Moving Out


Sulli's POV

          We stopped at the front of her apartment and she dragged me again inside the apartment.

“Why are we here?” I asked but she just ignored me and kept dragging me inside to her room. Then she spoke.

“Help me pack. I’m moving out here.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Someone’s stalking me.”

Is there anyone else who stalks her other than me? I never noticed anyone following her. I wondered by myself.

“oh.. okay” I replied shortly.

“Do you have a car?” she asked.

“You’re asking a first year high school student.” I replied sarcastically.

“Then, call a cab.” She said.

I walked out to call for a taxi while she’s busy packing up her things. After 30 minutes of packing, I ran inside her room.

“Taxi’s here!” I shouted.

“Here.” She handed a heavy box to me. “Help me carry these things to the car.” She continued.


I can’t believe I’m obeying this girl. I said to myself.

          When we finished moving the boxes and her things to the taxi, she spoke before we enter the taxi.

“Can I stay with you just this night? I haven’t found any place yet.” She asked.


“What?!” I asked her in shock.

“Since you’re helping me, why don’t you help me all the way?” she said plainly.

“Just this night?” I asked. And she nodded as a reply.

So I told the driver my address. I’m actually happy because I think Krystal and I are friends now unlike before-mere acquaintances.

After moving her things inside my apartment, she sat at the couch with her head leaning back and her eyes closed.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I asked.


“You didn’t eat breakfast and lunch.” I said. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

“How did you know?” She asked. I realized that I almost spilled that I’m one of her stalkers. I gulped before I spoke.

“You’re anaemic right? You fainted earlier so, that means you didn’t eat breakfast.” Actually, I just found out her condition earlier because I asked the doctor but I really know that she didn’t ate breakfast and lunch.

“How did you know?”

“The doctor told me.” I said and she closed her eyes again.

“So… Do you want to eat?” I asked again.

“Just bring me food.”

Arghh. This girl is full of orders!!! But would she still resist if I ask her this???? *evil smile* I said to myself.

“I’m going to eat samgyupsal, and as you can see, we can’t grill it here. So I can’t bring some for you.” I said.

“Your treat?” she asked.

“Neh.” I said with a smile.

          Then I dragged her to the nearest restaurant. She looks so happy while eating and that made me happier. She looks like a kid enjoying her food.

“Here. Eat more. You’re so thin!” I teased while holding a wrap of samgyupsal in my hands.

“Fat.” She said plainly then stuffed with the samgyupsal I’m holding in front of her.

I glared at her and she glared back. I looked away not because I’m mad but because I got scared at the way she looked at me.

“Hey.” She called. I looked back to her and she quickly shoved a large wrap of samgyupsal to my mouth.

“Eat slowly.” She continued.

          After we ate dinner, we go back to my apartment. Because we’re both tired, we decided to sleep. But there’s only one bedroom and one bed and I don’t have any extra comforters. Well, I don’t expect any guests.


“uhm… hey…”

“Why don’t you call me by my name? I know that you know me.” she said.

“m-mianhe.. Soo-- Krystal, I don’t have any extra comforters and there’s only one bed here. S-so, I’m going to sleep at the couch at the living room. You use this bed.” I cursed myself in my mind because I almost call her by her real name and that will reveal my secrets!

“Okay.” She said without any sign of worrying. Then I walked out of the room and lied at the couch without any blanket and just one pillow, (the throw pillow actually) with me but usually, I sleep with 4 pillows with me.

“What would I expect? That she’ll say it’s cold outside, the bed is wide enough for us or lets sleep here together?” I mumbled by myself.

It’s already passed midnight and I still can’t sleep. Its toooooooooooooo cold!!!

I curled myself while hugging the throw pillow with my eyes closed.

“Get up. Sleep in the room. You’re stupid to volunteer to sleep here and much more stupid not bringing any pillows and blanket.” Krystal said with her usual cold voice standing in front of the couch.

          I slowly stood up still shaking. Then, she wrapped a blanket around me and walked back to the bedroom.

          I entered the bedroom and lied down at the left side of the bed curled up with the blanket.

“So you’re doing your revenge to me now, huh? Having the blanket on your own?” she asked while her arms crossed standing in front of me.

          I removed the blanket from me without talking and closed my eyes. I felt her covering a blanket to me up to my shoulders.

I knew that you have a warm heart. –me.


