Seven. Men Are Weak

One Man



Last Chapter


Here, today, I promise you, my fiancé, that I will fulfill your wish to not cheating on you, ever.


You have no idea what it means to me.


I want you in my life…


I like you, Hyun. More than I can say.

Big Liar.






Men Are Weak



I didn’t know how I managed to hail a taxi and told the driver my address. I was so stunned I didn’t even realize my cheeks were wet with tears.

Jung Yonghwa.


And he said he was different.


When I got home, I immediately locked my room and turned off my cell phone. I took a bath, wanting to get rid of any emotion left in my body and went to sleep with a prayer that tomorrow morning I’d feel better.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling hungry, so I walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen to fix me something to eat.

“Oh, you’re awake,” I heard Omuni said from behind as I checked the fridge. I turned around and see her looking so tired and sleepy.

“I’m hungry. You’re not sleeping yet, Omuni?” I asked worriedly.

“There’re some documents I need to read,” she answered.

“Have you had dinner? Would you want me to cook you something?” I offered.

“I’ve had dinner, don’t worry. I’ll just take a shower and sleep. I’m so tired,” she told me while massaging her nape.

“Okay, then,” I said, smiling a little, “Good night, Omuni.”

She smiled back, “Good night, my daughter,” then turned around to leave the kitchen.

“Ah, I almost forget,” she gasped and turned back to face me, “Jung Yonghwa was here during dinner. He was looking for you but you were sleeping. I wanted to wake you up but you locked the door and turned off your phone,” Omuni told me, catching me off guard.

“Are you two fighting?” she asked suspiciously.

Ne?!” I was surprised by her question, “Aniyo,” I should make an excuse, fast, “I was just tired after making cakes with Unniedeuri, and I think my battery ran out while I was sleeping.”

Omuni nodded, “Well, then turn your phone back on. Don’t make your fiancé worried.”

Ne, Omuni,” I complied.

After swallowing a few slices of leftover kimbab in the fridge, suddenly losing appetite, I walked back to my bedroom absentmindedly, still thinking about Omuni’s words. Jung Yonghwa was here, looking for me. Did he know that I came? How? Did he even know that I saw him?

I turned my phone back on, as Omuni told me to.

There were 29 missed calls. All came from Jung Yonghwa. Then one by one his text messages arrived.

Hyun, are you home?

Hyun, please, don’t be like this, I can explain.

She’s just a friend, Hyun, a high school friend. She’s a reporter, she came to interview me.

I didn’t read the rest and just deleted them immediately. I then proceeded to deleting his previous text messages.

I sighed and dropped my body on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

He knew. How did he know?




Last afternoon, as I stood in his office lobby, I was feeling bad for being cold to him. Today, as I was reading a new book from Malcolm Gladwell, ignoring my phone that kept vibrating on my bedside table, I was really sure that I was doing the right thing.

I stayed at home for the entire day, reading and cooking with my maids. Jung Yonghwa stopped trying around 2 in the afternoon, probably having an important meeting that time. I should’ve been browsing for wedding dresses since I had the time and none bugging me that day, but finding the right dress to wear for my wedding with the jerk didn’t seem appealing.

Around five I got another call. Maybe the important meeting had ended. Absently I looked at the monitor and caught an unknown number on it. Whose phone did he use now? This man was impossible.

The unknown number kept calling nonstop. Finally feeling annoyed I picked it up.

“WHAT?!” I snapped.

“Wow, wow, Cho Juhyun, relax…”

There was only one person, and one person only, who called me that way.

“Kyuhyun Oppa?”

“Oh,” he confirmed, “Why? Did you expect someone else?”

“What?” I was caught off guard.

Boya? So I got barked for someone else?”

“It’s not…” I tried to explain. But then I realized, why bother explaining? “Why are you calling?”

“Oh, right. Are you free tonight?” he asked.

“Why?” I asked back.

“Let’s hang out, I’ll introduce you to my girlfriend,” he said in glee.

I narrowed my eyes, “Is it that hoobae of yours? Are you finally dating her?”

“No, silly,” he chuckled, “You know who my girlfriend is.”

I rolled my eyes, “If I know her, why bother introducing us to each other?”

“Just to make it official. Oh, come on, Juhyun, humor your Oppa, hung?”




The call from my cousin finally led me to Athena, a high end club in Gangnam, where I sat silently in front of my cousin who sat too close to his girlfriend, Sooyoung Unnie, whispering something only she could hear, and laughed at the jokes only they knew.

