
I See Fire

If you looked at Yoo Youngjae you would see a normal kid. Not a rebel or a jock. Nor would you think of him as a dancer or any other ‘cool kid’ stereotype. You’d look at him and probably think something more along the lines of ‘dork’, ‘nerd’, ‘geek’, or something like that. Up until high school he had longer hair that covered most of his face and a rather laid back appearance. The only difference that happened after getting into high school was the fact that he chopped off his locks in favor of a shorter style that made him look more mature and much older than his actual age. But it also revealed his glasses and left him with nothing to hide behind once people started staring.

He was just your typical quiet student that kept his head down and studied hard to keep his grades up and himself in the top of his grade. The other students in this grade were used to seeing his name grace the top of the list for highest grades and GPA, as it happened just about every year. Only one student came close to knocking him down to second place in middle school. Other than that his name was not mentioned in anything else at his school.

And he liked it that. It was better to be not talked about for anything than be discussed all the time over one mistake. So keeping to himself seemed the best option. The only downside was the lack of friends he had if you could call them that. He had befriended a few people that shared musical interest as he did. Sometimes Youngjae would hang around after school to play with them on his guitar, probably one of his few hobbies besides studying, reading or electronics.

One day at school, all the students were buzzing about the latest arrival to their student population. Some of the many things he overheard was that it was a male, he was handsome (or as some of the more loose girls called him ‘a hot piece of meat’ or y), he had a ‘gummy’ smile, that he was athletic and very social so far. Even with just two of those things mentioned, Youngjae knew the new person would instantly be accepted into the popular group by the end of the day if not by lunchtime.

As the day progressed he still hadn’t caught a glimpse of the new student and wondered if he was a grade above him since he was in none of his classes. But he soon let it go and school ended which lead Youngjae to his usual haunt – the music room – but today it was different; none of his friends had showed up or given him notice that they wouldn’t be there that day. With a small frown in place, he settled into his favorite spot on the edge of the stage and pulled his guitar from its case, tuning it quickly before testing a couple of chords.

Normally if his friends were around he would stick to just playing but when along the brunette would belt out songs at the top of his voice. Being as withdrawn as he was, Youngjae was also very self-conscience of every little detail about himself.

He knew there’d still be faculty at the school so he kept his voice down and softly sang a few songs before just plucking away a random melody. Thinking it had been enough for the day, he packed his guitar back into the case and made to leave, utterly surprised when he looked up to see his exit blocked by an unfamiliar face. Was this the new student everyone had been gossiping about? He fit every whispered word he’d overheard. With his nervousness getting the best of him, Youngjae looked down and his lips as he shifted from foot to foot, his voice coming out rather soft, “H-hello… I didn’t know someone was in here. You can have the r-room now if you’d like.”  He made to step around the other male but was surprised to see him move into Youngjae’s path. The younger man looked up, perplexed and waited to see what the other would do.

“You’re really good with that guitar, kid. I’m sorry if you didn’t like me listening but I was walking by when I heard it so I wanted to see who was playing. Do you play at like… open mic nights or anything? I know you’d pick up a following quickly.” The timber and depth of pitch from the other’s voice caused a small shudder down Youngjae’s back. He most certainly had not been expecting that to come out when the elder had opened his mouth to talk.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts and inner critique of the other’s voice that he nearly forgot to reply. “I don’t do that…Only a f-few people know I play.”

“Well that’s a shame. You’re really good. Maybe I can listen to you play more some other day.” Youngjae nodded and walked around the other male, wondering how fast he could walk to get away from his embarrassing situation. But it wasn’t long until the other student called out to him. “Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name’s Bang Yongguk and I just started here today.”

The younger male turned around to examine the new student once more, giving him a small smile and shook his bangs from his face (his hair was still long at this point). “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Yoo Youngjae.”

“Perhaps I can see you again soon?” Yongguk smiled as he spoke, his bright smile was indeed a ‘gummy’ smile but it caused Youngjae’s own smile to grow as he nodded shortly and headed out of the auditorium to go home, the smile still in place when he arrived at his house. The idea of a new and potential friend looming on his horizon. 




So this was meant to be a oneshot but its very late and I didn't want to write something crappy. So here's a little bit of something until later today when I actually sit out and finish it. So it'll be a oneshot in two parts I guess. Let me know what you think of this so far. 

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Chapter 1: I LOVE IT =] really i do.. it's sooo cute and ahhh it's just really good =] Youngjae and Yongguk hehe =]

darn it it's a two shot lol I thought it was going to be a long chaptered fic BUT i'M STILL glad that this is here and I was able to read it =]