Chapter 1- Beginnings

I'm Obviously Not A Boy

 “Myungsoo! It's time to wake up!” my oldest sister called from downstairs. I completely ignored her because well, I love sleep too much. I buried my head underneath the blanket and started to doze off a little more. I was so close to going back to sleep when,


“HEY YOU LITTLE ER, DIDN'T I SAY TO WAKE UP ALREADY? YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!” And that's how my morning usually is. I take a big sigh and get up from my oh so comfy bed. I walked into the bathroom, and the shower. One of my favourite things beside sleeping is taking nice hot showers. If I do both at the same time, I'll be in absolute heaven.


I stayed in there for about a good 5 minutes. I turned off the water, wrapped a towel around my waist and walked around the room. Hmm what should I wear today? I opened up my closet and a full set of black clothing appeared right before my eyes. I just love the colour black, it's so mysterious! Once I chose my outfit and made sure my hair was okay I walked downstairs to meet my two sisters and brother.


Jessica's the oldest at 24 years old. Our parents died when I was very young so she takes the role of the “mother”. Even though we fight a lot, I know she truly cares for me and loves me, and I love her too.


Kris is 19, the second oldest , so he takes on the role of the “father”. He recently got accepted into university however, so I barely get to see him anymore. It's okay though because I still love him.


Krystal is the third oldest since she's 17, but she has a MAJOR attitude problem. She'll only do things if either it involves hot boys or she'll get money out of it. Even though she can be a , like Jessica she cares and loves us all. She just hates showing it.


And finally me, Kim Myungsoo, age 16. I'm the youngest in the family. I would say that i'm pretty average. I get good grades, i'm decent looking and i'm fairly athletic. There's one thing that sets me apart from most boys my age though. I'm gay so that means that I like boys and not gross girls. The only people that know about it is my best friend Woohyun and my family. Even though people are starting to accept homouality, I already know that if I come out of the closet to everyone, i'll get made fun of. So I think staying in my cozy closet will do me some good for while.


Jessica was currently in a fight trying to make Krystal eat her breakfast. Kris was nowhere to be seen so I guess i'll assume that he's on campus right now.


“C'mon Krystal don't be a brat! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”


“Ew can you like not. I'll get fat if I like touch those like disgusting looking pancakes. They are so not my fave” Krystal turned around and made sure to whp her fair into Jessica's face, which clearly ticked my oldest sister off.



“Can you not” was all she got in reply.


Like I said, typical morning.


I walked into my classroom and saw Woohyun. He saw me and gave me one of his famous grins.


“Hey Soo!” he waved.


“Hey Woo!” I waved back. I sat in my seat at the back of the classroom beside Woohyun. Once I got out my books, I started looking for 'him'. Who's 'him' you wonder? Well let me tell you.


Lee Sungyeol. He is the most beautiful creation on this earth. His facial features must have been chisled from God himself. He's also Captain of the football team, president of student council, and ranked # 1 in marks out of the WHOLE entire school! Isn't that amazing? Wow my husband really is amazing. Or soon to be husband anyway hehe..


And then it happened. He walked right in. I couldn't peel my eyes away from him no matter how hard I tried (which wasn't hard at all). This boy is the embodiment of the purest perfection. When walked in a bunch of girls went like “Omo Yeollie-oppa you look so hot today!” “Yeollie-oppa, you're absolutely dashing!” “Yeollie-oppa, marry me!”


Stupid es. I'll kill every single last one of them if they get in the way of me and MY future husband.


“Ooh lala deep in thought are we? Thinking about someone? Someone named.. Sungyeol?” he winked and teased. Woohyun's the only one who knows about my feelings towards Sungyeol, besides my family.


“You shut up you greaseball, I saw you staring at Gayoon's ”


He chuckled a bit “Well what can I say, she has a nice rack”


I smacked him across the head “Ew you ert”


“I have many words to describe me, handsome, dashing, princley-”


“Greaseball, sleazy and erted?” I finished off for me. And that remark resulted in me getting playfully punched. He changed the subject.


“Anyway, when are you gonna confess to Sungyeol?”


“Not anytime soon, I'm not good enough for him. He'll obviously reject me..” I replied sadly


“C'mon Myung, don't be like that! You'll never know unless you try!” Woohyun said cheerfully attempting to cheer me up. It wasn't working though.