I wondered why he invited me. And I wondered why Sooyoung Unnie gave him my phone number in the first place.

“Juhyunah, wanna dance?” Sooyoung Unnie asked.

“No, thanks,” I declined.

“Why?” she asked, dejected.

“I’m not in the mood,” I said, “Dance with Kyuhyun Oppa.”

Shiro,” she said sternly, earning an exasperated “Why?” From Kyuhyun Oppa.

“Because as much as I love you, Oppa, I have to say that you dance like a block of wood,” I nearly spurt the cola I was drinking when I heard Sooyoung Unnie’s reason. It was something I didn’t know about my cousin, the result of being apart for twenty years.

“I do not,” Kyuhyun Oppa protested, “I dance just fine.” So it was true, he couldn’t dance. Interesting.

“People snicker and giggle at us every time we dance,” Sooyoung Unnie added.

“No, they don’t,” Kyuhyun Oppa still persistently denied.

“So what’s wrong, Juhyunah?” Sooyoung Unnie asked me, ignoring her boyfriend, “Why is your mood so down today?”

I sighed, contemplating to tell Sooyoung Unnie or not. I wanted to tell her, but I didn’t want Kyuhyun Oppato hear it. But I couldn’t help it any longer. I wanted to tell someone about that jerk named Jung Yonghwa. Besides, even though he was the second worst man after Jung Yonghwa, Cho Kyuhyun was my cousin after all.

So I told them what happened.

Omo!” Sooyoung Unnie gasped, covering with her hands.

“He told you he liked you but then he was with another girl on Valentine’s Day?” she asked incredulously. I nodded nonchalantly as I drank my cola.

“Jerk,” Sooyoung Unnie mumbled.

“Yah! Yah! Don’t fall into conclusion that easily,” Kyuhyun Oppa said, earning a similar glare from me and Sooyoung Unnie.

“Are you siding with your kind, Cho Kyuhyun?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

“It’s not like that,” he sighed, “Because I was there before so I know. We just had a fight because you saw me having a lunch with my hoobae, remember?”

“Didn’t I say I don’t want to talk about it?” Sooyoung Unnie glared.

“I’m not talking about it. It’s just that… you forgave me because you finally realized that it was just a misunderstanding, right?” he stared at Sooyoung Unnie, looking for a confirmation, “Maybe Jung Yonghwa was just the same. Did he tell you anything about it? Did you even give him a chance to explain?” he added as he turned to me.

I looked back at him disapprovingly.

“Give the guy a chance, Juhyunah. It might just be a misunderstanding,” Kyuhyun Oppa suggested, Sooyoung Unnie only gave me a sympathetic look, but I knew she agreed with her boyfriend.

I gulped down the cola until the last drop. Well, he did say she was just his high school friend, coming to interview him as a reporter. But why did she give him a chocolate?

“Are you perhaps jealous, Juhyunah?” Kyuhyun Oppaasked, mischief on his smile.

“What?!” I gasped. “That’s impossible.”

“Knowing your temper, I thought you would throw the chocolate cake on his face when you caught him hugging that girl,” Kyuhyun Oppa muttered.

And it suddenly downed on me. He was right. It was so unlike me. Why did I hide and watched them silently behind the pillar? Why did I throw away the delicious chocolate cake I made out of anger? Why did I just walk away?

I should’ve come to him, smiling elegantly as I said “Surprise!” and gave him the chocolate cake while uttering “Happy Valentine”. I was sure as hell he would’ve been so shocked it left him speechless and he wouldn’t dare to shove me those bulls about his feeling anymore. Why didn’t I do that?

Why was I so emotional back then?

I was deep in my thought when my phone vibrated. It was from Jung Yonghwa again.

“Pick it up,” Kyuhyun Oppa told me. I hated him telling me what to do and I hated him more for making sense.

After a minute, I accepted his call.



Yoboseyo?” I repeated.

“Hyun? Hyun! Finally! Thank God! I thought I started hearing things!” he exclaimed.

“If you don’t have anything to talk about-“

“Wait! Wait!” he cut me off, “Where are you now? Why is it so nosy?”

“I’m in a club.”

“You’re in a club?” he asked, maybe not believing that Seo Juhyun visited a club.

“Anything else?” I asked impatiently.

“What club? I need to see you,” he said.


“Why? Because we need to talk. Seo Juhyun, please…” he pleaded. Jung Yonghwa pleaded a lot when it came to me, I realized.