          I woke up with boxes all over the room.

What’s this? Am I being robbed? Wait! Krystal!

          I jumped out from the bed then I saw Krystal cooking at the kitchen.

“Krystal?” I called.

“Let’s eat.” She said placing omelette at the table. And because I’m also hungry and excited about Krystal’s omelette, I quickly sat down at the table and shoved a big slice of it to my mouth.

“wahhhhh!! It’s HHHOOOOTTTT!!!” I screamed while fanning a hand in my opened mouth and blowing air.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” She burst out laughing. I accidentally swallowed the hot omelette in my mouth being surprised of her sudden outburst. Then, I choked which made her laugh harder holding her stomach. But she calmed herself down and gave me water. After I calmed down, she burst out laughing again!

“Yah! I nearly died a while ago and you’re just laughing?!” I whined. She calmed herself down again and breathes deep before speaking.

“You saw that I just lift it from the pan and you quickly shoved it to your mouth! You’re so stupid Choi!” she said loudly.

“You didn’t warn me!” wait.. did she just call me Choi??

“How would I?! You we’re as quick as flash!” She said then she giggled.

I pouted at her but she looked away.

“Don’t do that. I hate it.” She said coldly. What a bipolar.. (-_-)

“Okay. By the way,..”


          I shoved some omelette to my mouth. I asked while chewing.

“Whatsh the boxshes all about? Err you a memberrr of a rwobbing shyndicate?”

“Hmmm.. You’re moving out with me. Let’s move together.”

          I almost throw up the food in my mouth if she didn’t cover my mouth up. I swallowed all the food in my mouth and drink water.

“Wait. What?? How? Why?” I asked.

“I want to buy a house so I searched for a House-for-sale last night that is located here in Seoul using your laptop. I’m not able to find a small house fit for me and I found this house that suites my taste and it’s too big for me if I live alone. So, let’s go?”

Wow… that was such a speech.. O_O


“Yeah. I already packed your things up. Gosh! I’m so tired! And I even prepared breakfast for you!”

“Are you thanking me?” I asked.

“Duh!?? Stupid!”

          I smiled at her widely. Then we moved to the house she’s talking about. She’s about to buy the house by herself and my eyes widened at the price of the house.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked without looking at me checking the files.

“Krys, I’m not letting you buy this house by yourself!”

“Then, what do you want me to do? I want it.” still not looking at me and checking the house files.

“I’ll buy it.” I said plainly. She stopped looking at the files and turned to look at me.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yep.” I replied while smiling. Well, I won’t deny I’m a rich kid.

“No. You pay half of it and I’ll pay for the other half.”


“Let’s sign here.” She said pointing at the files.

“Here you go, sir.” She handed the cheques we signed.

“Okay. Thank you so much, ladies.” Then the man left with his limo.

          She looked at the house and let out a loud sigh while her arms crossed.

“This is ours now…” she said.

“And you’re mine now…” I whispered in the air.

“Did you say something?”

“Nope, I wasn’t talking. Omo! I-is there a ghost here?!!! We should give this back to that ajusshi!!!”

“Shut up, Choi…” she said while smiling and moving her head left and right without looking at me.


I will make you smile like that always from now on, Krystal Jung.












author's note:

thanks for subscribing! babujjung soshi9_kim and fyssul !

Yah! who said baby Sulli is stupid?! 

Krystal: I'll rip your throat out.


Krystal: Just kidding! You have to finish this story first!

Yes boss.. ^__^ ehehehe




actually, I'm doing 2 JungLi fics, but I'm not done typing with the other one yet. But i'll update soon! Please keep supporting! Thanks for the feedbacks.. :)


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Chapter 6: Who's the boy?
Chapter 6: Nice update author... hate that parents -_-" UPDATE SOON!!! ^_^
Chapter 6: JungLi ..

Poor Sulli :'(
You should save Soojung from darkness ..

And I really hate your damn parents , Sulli -_-
Chapter 5: Yep... That's a good change, since i can't imagine him being younger than jungli -.-
Update soon
Chapter 5: Wahaha . Chanyeol never had a girlfriend :D
Chapter 4: Wahaha . Your update are really daebak . The funniest thing is the last part xD

btw , new reader here :)
Chapter 4: new reader here \^.^/ nice story :)))
Chapter 4: uuuuppppppppddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttteeeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!! XD