“No I already know for a fact that he's going to reject me.”


“Oh shut up. What makes you so sure?” I looked at Woohyun and pointed at my crotch. Tears started to form in my eyes.

“It's because I was born with a !” I said with tears running down my face. “I hate that I was born a boy! If I was a girl, maybe I would have a chance with Sungyeol but nope my genes decided to be an and make me a boy.”


“Myung, don't say that!” he grabbed a tissue and used it to wipe off my tears. “Listen, how do you know that he's straight?”


I looked at over Sungyeol. He was sitting at his desk with girls fawning over him. He had a distracted look on his face though.


“Look at him Woo, he's surrounded by girls” I stated.


“But look Myung, does it look like he's interested in any of them?” Woo asked me. Sungyeol does look like he's not interested..




“PERFECT!” Woohyun shouted. A bunch of classmates looked over at us with weird looks.


I bowed. “Sorry about that guys, Woohyun's a freak sometimes.” And my classmates shrugged and looked away. “Quiet down will ya?”


“Oh shut up, just confess to Sungyeol already”




He raised his hand as a signal for me to shut up. “He's not interested in any of the girls fawning over him, so he must be gay!”.


“You can be so stupid sometimes” I sighed.


“You love me though” he made a heart with his hands and grinned at me. I laughed


“Yeah whatever”


“So are you gonna confess to him then?” he asked me. With that tone of voice it wasn't a question. It was an order. I felt some insecurites wrap around me.


“But what if he rejects me?” I asked with insecurity around my voice.


“Then me and your family will beat the ing out of him. Sica, Kris and Krystal are known for looking scary anyway.” he said with a smile. I laughed at that.


“HAHA! Sadly that's true” I replied.


“Hey that goes for you too” he winked at me.





For the rest of the morning I couldn't help but feel anxious. I was going to do it. I was going to confess to Sungyeol. I kept staring at the clock until both hands hit 12. The bell rang and I rushed out of class as fast as I could without waiting for Woohyun. I ran to our shared locker and put away all my stuff. With a deep breath, I started to walk towards the cafeteria while I gave myself a pep talk.


“C'mon Myungsoo, you can do this. He wasn't even paying attention to those girls that were drooling over him. Those ing es, getting their stupid DNA all over my Sungyeol. No focus on Sungyeol, Myungsoo not those es. Oh but how am I supposed to confess? 'Umm hi Sungyeol, I really like you and will you marry me?' OH NO, i'm not proposing to him, we haven't even gone that far yet. Oh no what will I do”


I was too focused on my pep talk that I didn't realize I was about to bump into somebody. By the time I caught on, it was already too late. I walked right into the devil himself.


“Oof” I fell onto the floor on my . I looked up and my heart stopped beating.


“Hey, are you alright?” Sungyeol asked me. He held out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed it (and oh my god, I swear it was a perfect fit) and he pulled me up. Oh what a gentleman.


“You should watch out where you're going, it's a good thing you didn't get hurt.” he said. I tried to speak but my voice wouldn't come out. I was too busy (silently) fanboying at the fact that my biggest crush is actually talking to me. “Hey aren't you gonna say something?”


It was now or never. “Hi Sungyeol! I'm Kim Myungsoo from your class. I hope you know who I am but you obviously don't since you're so high and princley and i'm so low and peasanty but whatever right, it's not like we live in the 18th century where social status is the only thing that matters but like I don't know how to say this, but you're so awesome and like you have amazing sense of fashion and you throw balls really well like the only reason why I go to the football games is to stare at you”


“Well thanks, I think”.. he said to me. that came out wrong.


“I MEAN not stare at you, but stare at your balls!”i corrected






“Excuse me?” he started to walk backwards away from me. CRAP, this is my only chance,


“NO I MEAN FOOTBALLS!!” I screamed


“Uhh.. okay.. well I have to go so see ya-” he turned around and started to speed walk towards to caf. NO, I have to do this now!


“NO WAIT!” I yelled as I started run after him. I jumped up and tackled him. We both went flying until we fit the ground.




