
Sight & Sound
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“You know what you want?”

Jieun looked down, scanning through the many choices. With apprehensive eyes, she glanced back at Jonghyun and he gurgled with light laughter. There were just too many and she couldn’t pick one. The moment one dish looked nice, the next one looked even more appetising.

 “Alright, alright. You’re sure you want me to choose?” Jieun nodded. “You won’t be disappointed anyway. I only pick the best.” She rolled her eyes and he responded with a playful smile whilst calling for the waiter.

 I really like it here. The ambience is so chill. Jieun pointed towards the ceiling. I love the purple lanterns.

Jonghyun gestured at one. Remind to reach one for you before we leave.

 With your height? I don’t think so. Wouldn’t want our favourite physiotherapist to overstrain his body, she teased. Jonghyun’s gaze turned cold before he reached over and grasped her hand into a tight hold.

 “I accept your challenge. Once I feed myself and recharge I, Kim Jonghyun, will tackle this mission,” said Jonghyun determinedly. He grinned. “Don’t underestimate me, Song Jieun.”


 The night ended with full bellies and a dejected, empty-handed Jonghyun as he mused over his failed challenge. One, he couldn’t physically reach the height at which the lanterns were hung (he insisted he was only a centimetre off arguing with Jieun’s one inch calculation) and two, the restaurant politely turned down his multiple bribery offers.

Jieun stood on the steps facing him as he stuck his hands into his back pockets.

 “So,” he started, “this is tonight.” He breathed unevenly, shifting uneasily on his feet. Jieun narrowed her eyes. She slapped him on the shoulder and his eyes widened. “Ouch!”

 You’re acting weird.

 “You’re weird.”

 Then you’re weird because you’re hanging out with weird.

 “You know, sometimes I’m glad you don’t speak because I really wouldn’t have the final say in anything,” Jonghyun said. Jieun grinned. “Good night, Jieun.” He took a step forward then took himself right back. Think about the musical? I really think you’ll enjoy it.

Jieun pursed her lips. That was the third time he had mentioned it this week. She didn’t understand why he was so persistent but she made no attempt to answer him. The light drizzle of rain spilled upon them and Jonghyun gave her a gentle shove towards the doors before running to his car. She waited until he was out of her sight before looking down at the flyer he had quickly handed to her.

A sigh escaped her lips.  

It suddenly got dark and she noticed the shadow’s figure, a grey hood covering the visual she searched for. With a slight tug, Luhan’s face appeared. The corners of her lips rose upwards. Without a single word, he keyed in the passcode and waited for her to enter.

Ever since that night, Luhan was gradually becoming more open. Though there were times where he left all the talking to her and he simply gave one word answers, she appreciated his efforts in building the friendship. She saw how he’d silently smile at her failed jokey antics or how his cheeks would ascend to heights when he burst into laughter. She especially liked it when he got started on a topic that excited him.

 She should’ve made more pinky promises if she knew things would turn out this way.

 Jieun held up the small bag in her hand.

 “What?” Luhan cocked an eyebrow. Cake Gallery. “Dessert again?!” Jieun snatched back the bag sulkily. Fine, she would eat the millefeuille for herself.

Luhan’s nudge brought her attention back to him. “Are you sure it’s enough for two?” She blushed remembering the last time they had dessert where she finished the entire two slices of cake without realising that Luhan had only taken no more than five bites.

She nodded haughtily.



 “How was your date tonight?” Luhan asked as he sliced his fork through the millefeuille. Sweetness filled his mouth and he caught Jieun smilingly looking at him. “It’s good, Jieun, really good. At least I got a good taste of it.”

 It wasn’t a date. Jieun stood up to fill the teapot with more hot water. 

 “He likes you.” Jieun looked at him. The irregular beating of his heart made Luhan rub his chest. No matter how many times it had been, the way she looked at him would occasionally get a reaction out of him, even though he knew that that was the only way they could communicate. “He’s asked you out for dinner three times. If there’s a fourth, you’d be dim to not realise the poor guy’s feelings.”

Jieun placed the flyer for the musical on the table-top.

He’s asked me to go to the musical with him. Still think he likes me? She messily scrawled on the whiteboard. Luhan noticed the random stickers and coloured designs that decorated the wooden border. The small whiteboard was an impromptu present from him when both their phone batteries had given out that one time they were out.