“It’s Athena, in Gangnam. Anything else?”

“Athena. Okay. Wait for me.”

I ended the call and found two pairs of eyes smiling at me. I swore I would torture them if that turned out to be a mistake.




I was anxious as I waited for Jung Yonghwa. I couldn’t help but kept glancing at the door as my two companions heating it up on the dance floor.

Exactly 42 minutes later, I saw him coming in. I sat straight in my seat. I wondered if I had to wave at him so he would see me. But the girl walking behind him stopped my hand midair. It was the woman I saw hugging him in his lobby the day before.

I gritted my teeth. What was his plan? Why did he take the woman with him? Did he intend to tell me about their relationship?

I scoffed. At least I was prepared now. I promised myself I wouldn’t behave rashly and stayed composed as the elegant Seo Juhyun.

He looked around and finally spotted me. I smiled and waved my hand. He recognized me then talked to the girl behind him and together they walked to my seat. I tried so hard to keep the smile stayed on my face.

He smiled again when our eyes met as he stood in front of me. He checked my table.

“Are you with someone else?” he asked.

“My cousin,” I told him easily, “He’s on the dance floor with his girlfriend.”

He nodded in understanding. He then looked back to the girl he brought.

“Ah, Hyun, this is Park Shinhye, my friend,” he introduced the girl to me.

The said woman stepped ahead and bowed to me, “Annyeonghaseyo, my name’s Park Shinhye,” she said as she showed me her megawatt smile.

I stood up and greeted back.

“Woah, you’re so much more beautiful in real life,” she exclaimed, “it’s an honor to meet you.”

“Ah, aniyo,” I was confused.

“I can’t believe you’re marrying her,” she squealed as she slapped Jung Yonghwa’s arms repeatedly.

“Ah, Yah! It hurts!” he tried to avoid the violence.

My cousin and his girlfriend came back after, probably noticing the crowd on their initial spot. Then the introduction began. The only person who seemed to enjoy it was Park Shinhye, she acted like an ahjumma spotting a celebrity.

We then sat and ordered another round of drinks. Park Shinhye then told us about her friendship story with Jung Yonghwa. They met in high school, she said. And even though Jung Yonghwa’s school was an elite school which the students were also limited to elite kids, the school also provided scholarship. Park Shinhye was one of only three students who got it every year.

Jung Yonghwa added that, because Jung Yunho entered Harvard when he entered high school, he was determined to follow his older cousin’s footsteps to study in the prestigious university after graduating high school. That was when he started to often study together with the scholarship students.

They then studied in America together, he was in Harvard Business School, and Park Shinhye got another scholarship from Boston University. She managed to score a job as a reporter in Boston Herald right after graduating, and was finally moved to Korea on January.

After four years not seeing each other and lost contact, out of nowhere, she was assigned to interview her old friend, Jung Yonghwa, who had become a successful CEO and was heading into a marriage life. And because it was Valentine’s Day, she thought it was only appropriate to bring him chocolate.

They just had the photo shoot earlier that day because he couldn’t make it yesterday due to his busy schedule.

I knew she told me this under the request of Jung Yonghwa, he wanted her to do the explanation because he thought I would believe her more than him. I could sense it by the way Jung Yonghwa looked at me, as if saying ‘You-hear-that?’

Kyuhyun Oppa glanced at me as if saying ‘I-told-you-so’. I looked away. Men and their tricky tricks.


We then chatted about some other things. She started to have interest in the relationship of my cousin and Minister Choi’s daughter. I kept calm and composed, spoke only when necessary, and being careful with my words, because even though she claimed to be Jung Yonghwa’s old friend, she was still a reporter.

Around midnight, we decided to call it a day.

We walked out of the club together.

“I’ll drive you home,” Jung Yonghwa stated when we stood outside the building, waiting for our respective cars from the valet, watching the snow that fell hard that night.

I looked back at him, “With Shinhye Unnie, too?”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Shinhye Unnie said, “I can manage on my own,” she added.

“No, you should drive her home. I have Kim Ahjusshi,” I told Jung Yonghwa.

“But we need to talk,” Jung Yonghwa argued.

“What else do you want to talk about? Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” I argued back, feeling irritated.

“Will you answer my call tomorrow?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at me. I felt cornered, being asked in front of other people.

I had no choice, so “Sure,” I said reluctantly, glaring at him in the process.