“NO LISTEN” I cut him off. “I know this might sound weird, but to say it plain and simple, I have really strong feelings towards you and I would love nothing more for you to give me a chance. You're so attractive, and so smart too! You play football so gracefully yet you're able to be president of student council. That's amazing and I think you're perfect. Will you go out with me?” I looked at him with pure desperation in my eyes. I never realized how much I wanted this until now. He looked at me with a blank expression in his eyes. He opened his mouth.


“Myungsoo..” Sungyeol started.


“Yes?” I replied to him.


“Get off of me”. I realized that I was pinning him to the floor. Suddenly I got really embarassed. I immedietly got up and I offered my hand to him. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. I looked up at him and waited for his answer. He sighed. Uh oh..


“Listen Myungsoo, I think it's sweet that you have feelings for me” he started off. Okay so far so good.


“But I like girls.” he ended. “Sorry” and he turned around and walked away. Before I knew it I felt tears run down my cheeks. I heard laughters all around me. It seems like a lot of people were paying attention to my confession.


“What an idiot” one snotty girl said.


“Yeah I like know right, he's so stupid.” another replied to the first.


“He should have known that Yeollie-oppa is 100% straight” a third one joined in.


“HEY , YOU WANT ME TO GET A UNICORN TO DRY YOUR TEARS OFF FOR YOU?” one of the beefy guys yelled out.






“You're so ugly!”


“What's wrong with you? Liking the same gender?”


“You never stood a chance!”


They're right.. I never stood a chance. How could I have been so stupid. I'm just a and i'm pretty ugly too. Even if I was girl, Sungyeol would have never given me a chance because of my ugliness. I hate everything. I stood up and faced everyone.


“YOU CAN ALL YOURSELVES.” and with that statement I ran out of the school.



“Myungsoo, open the door.” It was Jessica outside the door of my bedroom. When I ran in the door , she saw that I was a sobbing mess. She tried to ask me what was wrong, but I ignored her and ran straight into my room and locked the door.


“Go away!” I yelled at her. “I hate everything. And everything and everybody hates me. Especially Sungyeol”


“C'mon don't say that. I don't hate you!” she told me.


“That's one person” I said.


“Neither do I!” a second voice popped up.


“Woohyun?” I asked the voice.


“How could I hate you? You're my bestfriend!” Woohyun said outside the door.


“I don't hate you either bud, you're my brother.” a third voice said.


“Kris?” I asked.


“Who else buddy?” Kris chuckled. I laughed too.


“Hmm I don't know, Krystal sounds like a man when she wakes up you know” I joked. Everyone outside my door bursted into laugher.




“Love you too sis”


“Myungsoo” It was Jessica this time. “Woohyun told us what happened at school today. Even if the whole school hate you, it's for a stupid reason. Why hate somebody for the gender they love? That's bull. We love you for the way you are. Please remember that. The kids at school shouldn't matter because they're unrelavant. What matters is that WE, Woohyun, Kris, Krystal and myself love you for who you are. We always have and always will accept you, whether you love a boy or a girl.”


That speech that my sister gave me filled me up with happiness and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. I ran towards my door and unlocked it. I opened it and looked at everyone. Jessica was right, those people at school shouldn't matter because I have all I need right here. These people love me and I know that they always will.


“Come here guys” and all of them except for Krystal ran up to me and grabbed me into a group hug. “C'mon Krystal get in here!”


Krystal looked at us with a disgusted look on her face. “Umm ew? Hello germs? You're all filthy.

She really can be a brat sometimes. I smirked.


“GROUP HUG ON KRYSTAL!” I yelled out. She screamed as we all ran towards her.





We were all sitting around the dining table except for Krystal. She was in the bathroom taking a shower because she wanted to get rid of all the “germs” we gave her. Jessica cooked up some korean beef. We invited Woohyun to stay for dinner and he gladly did. I couldn't help but sonder something though

“Hey Sica, what am I gonna do now? If I go back to school then i'm obviously gonna get ripped on” I asked my eldest sister.


Jessica looked stumbled. “That's true, and I don't want you to go through that horrible ordeal again.” She looked at everyone at the dining table. “Any suggestions?”


Kris spoke up “I have my old pistol in the back of my closet..” Jessica slapped him.


