Low Blow

Rap Game

"Minho with ya frog looking , get the hell out of my face." Kris shouted.

Every year like clockwork the SM rap line always got into some type beef. Not that it was about anything since none of them could actually rap yet here they were. This years argument like last year's was who was the best rapper in the game. And like always it started off as a fun conversation and then escalated. The only real difference this year is that they brought in two more lame rappers, Jay Park and Dok2, to judge the rap battle.

"You just mad that my flow is iller than yours." Minho said smugly."Or have you forgotten your rap in The Star. Drop the sheets and crank the base right." Everybody laughed. "That rap was wack as tho." Jay said in between laughs.

"Why is Jay even here?" Kris asked."Do you remember Fresh Air Breath It or..."

Jay stopped laughing, "I've grown from that bruh stop bringing up old ."

"Settle down now guys." Chanyeol interceded.

"Shut your big eared up Chanyeol; can probably hear the sun rise." Kris clapped back. 

"Well at least I ain't the corniest nigga in Kpop" Shots were fired and unlike 50, Kris was not coming back. "Damn bruh." Dok2 was still laughing.

"Do you hear that?" Kris cupped his ear, "It sounds like your hairline's calling for you."  The entire room went silent. "That was a low blow Kris. You know how sensitive Dok2 is over his hairline." Minho said.

"Yea man that's ed up." Jay agreed.

And with that being said, the beef was over; well until next year.

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Chapter 1: "Shut your big eared up Chanyeol; can probably hear the sun rise."
I'm done I swear.
Chapter 1: Shots were fired and unlike 50, Kris was not coming back.
B r u h.....
Baebaegopa #3
Chapter 1: Your big ears can probably hear the sunrise im weaaakkkk
Chapter 1: My chest hurts from laughing too much!
EsYaYa #5
Lurkerderp #6
Chapter 1: I can't breathe line omgggg
Your stories are the flipping best!!