
Paradise - Hoya

The dark room enveloped you as your fingers fiddled around in the dark to plug in your phone to its charger. The simple task seemed so much harder when you couldn’t see what you were doing but that seemed to reflect your four months with Hoya away on the world tour. Who ever said being and idols girlfriend was easy sure had it backwards. Some days you couldn’t leave your house die to reporters that flooded you with questions. Yet that only happened the first few days.l then came more lonely and desperate days where you just dreamed and wished that Hoya would come home and just hold you so that you could slip away, off into paradise with him.

Changing into one of his tank tops and some night shorts, you slipped under the covers. Resting your head against the pillow, you began to think of what Hoya could be doing right now. Wondering if he was wishing that you were right there next to him as much as you wanted him. With him on tour, and the empty space next to you just seemed to reflect how you felt, you moved over to his side of the bed as you grabbed his purple blanket that he always cuddled with when you weren’t around.

Moving it between your arms. you curled yourself around the blanket as his scent began to fade from his things as time wore on. Closing your eyes, tears rolled down your face as you hoped that he would come home soon.

Creaking came from the floorboards as you sat up in your bed slowly. Soon it stopped and you thought that you were hearing things. Closing your eyes again, you took in a few deep breaths before you felt something wrap around your waist. This has happened several times before, but it always turned out to be a dream. Yet, you felt a head gently rest on your shoulder blades as it gently nuzzled into your back. The grip around you tightened slowly as his body soon was flush against yours.

Slowly, you opened your eyes and moved your hand to the ones around your waist as you felt someone’s arms around you. The hand gently moved around yours as it held it softly. Reaching up, you the lamp next to your bed as the body moaned, digging hes head further into your chest, you looked over your shoulder.

"Turn that off please." He mumbled as your eyes widened as the light gently lit up his features.

His. Hoya.

"Hoya?" You whispered as his head nodded against your back, "You’re home?"

"Mhmmmm, home for good." He said quietly as you turned over in his arms, his eyes were closed and his hair was already covering his eyes as you pushed it away slowly.

"Jagi?" He mumbled as his eyes slowly opened. "Can you turn off the light please?" Nodding your head, you turned off the light as you rested your head against the pillow.

Hoya moved himself against you once more as he kissed your forehead, moving your head under his chin, you kissed his neck gently before you pressed your hands against his chest as his grip tightened on you.

"Welcome home, yeobo." You whispered as you heard Hoya’s breath deepen as he already fell asleep in your arms. "I missed you too."

Closing your eyes, you fell asleep quickly, now in your paradise with him, both of you held each other close, never wanting to let go.

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Chapter 1: I want this!!
nisreen #2
Chapter 1: aww how cute <3
Chapter 1: only thing i dont like: the picture isnt hoya. haha.
Chapter 1: Awww he's so sweet and cuddly! Hobear xD
Chapter 1: Love this :)
psungjae1122 #6
Chapter 1: Awwww so sweet
Chapter 1: Soooooo sweet. UGH I want <3 Hoya come to me. ha!
Chapter 1: aaah , I love thiss ^^
so sweet :DD
Chapter 1: Yabo should be yeobo. You have the romanization wrong. :)
Aww I like these sort of oneshots. Yoy should write some more :)