“Of course you won’t,” he didn’t trust me.

“So you’ll let Shinhye Unnie go home by bus? By herself?In this kind of weather? You’re the one who took her here, Jung Yonghwa-sshi,” I reasoned.

“I- I’m fine, really,” she tried to convince me despite her initial shock when I mentioned her name again.

“She could ride in your car with Kim Ahjusshi,” he proposed a brilliant idea, “I’ll drive you home and we’ll talk in my car.”

This commanding nature of Jung Yonghwa really got on my nerves.

I saw Omuni’s black Benz coming into view, Kim Ahjusshi behind the steering wheel.

“Yeah?” I muttered, “Watch me!” I added as I walked into my car.

But Jung Yonghwa beat me to it. He walked past me, pulling Shinhye Unnie along. He opened the door to the back seat and pushed Shinhye Unnie inside. I was too shocked to move. He then knocked on the driver’s window and Kim Ahjusshi slid it down.

“Juhyun’s with me. I’ll take her home later. Meanwhile I ask your favor to take my friend home, Ahjusshi. Drive carefully. Thank you, Ahjusshi.”

He then waved his friend good bye. I could see Park Shinhye’s beautiful face behind the car’s window staring at Jung Yonghwa, looking shocked and bewildered. And just like that, Omuni’s black Benz drove further and further away from me.

He walked up to me and stopped in front of me. He saw the snowflakes resting on my head then proceeded to brush it off. He then lifted his both hands over my head to cover it from the falling snow.

Kyuhyun Oppa’s car came next. Kyuhyun Oppa and Sooyoung Unnie bid goodbye awkwardly I hardly noticed them.

We stood rooted under the falling snow. Soon the valet parked his car near us and gave Jung Yonghwa the key.

“Let’s go,” he said as he opened the door for me.

Instead of getting inside his car, I walked away from him.

“Seo Juhyun!” he called out but I wasn’t stopping. He chased after me.

I couldn’t really fathom what I felt that moment. I was so confused. I hated the way he told me what to do. I hated the fact that he went that far to explain himself to me. I hated the fact that he didn’t do anything wrong. I hated the desperate look in his eyes, begging me to be with him, to listen to him, to stay. I hated the way he cared for me. I hated myself that couldn’t control my emotion around him.

“Seo Juhyun, please,” he pleaded, again, half running half walking beside me, his hands covering my head from the snow. He then took charge and stopped in front of me.

“Hyun, please…”

But what I hated the most was the way my heart pounded uncontrollably just by hearing him calling my name that way.

I swallowed hard.

“Give me time,” I whispered. He looked surprised.

“I’ll talk to you, I promise, but not right now,” I added, he just stood there listening.

“If we talk right now, I’m afraid I’ll say things I may regret later.”

Silence engulfed us as the snow kept falling on us.

“Please, Jung Yonghwa-sshi.”




A week later, I had another meeting with Omunim and Lee Hyori-sshi after lunch. We finalized the lay-out of the hall and the menu. After the meeting Omunim and I continued to the jewelry to pick the wedding rings.

I was trying out a ring on my finger when I heard someone coughing behind me, startling me.

“That’s beautiful,” he said, I turned around and met those familiar eyes. And suddenly I felt like I was choked.

“Oh, Yonghwa,” Omunim called out from the other side of the store where she was also checking out another ring.

“I’ve told you you don’t have to come, I know my son’s ring size,” she said, walking closer to us as I tried to put the ring off my finger and clear my throat. I suddenly felt nervous. One week I hadn’t seen him and his mere presence made my heart do a somersault.

Omuni, it’s my wedding ring, shouldn’t I have a say in this?” he jokingly protested, followed after by another cough.

“Yonghwayah, are you okay? Why do you keep coughing?” Omunim asked in concern. I looked at him as he covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hold the cough from escaping. He looked pale, even paler than his friend Lee Jonghyun.

“I’m fine. I was just choked by my own saliva,” he said sheepishly.

Omunim didn’t seem to believe his words so she lifted her hand to touch his forehead but he dodged it, “Ah, Omuni,” he gasped and sent a knowing glance at me.

Omunim followed his gaze and chuckled, made me confused.

“Why? Are you being shy now that you have a fiancé?” Omunim . But apparently I was the one who actually felt shy. While Jung Yonghwa just put a finger in front of his lips to prevent his mother from further embarrassing him.

