked further into the room.

Mir suddenly pulled back the shower curtain, revealing himself stood in the bath to the surprised hyung. A wide smile formed on his face as he aimed the shower hose at Lee Joon, who froze in shock. "I'm no idiot!

"Don't you~" Lee Joon flew onto his back as a strong jet of water crashed into him. "MIR! YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR NOW!" He quickly sat up, spiting out water that had managed to get into his mouth. His hair was dripping, his clothes were soaked, and he was fuming mad now. Mir laughed as he jumped out of the bath, grabbing the slightly damp angel and running into the hall.

Mir breathed slowly as he made his way into the living room, finally getting the chance to place the angel onto the tree and completing his favorite part of the decorating. He couldn't help but to laugh at the thought of his hyung in the bathroom. "Stupid Lee Joon hy~" Before Mir could finish, he was tackled from behind, making him drop the angel in surprise. The angel landed in the middle of the room, only a few feet away from the pair that was fighting to get to it.

"IT'S MY TURN! YOU JUST LOST YOUR RIGHTS TO PUT THE ANGEL ON TOP!" Lee Joon shouted, climbing over Mir and making a run for the decoration.

"NO, IT'S MY TURN THIS YEAR!" Mir grabbed hold of Lee Joon's pants, pulling them down in a quick motion. Lee Joon squealed in shock and grabbed hold of his pants, trying to pull them up as quickly as he could. Mir quickly jumped to his feet and ran to the angel, only to be stopped by a pillow that sent him falling into the Christmas tree, causing the makane and tree to fall down in a heap. Baubles smashed everywhere, and lights flickered on and off.

"OH MY GOSH! LEE JOON, YOU COULD HAVE HURT MIR!" G.O shouted as he ran into the living room, trying to push the tree off the makane, who was now crying in shock. Seungho and Thunder soon appeared in the room, dropping their bags full of shopping at the sight of Mir under the collapsed tree.

"LEE JOON, WHAT HAPPENED? YOU BETTER EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!" Seungho stormed over the the guilty idol and grabbed him by the collar, giving him his famous serious glare, mixed in with a "you're freaking dead" look.

"I... It was an accident, M-Mir just kinda... fell into the tree..." Lee Joon tried to pull away from the leader, but Seungho shook him in anger.

"HE KINDA FELL INTO THE TREE? DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT?" Seungho shouted, making everyone go quiet.

"Should we take Mir to the hospital?" Thunder asked, tears running down his cheek in worry. Lee Joon looked at Mir, who was being pulled out from the tree by G.O, he felt really bad about what he'd done. He didn't mean to almost kill his young friend, it just kinda happened...

"I'm ok hyung." Mir wiped his eyes, calming down as G.O hugged him, mothering him and making sure he was ok. "Lee Joon wouldn't let me put the angel on the tree, so he attacked me." Mir pouted, folding his arms at the guilty singer, who was still in Seungho's grip.

"I ATTACKED YOU? YOU SOAKED ME IN THE BATHROOM!" Lee Joon shouted, pulling away from the leader's grip.

G.O looked at Mir, who blushed pink from guilt. "Is that why Lee Joon is soaking wet Mir?" Mir nodded, causing G.O to get up and fold his arms in anger.

"Did you think I just decided to take a shower fully~"

"You're in trouble too, so I suggest you shut up and start explaining!" Seungho shouted, hitting Lee Joon in the back of his head.

G.O quickly ran to his hyung, pulling his hand down to stop him from striking Lee Joon again, even though he did deserve it. "Let's just be thankful that Mir is ok! It's not like major damage was~" The lights suddenly went off, and the house lost its power, followed by drips of water falling from the ceiling. "Oh please don't tell me you guys flooded the bathroom too..."

Mir's eyes widened, remembering he didn't turn the shower head off after soaking his hyung. "What? No ,we would never~" The ceiling suddenly ripped, creating a huge hole to allow at least 20 gallons of water to fall though, soaking Seungho and G.O in the process.

"A-At least the angel is ok..." Lee Joon commented, at which point the portrait of the band that was on the wall, fell from it's hold. The five idols stood still, looking at the picture that had completely smashed the angel to bits.

"T-The angel! Rain hyung gave us that... And you just destroyed it!" Thunder shouted, as tears fell down his face. "YOU RUINED THE TREE, THE DORM, AND THE ANGEL!"

Lee Joon and Mir looked down in guilt, hoping that it was all a very bad dream, but there was no such luck.

"Are we in trouble?" Lee Joon asked, regretting asking a stupid question straight after.

"Oh Yes..."

"Are you going to ground us hyung?"

"No Mir..."

Lee Joon and Mir looked up at the hyungs with smiles on their faces, but they soon fell as they saw how serious the three looked.

Seungho stepped forward, folding his arms. "What you've done is worth more than a grounding. Look forward to your punishment later..."

To Be Continued...

Sorry it's late! I hope you liked it!

It's now 1:25 in the morning, so be thankful for me doing this! XD

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kakashilover #1
Chapter 1: hahaha i like it ,and iam excited to know how seungho appa will punish them,and iam sure g.o umma will try to calm the angry appa ke ke ke
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 1: Ohh haha~~ XDDD I wonder what their punishment will be... >_< But after all they did wreck the entire dorm! And is Rain gonna come out? ^o^
Chapter 1: I can't wait for the next update. Lol Lee Joon is all wet now.
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 1: OMO! I TOLD You Thunder would cry! I loved it! Good Job Sweetie! OMO! I wonder if Rain hyung will make an appearance.....They ARE his babies...
ozwalkr #5
This is gonna be SOO GOOOD!!! G.O. is gonna have a meltdown, Seungho is gonna have THAT LOOK, and Cheondong is just gonna cry. Loving it already chingua!!