“We are NOT commiting a school massacre you idiot. And what are you doing with that thing? Didn't I take it away after you threatened poor Suho and his friends with it?”


“C'mon sis! They started it! They were saying all this bull like 'The letter K is better than the letter M' when clearly, the letter M is better than the K” he said to Jessica.


“Personally I like the letter E” I said.


“I like X!” Woohyun said after.


“And O is my personal favourite, but that is not the point! I'm taking away that gun, I don't trust you at all with it.” Jessica stated


“But Jess!” Kris whined.


“End of discussion!” Man Jessica can get really scary sometimes. Kris pouted and crossed his arms.


“Fine” he surrendered.


“Good!” Jessica said happily. “Now we need to figure out a solution to Myungsoo's problem. I don't want him to get bullied.”


“I can beat up all the people who make fun of him” Woohyun suggested.


“I don't want you to get involved Woo, your social status could fall apart and you'll get made fun of too” I told him. I hit me in the back of my head.


“C'mon Myung, you're my BESTFRIEND. all of them, I would do anything for you even if it means that i'll get made fun of too.”


“Awh Woo! You're the absolute best!” I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back. Even though he can be a total greaseball, Woohyun is an extremely loyal friend to me and I love him a lot.


“Anything for you Myung”


“Thank you Woohyun for looking out for my brother, but I don't like that idea.” said Jessica.


“Huh why not?” I asked her.


“I don't want you to be bullied at all. Even if Woohyun sticks up for you, it doesn't matter because you'll hear those insults and they'll stay with you. It'll rip you apart Myungsoo and I don't want that to happen to my little brother”


“What do you have in mind then?” asked Kris.


“I was thinking maybe we could transfer Myungsoo to a different school.” Jessica stated. WHAT? IS MY SISTER CRAZY.


I shot up from my seat and banged my hands to the table. “NO I REFUSE!” I yelled out.


“Myungsoo! Why?” Jessica asked me.


“Because that means I won't be able to see Sungyeol anymore!” I answered. Shock appeared on Woohyun and Kris's faces. But Jessica's face wore this scary look that sent shivers down my neck.




“YES I DO!” I yelled back. She pinched the bridge of her nose and counted to ten. She seemed like calmed down a bit.


“Myungsoo.. why?” she asked again. I took a deep breath.


“Honestly Sica.. I don't know why I fell in love with him, Maybe it's because he's the most perfect boy I have ever laid my eyes on. Have you seen his face? There's nobody pn this earth as good looking as him. Sica, he's also ranked #1 for academics at school! He has both the face and the brain. And not only that but he's the captain of the football team. He's so very athletic! And he's the student council president so he makes sure that school is actually a fun place! Everyone loves him Jessica! I love him. And I refuse to live without him in my life. Even though he probably hates my guts now, I won't leave him. I'll die without him!


I looked at Jessica and for once in my life, she had a speechless look on her face. She kept shut for a good 5 minutes. 5 minutes of awkward silence until finally, she spoke up.


“Your feelings for Sungyeol are really strong aren't they?” Jessica asked me. I nodded.


“Yes. I know it sounds stupid, but I need him in my life.” I responded.


“But what else can we do? We need to figure something out or else you're going to be the target of bullying for who knows how long” she worriedly told me.


“We'll think of something sis, don't worry” Kris told Jessica.


“But-” Jessica started but was cut off but a certain obnoxious girl.


“GUYS I HAVE LIKE IMPORTANT NEWS!!!!!” Krystal screeched. We all convered out ears. Her screech is like fingernails agaisnt the chalkboard.


“Ow my poor ears..” Woohyun muttered in pain.


“What is it Krystal?” I asked her. She looked at me with a big smile on her face.


“SULLI'S TAKING OVER THE POSITION OF STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT! That means she's making me VICE PRESIDENT! Do you know what that means? It means that boys will notice me more! HOORAY!”.


Sulli is Krystal's bestfriend. They've known eachother ever since Krystal got sent down to the office for giving the teacher attitude when they were in elementary. Sulli was sent down to the office as well of the exact same reason and they ended up bonding with eachother. Who knew pretty faces could have such attitude problems? I suddenly realized something


“Wait a minute” I said “Isn't Sungyeol the student council president? Why is Sulli taking over his position?”