We continued looking for the right ring. Omunim then showed us the new-not-yet-released collection of the store. Omunim got the hands on it because she was close with the designer and a VIP customer of the brand.

One ring caught my eyes. It was simple, with a small diamond in the center and a crook in the white gold band.

“You like it?” Jung Yonghwa asked me. I just nodded, losing the capability to form a word.

We finally picked that one, though Omunim looked dissatisfied because she was hoping I’d choose something with a bigger size of diamond. But she relented nevertheless.

Then we had our ring fingers measured. Jung Yonghwa had asked the clerk if we could engrave some words on the rings, which was immediately confirmed by the clerk.

“What words do you want to curve on it, Sir?” the clerk asked.

“I don’t know yet, I just got the idea a second ago. Can I tell you later when I get the words?”

The clerk then gave him the store’s business card.

“Can we talk after this?” Jung Yonghwa whispered to me when we were putting on our coats, ready to go home.

I’d been dreading for this for a week. I was really anxious that morning, worried about the possibility of him coming to pick the ring. But I told myself to be prepared to face him. It was only Jung Yonghwa, for God’s sake. Why was I acting like this? He just wanted to talk. About what? I didn’t even know.

I knew it was inevitable, I’d promised him that we’d talk. For eight days he didn’t even contact me, stayed true to his words of giving me time. He couldn’t even join the last weekly family dinner due to his business trip, while I still came albeit without my fiancé.

I nodded hesitantly. He smiled.

Omuni, let me drive Juhyun home,” he told his mother.

Omunim smiled knowingly and nodded, “Alright.”

After bidding good bye to his mother, he smiled at me and said, “I parked my car there,” he then guided me by my back, “Let’s go.”

We walked to his black BMW. He clicked the remote control to unlock the door and opened the door for me. When I was about to get in, the serial of coughs attacked again. He coughed nonstop while motioning me to quickly get inside. He looked sick.

Reflectively I put my hand on his forehead. He jerked away, but was too slow because he didn’t see it coming.

“You’re boiling,” I muttered, startled by the heat on his forehead.

“I’m fine,” he said between coughs. Then I remembered that night when the snow fell hard and he covered my head from the snow with his two hands.

“You’re sick,” I stated the obvious. He shook his head, still trying hard to stop the coughs.

I snatched the key from his hand, making him startled.

“Get in. I’ll drive you to see the doctor.”

“What?” he coughed once more, “No, I’m not seeing any doctor.”

“You’re sick, Yonghwa-sshi, you need to be examined.”

“I’m just having a little fever and cough. I’ll eat medicine after dinner then go to sleep. I’ll be fine tomorrow.”

“No, I’ll take you to a clinic, come on, get in.”

Shiro. I don’t want to get injection.”

I was awed, “No one’s gonna inject you, Yonghwa-sshi,” I assured him.

“Oh, doctors will,” he stubbornly said, “Besides, don’t we agree to talk?”

“We will talk,” I convinced him, “But first of all, we need to get you to the doctor.”

I knew he was pondering over my words, “Can you just drive me home, instead? I can call my personal doctor to come later. Then we’ll talk,” he suggested.

This man was impossible.

I sighed, “Fine, now get in!”




I drove him to his apartment five blocks away from the jewelry store. Right after we entered his apartment, I asked him for his doctor’s number. I told him to lie down on his bed while I searched for a thermometer in his first aid kit. I checked his temperature right after I found it then proceeded to call his doctor. I told the doctor about his condition and asked him to come immediately. Jung Yonghwa kept calling my name from his bedroom as I prepared a wet towel and a basin of cold water, asking me to talk to him. What did he want to talk about so badly, really?

I came back to his bed room and put the wet towel on his forehead. He was grinning so wide as he watched me doing so. He then coughed again so I stood back up to get a warm drink for him. Just then, the doorbell rang. I pressed the button in the intercom which later showed Doctor Shin and his nurse. I let him in and guided him to Jung Yonghwa’s room.

Doctor Shin checked his heartbeat with the stethoscope and Nurse Koo helped Doctor Shin measured his blood tension. After a thorough examination, Doctor Shin said he needed to get an IV injection. Jung Yonghwa then shot me a glare as if saying ‘I-told-you-so’. I just rolled my eyes.

“He caught a cold, with fever and cough. Probably because of the weather, and he seemed to be sleep deprived lately. But he’ll be alright soon, if he eat the medicine and take a lot of rest,” Doctor Shin told me.

“Nurse Koo can take care of him,” Doctor Shin continued.

