Who's that Guy?, Who's that Girl?

Once Upon A Night


"Anneyeong, Anneyeong How are you today ahjussi?" I walked in the nursing home greeting everyone, i was holding two bags of kimchi. I put the big bag onto the kitchen bench and took the smaller bag into the room where Ahjumma Kim was, "Anneyeong ahjumma, how are you?" i greeted the smiling ahjumma "Oh anneyeong Jessica i'm doing fine and i'm guessing you brought more of the delicious kimchi?" "Yes of course i'd never forget the kimchi for you" I wonder why she never get bored of the kimchi i make for her like everyday? anyways as long as she likes it that'll be fine.

"Jessica, i would like to thank you so much for giving me company all this time, i'll be leaving soon because my son has decided to bring me home. He was scared he wasn't able to look after me because he was so busy with work so that's why he decided to take me here and now he's not as busy and decided to bring me back home.So i'm going to miss your kimchi when i leave." When she told me this i felt sad because we talked so much and she made me feel happy as well.

"Ahjumma if you're going to miss my kimchi and i'm going to miss you, why dont i bring the kimchi to your house when i have some spare time?" i asked suddenly

"Of course you can dear that would be lovely but wouldn't that bother you?"

"Oh aniyo of course it wouldn't, i'd love to visit you." i told her.

Before i left for the part time job i gave her my mobile phone number and she gave me hers i also got her address because when i come back tomorrow she will be at home with her family. She also told me that she had a grandson that went to Seoul's College and they were also very close, so she was excited to see him again.


Today was the day that grandma was coming back home from the nursing home we talked so much on the phone and at last she's coming back so that i can talk to her in person. Anyways it's time for school, be home and see grandma gosh this is going to be a long day, not because i'm waiting for grandma but because i'll have girls following me everywhere that Key and I go and that's soo annoying.

"Jonghyun, come down for breakfast quickly or you'll be late for school." My Umma yelled for down stairs.

"I'm coming just give me 5 minutes." i yelled while trying to pick out my clothes.

I was always thinking to myself if i could ever find a girl that actually like me for me and not just for what they see, i've dated so many girls that people think i'm a player.

Finally breakfast "Jonghyun your grandma is going to come home today so dont go off anywhere this afternoon." My Umma told me as i sat down at the table.

"I know I know." I told her in an annoyed voice after she told me for the hundredth time.

After breakfast a walked to school and when i arrived at the college gates as always there's a girl standing there waiting to ask me to go on a date with her or something like that. So when the annoying looking girl walked up to me i looked at her weirdly and took half a step back when suddely i bumped into someone and caused her to fall over.


It was an early morning and i was holding some or should i say lots of books in my arms, i should've put them in my bag but i've decided to go straight to the library before my classess. When i entered the school gates some person stepped back for some damn reason, bumped into me and caused me to drop all of my books.


As soon as i stepped back i bumped right into a girl and she dropped all her books. Of course i quickly bent down to pick them up and apologised to her.

"I'm so sorry i didnt mean to do that." i apologised

"dont worry it's alright." After she picked up all her books she smiled brightly and headed off.


"Why was everyone whispering when i bumped into that guy?" i asked Yuri when she walked wisth me to the library after she saw the sdcene.

"Are you serious Jess? you mean you dont know who that is?"

"Uhh no, should i anyways?" i answered blankly not knowing who i bumped into.

"He's Jonghyun, one of the most popular guys in school."

"Well then Yuri, do you like him?" 

"No i dont i'm just saying, i like Minho he's so handsome, so manly, he's Jonghyun's friend." Yuri said while dreaming

"Whatever Yuri, you girl can keep dreaming while i go return these books." and i left Yuri standing there dreaming of her prince charming.


"Hey Minho do you know any Brunettes?"

'Brunettes? well I know one but she doesn't seem like the kind that says (in a girly voice)"oppa" yeah she's not that kind' Minho answered and laughing at what he just did.

I also laughed my head off.

"Well who is she?"

"Her name is Jessica she's friends with Key or was it classmates or was it very good friends, i dont know."

"Then how I've never heard of her?

Funny I know all of Key's friends and not Jessica, and Minho also knows her.

Minho asked "Hey do you want come to the cafe after school with Key and some of his 'girl' friends? and Jessica will be there since you're so curious about this Jessica girl."

"Sure ok."



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