“Oh Sungyeol's transferring to a new school because apparenly he was 'assaulted' by some kid in his class today at lunch” I felt my blood go cold.


“Oh haha..” I laughed nervously hopinh she wouldn't catch on that it was me. So Sungyepl is transferring schools because of me.. Wow i'm a really bad person aren't I? I just wanted to tell him my feelings for him..


“But why is Sulli taking over for Sungyeol?” Woohyun asked Krystal.


“Good question, I was wondering that too” I added on.


“Because Sulli is Sungyeol's older sister, duh.”


“SULLI AND SUNGYEOL ARE RELATED?” I was beyond shocked. All this time when Krystal went over to Sulli's house for sleepovers, was also going to Sungyeol's house. Aish stupid Myungsoo! Pabo.


“Shush, you're going to give me a head ache.” Krystal snapped.


“But what about the football team?”


“They're probably gonna replace Sungyeol with GD” Woohyun answered. “He's 2nd best.”


“Oh CL's gonna be happy about that, she's always wanted her boyfriend to come off as the best player on the team.” I said


Woohyun plugged his nose so his voice would sound nasally. “I am the best so of course my boyfriend has to be the best too. He is dating the baddest female after all.” mimicked Woohyun trying to impersonate CL. We all bursted into laughter.


“Oh that was beautiful. Anyway, Krystal! What school is Sungyeol going to?” I asked her.


“Sulli told me he's going to Woolim High”. I started to formulate a plan in my head.


“Hey Sica, I think I wanna transfer schools after all!”


Jessica facepalmed herself and started to shake her head. “Fine, i'll call the school and see if you'll be able to start school as soon as possible.”


“Wait! Before you do I have a plan!”


“What is it?” Kris asked. I took a deep breath.


“I want to enroll as a girl.” For the second time that night, all of them had shock on their faces.


“W-why?” stuttered Woohyun.


“I want Sungyeol to fall in love with me, but he told me that he only likes girls! So i'll dress up as a girl, i'll flirt with him and show him my charms-”


“What charms” interupted Krystal. I shot her a glare and she rolled her eyes.


“I'll show him my MANY charms, and he'll fall in love with me!” I finished off. None of them looked convinced. “Oh c'mon! What could go wrong?”


“What if he finds out that you're a boy? And not just a boy, the same boy that made him transfer in the first place?” Jessica questioned. “What then? Don't you think that it's social suicide?”


I thought about it. If I do go through with this there's that chance that he'll find out my true idenity. Who knows what'll happen. He'll absoultely hate me forever! Oh but I want him sosososo bad! What to do what to do.. I thought it over for a few more minutes.


I cleared my though and opened my mouth “I don't care. If it even has the slightest chance of Sungyeol returning my feelings, it's worth it.”


“If he really wants to do it, let him. Even though he's 16, I think he's able to make his own decisions knowing the consequences.” Kris spoke up.


“I'm with Myungsoo all the way!” Woohyun said next.


“Whatever” muttered Krystal. Jessica played with her fingers for a bit, obviously thinking things over.


“Jessica, I know you care about my well being, but please let me!” I pleaded. She looked at me and sighed.


“Fine. I'll call the school and get things sorted out.” She got out her phone and walked out of the room. I was beaming with excitement. I could potientially get Sungyeol to love me! I was too busy being happy to see that something was still off. I looked over at Krystal who has an evil grin on her face.


“Hey Krystal.. what's with that look?” I asked with fear.


“Don't you see Myungsoo? You look nothing like a girl right now.” Then I figured it out. I gulped.


“Uh oh..”


“It's makeover time” she cackled evily as she grabbed me and brought me up to her room. I looked over at Kris and Woohyun. They both as sympathetic looks on their faces.


Woohyun mouthed the words 'Good Luck' to me.





“That's what you get for giving me germs.”



After what seemed like an eternity, Krystal finally finshed with my make-up, clothes and wig.


“Wow Myungsoo, you look good for once!” Krystal beemed, impressed with her handiwork. I walked to her wall mirror and damn I was stunned.


“Wow Krystal.. I look ing pretty!” I exclaimed. And I meant it. Not only did I look like a girl, but I looked hot.