“What?” Jung Yonghwa snapped, “No, that’s not necessary. My fiancé can take care of me.”

“Jung Yonghwa-sshi, I never take care of a sick person before, it’s better to have Nurse Koo do the task. She’ll know what to do,” I declined.

“You took care of me just fine before Doctor Shin came,” he argued.

“Barely,” I admitted. I was actually clueless, wondering if I did the right thing with the wet towel, uncertain if I should’ve soaked it in warm water instead.

“I’ll see you off, Doctor,” I said to avoid further argument with Jung Yonghwa. As I walked Doctor Shin to the door, I asked Nurse Koo to buy him his favorite abalone porridge for dinner. I gave her the restaurant’s address and the money.

I went back to his room to find him frowning.

“I’ll go home now,” I told him, “Nurse Koo is getting your dinner. Get some rest, Jung Yonghwa-sshi.”

“You agreed to talk,” he said dejectedly.

“I did. And we will talk. I promise,” I assured him.

“Can you stay?” he pleaded with his eyes, “at least until Nurse Koo come back.”

I sighed, “Alright,” then took a seat on a lazy chair in the corner of his room.

“Do you remember the book I told you before? About the lovers in Italy?” he asked in between coughs.

Ne,” I answered curtly, trying to adjust to the unfamiliar chair.

“I think I keep it somewhere on the book shelf beside you. You can read it while waiting for Nurse Koo. I started to get sleepy, I think Doctor Shin put some drugs inside the IV liquid,” he said slowly.

I stood up and took a look at his book collection. He had almost all the books I read, which was actually expected considering that we both were Business graduates. And this thought suddenly popped on my mind, that after we got married we would have double collection on some books, and it bewildered me the second I realized how weird of me to think about marriage life with Jung Yonghwa.

I searched for the book Jung Yonghwa mentioned before, ignoring the embarrassing thought, praying so hard that Jung Yonghwa couldn’t read mind. Well, of course he couldn’t, none could. I probably should stop watching the drama Omunim and Gomonim loved so much.

I found the book on the second levelof the shelf. It was still in good condition. I turned around to tell him that I found the book but stopped myself when I saw him sleeping. I walked closer to him and spotted his right hand on top of his chest, free from the warmth of the duvet.

Hesitantly, ever so slowly, I took his hand to put it inside the duvet. But he grabbed my hand instead.

“Did you find it?” he asked sleepily, holding my right hand tight above his chest.

“Yes,” I breathed out.

“Then read it,” he said with eyes closed, “and stay.”







Was I… falling for Jung Yonghwa?





“But seriously, Seo Juhyun, will you give us a chance?”





I enjoyed spending time with him.







The wedding dress Seo Juhyun decided to wear is of course the bling bling wedding dress.





Author's Note:


Three more chapters to go!!

Are you guys excited?

It's kinda sad that the story's gonna end soon...

Maybe that's why I've been a little lazy to write the last chapter... kekeke

I enjoyed writing this so much, especially because your endless supports my dear readers, subscribers, upvoters, and commenters... therefore, I thank you...

Prepare yourself for the fluff episodes in the next chapters...:)





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Revelopppp #1
Chapter 10: This is really a good!!! And I really like both Yonghwa and Seohyun characters, they aren't too lovey-dovey or act like crybabies, just normal haha
Chapter 10: Finally ... the ONE MAN, the Mr Right for Hyun and the ONE WOMAN , the Mrs Right for Yong ............... love this story, tq
unfeignedfaith #3
Chapter 10: I kinda wished their union lasted longer.

After all, they took ages to finally be on the same page.

But oh well...
unfeignedfaith #4
Chapter 4: It’s been years since I last read this story! <3
Chapter 10: I just finished reading this but I'll definitely read it again. I fell in love with this story. It was so beautiful. I hope you'll make a sequel for this one or even an epilogue would do. I'll be waiting for you, author-nim. Thank you!
Chapter 3: Ahhhh I'm starting to love this!!!!
iBelieveYSIR #7
Chapter 10: This fic never gets old. :)
MrsDuckbutt #8
Chapter 10: I love this fic!! Read this again for the nth time.. ❤
Chapter 10: a few more days and it will be three years since this story ended. it's time! se-quel! se-quel! se-quel! ;-)
aidays93 #10
Chapter 10: I love this story so much, so far it is the best fan fiction of yongseo I ever read. You're so great in writing author~nim. Sequel please....