Chapter 2: The Shoot

Rollercoaster of Love



I was woken up by the loud ringing of the alarm clock at 5:00 in the morning. I was always awake at this time for a run. It makes me feel rejuvenated. Running. Getting to the next block. Forgetting everything else. And plus, exercising is a must in this industry. Two birds with one stone, you can’t complain, right?


I put on a green hoodie with grey Capri sweatpants along with a black sports bra underneath it. I grab my iPhone and my earphones and press play.


I ran and ran until I saw two figures in front of me. It was Choi Siwon-ssi and Choi Seunghyun-ssi. These two seem to be always together. So I bowed my head while I pass them.


“Oh, Han Chaerim-ssi, right?” He said while I nodded my head. “How about we take a break?” He suggested. While he and I stopped, Seunghyun just kept on running and left.


“Anything wrong with him?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about it,” He replied. “He just doesn’t like you I guess,” he chuckled.

“Really?” I asked.

“He doesn’t really like girls. Let’s just say it’s like that,” He reassured.

“What? He’s g…?” I said with a shocked expression.

“No…no…no… Ever since, he broke up with Im Nana, he just didn’t wanna deal with girls anymore,” he answered. “And what the heck’s wrong with liking guys huh?” he said defensively.

“Nothing. I was just asking,” I replied.


Then we stood up and raced back to the House.

Near the door, there he was once again, Choi Seunghyun. If he didn’t have such a rotten personality, he would’ve been such a great guy. I mean, look at those eyes and that stature… What the heck, am I thinking?... Am I really admiring this guy?


“What are you staring at?” he yelled from afar.

“Me?” Pointing to myself, eyes widened. He walked closer and closer.

“Why were you looking at me, huh? Didn’t I tell you to stay away from me? What were you doing following us this morning?” He complained.

“What are you babbling about?” I complained back. “I was just enjoying a morning run.”

“Whatever. Just stay away from me,” he argued.


I walked back in my dorm room and there, Sandara Unnie has just finished showering.

“Oh, unnie, sorry,” I apologized as she was only wearing a towel across her body.

“Come on. We’re both ladies here,” she said. “Just don’t complain if I walk in on you,” she laughed.

I laughed as well.

“Your schedule’s on the table by the way.” She said.

“Oh?” while I grabbed a brown envelope on the table. I have a portfolio photoshoot at 9 and a go-see at 4. Somehow, I felt pumped. It was my first day.


  • 9 AM –

I ran to my shoot with 5-inch red heels on, skinny jeans and a white tank top. While greeting the staff, I saw a familiar face. His smile that goes from ear-to-ear and those straight pearly white teeth is just very memorable.

“Chaerim-ah!” He jumped with a joyous tone.

“Annyounghaseyo,” I greeted while bowing. “Please take care of me.”

“Kekeke,” he snickered.


While putting on make-up, the photographer walked in, while all the makeup artists unnies and hair stylists unnies and everyone else in there walked out automatically.

“Do I… walk out too?” I asked.

“No. You stay,” He said in a very commanding voice and a straight facial expression.

I was standing next to the mirror as close to the table when he walked up to me closely. Real close. So close that I can feel his breath and smell his fragrant scent. His face was more beautiful close up. His skin was just flawless. He could’ve been a model if he wanted to.

“wh…what are you doing right now?” I stuttered. He then touched my bare shoulder due to an off-the-shoulder outfit for the shoot.

“WHA…WHAT..AR…ARE…Y..YOU..DOING?” I stuttered even more. Loudly, this time.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it,” with a smile on his face like a troublemaker. My eyes widened as his face got closer to my neck. I pushed him off. He laughed.

“Why are you laughing, you pyuntae!?” I screamed.

He laughed. “I was just getting my bracelet on the table.”

I looked behind me. And indeed, his bracelet was there. Embarassed, I handed him his bracelet. “Mianhaeyo,” I replied.

“Gwenchanah,” he said with that smile again. “Now it won’t have to be awkward anymore, right?”

Yeah. Somehow I felt comfortable with him now.

The shoot effortlessly finished that day.


Now I only had the go-see to worry about. A go-see is like an audition in the modeling world. You go to different places to find a client that would hire you. Along with the schedule, they gave me addresses to go to of where I can audition. I had three places to go to. But since I’m new to Seoul… it’d be hard to travel without knowing the twists and turns of it.

So I tried finding help and called people. Dara unnie was busy practicing for a “UGLY” performance. Jaehwa was doing an interview. I asked myself whom else I can ask for help and thought of Choi Siwon.


So I ran to the dance studio, I peeked in through the door…checking if they were busy in there. I was taken aback as I saw two guys kissing… one was Choi Siwon, for sure. While the other, I couldn’t make his face since his back was turned back to me while wearing a hoodie. I was shocked. No… not because I saw two guys kissing… but because there was a possibility that it was Choi Seunghyun.


To be continued…


Please comment and tell me what I can do to write better. I appreciate your thoughts. kekeke.

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aww, i hope this could turn into a chaerim and hankyung fic! <3