“Well duh, you think I did all that to make you ugly?” she sarcastically asked. “You look almost as pretty as me!”


“Gee thanks”


“Don't worry, you look much prettier than Sica”.


Suddenly there were knocks on Krystals door.


“Hey Krystal!” it was Kris. “Can we come in now? I wanna see my new sister!”


“Come in you idiot, the door isn't locked” she replied. The door opened and Kris was the first to walk in.


“Hey how does he l-” he stopped midway through his sentence. He opened his mouth to a gap. “Holy . Krystal, you really outdid yourself..”


Woohyun ran in “Hey I wanna see!” He looked at me also and his mouth opened to a gap too. But this time he started to run his eyes all over me. “Oh my god.. Myung, you look so able!”. I blushed at his remark.


“Hey that's my little sister- er brother you're talking about!” Kris said as he poked Woohyun in the chest.


“Seriously though, Myungsoo! You could fool anyone, you look exacltly like a girl. And not just a girl, a ing HOT girl!” Woohyun exclaimed. Kris poked him again and glared. Woohyun looked back with a sheepish look on his face.


Jessica walked in the room holding her phone to her ear. “Hey guys, the headmaster of Woolim High needs to-” she opened agap like Kris and Woohyun did. “She spoke into her phone, excuse me a minute please” she convered the transmitter and glared at me.


“YAH KIM MYUNGSOO, WHY THE DO YOU LOOK PRETTIER THAN ME??” she ran over and grabbed my wig. Luckily since it was a wig I didn't feel anything.


“Calm down sis” Kris grabbed her and pulled her away. She shrugged Kris off of her and looked at me.


“Sorry about that I don't know what came over me. Anyway, the principle needs to know your name.” she told me.


“Don't tell me you forgot my name Sica!” I shook my head.


“No you idiot, you can't enroll under 'Kim Myungsoo'. It would give away your identity plus you're enrolling as a GIRL. We have to think of a different name for you to enroll under.


I thought about it. My sister was right, I can't go under Myungsoo. If Sungyeol found out he would run away from me again and I can't let that happen.


“Any thoughts on a name?” Jessica asked me. I thought for a bit,


“Elle. Kim Elle” I said. I like that name. “Elle.”


“Alright, i'll tell the headmaster that. You might wanna get some rest, your firstday starts tomorrow morning.” she informed me. She walked out of the room and started talking to the headmaster again.


Wow this is all going to fast. Tomorrow I won't be Kim Myungsoo, but Kim Elle. Tomorrow is the day where i'll get Lee Sungyeol to fall in love with me. He will and i'll make sure he does. This time i'm a girl, the gender he likes. If i'm careful, absolutely nothing can go wrong.


I was originally gonna make this a oneshot, but whatever. This is gonna be my first chaptered story and i can't want to see how it evolves.
I have the main plot in my head, but how i'm gonna portray is the hard part.

Anyway, comment, suscribe or whatever you want to do. It means alot :*

Thanks friends :*

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Wow, Sungyeol is so shallow. I hope he completely falls for Myungsoo and then Myung punishes him before they get together! Update soon~
crossing_by #2
Chapter 2: i don't know why
but this is the first time i wish myungyeol not happening
even though myungsoo already tried his almighty
but sungyeol fall in love because myungsoo dress as a girl? thats just lame
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 2: this is so cute the story is funny
deliciousyou #4
Chapter 2: So far, this story is funny. I'm anticipating your updates :)
Hey you, lol. Looking forward to more updates for this story, the concept is very interesting. C:
Cassiopeia501 #6
Chapter 1: this is amazing omg golden work right here im hooked with the first chapter
Chapter 1: kim elle.elle means pretty right??:D i like your story very much cause the only one err two gay(s) here are myungyeol.cant wait for the next chapt.fighting authornim^,^P
Chapter 1: Oh my God,, I really love this story...
Good luck, Myung, er, Elle to capture Yeollie's heart...
make sure to make him yours, ok..
Chapter 1: LOL!!
I love this, this one of those stories where I just get the feeling it's going be G.O.O.D!!!!
Chapter 1: kekekekekekeke!!!! lols....yeolie changed school becos he got harassed by myung....buhhahahahha.....I chocked while laughing....This just DAMN funny...