Luhan grabbed the board marker. Yes.

Jieun rolled her eyes. You know Jonghyun and I don’t have a relationship like that. We’re working colleagues and I’d like to keep it that way. A few dinners together doesn’t mean anything. You and I have gone for dinner and we don’t have tied feelings towards each other, do we?

Luhan chewed the inside of his cheek as he finished reading her lengthy response. She had a point. “I still bet that he likes you. What about this musical then? You gonna go?” He casually questioned her. Reading the flyer, he took note of the date and time of the occasion.

Jieun shrugged. Truthfully, she didn’t want to go. Musicals, concerts, those type of things, she avoided them. And the names that appeared at the bottom of the paper made her refuse even more.

 “Hey.” She turned to the hand that waved in front of her. “It’s not because of your…” Luhan took a pause to swallow, “your hearing is it? For you to not go?” She shook her head. “You said you were partially deaf so I assume you can still kind of hear what’s going on with that level of noise?”

He gazed at her apprehensively. There was no roundabout way to ask what he wanted to ask.

 I can, just barely. But sometimes when it gets too much, my ears can’t take it, Jieun replied.


She stared at the flyer again. She knew Jonghyun had the purest intentions, whether it was romantic or purely platonic. But if Luhan was right, then it would probably be best for her to not go. She didn’t have any feelings towards Jonghyun. Feelings could be built up over time, but if it had been one-sided for too long, eventually Jonghyun would get bored right? And what if by that time Jieun suddenly developed her emotions for him… where would that leave them? She didn’t want to trade the good relations she had with him.

 “I quite like Legally Blonde,” said Luhan breaking her thoughts. “I mean I’m not into chick flicks but you know the storyline was… cute. The bend and snap thing.” He cringed at his word diarrhoea. How he could recall that one scene befuddled him.

Jieun’s face lit up and she busily scribbled. Come to the musical then. At least that way it won’t seem like a date and maybe, if your assumptions are right, then it could be a nice way to let him down. It would work?

Luhan’s face stiffened. “That’s not a nice way. At all.” His voice had gone strained and thick but of course Jieun didn’t notice. She cocked her head to the side. “Tell him directly. Men don’t like it any other way. They wouldn’t understand.”

Noticing the tightness in his jaw, Jieun quietly nodded. Luhan stared into the distance and she pinched herself on the arm for being so careless.

 Then at least try to come. And promise you’ll help me out if something does happen? As a friend?? She drew a sad face, with a teardrop falling. She placed the whiteboard in front of her, lips pinched together into a pout, her eyes like a puppy.

What else could Luhan do but agree.




Ever since they became closer friends, Jieun had managed to convince him to download the, what used to be known as a ‘silly chat app’. Luhan reached for his phone to read the message.



Half an hour early for a quick bite?


Luhan smiled and shook his head. Typical Jieun.


I really should count the times where you don’t mention food when we go out.



Haha. Great. Let me know when you’re nearby :)


Grabbing the nearest (and least wrinkled) shirt, he buttoned up his cuffs and last minute decided to ditch the tie. Sliding on the black blazer, he glanced at himself in the mirror. Casual smart, nothing to

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Angelby #1
Wow. This story is so good. One of the best fanfics i've read. Your fanfic is so original ! I really love your story.^^
Not very sure If you will read my comment but i just want to say thank you for writing a story like this. Sad that you will not update because we all want to know what happens to them after the chapter 7! Anyway, thanks again for this story:*
Chapter 7: soooooo curious what will happen to them next >·< I wish Luhan can stop himself getting into fights :/
Chapter 7: authornim~ please update T^T
Chapter 7: I always read it again and again...actually almost everydayXD
one of the best fanfic i read.
authornim~ update fast...jebal *puppy eyes*
That chapter was so good!
eine08 #6
Chapter 7: Wow you updated >_<
I'm glad their on good terms now.
Oh, this seems interesting. Never really read any Jieun x Luhan but I'll give it a chance because the description and forward made me want to keep reading. Great job! :)
sarangstories #8
Chapter 7: don't fight Luhan ;; Good job authornim!! Love this