Chapter One

Lean On Me

Michelle frowned at her reflection. Her hair wasn’t cooperating, her normally curls seemed too , she was forced to wear her glasses because she dropped one of her contacts down the drain, she was paranoid of her breath smelling like vomit even though she brushed her teeth three times, and she’s pretty sure the eggs her mom was making were past their expiration date if her nausea is anything to go by.


Knowing that her day wasn’t going to get any better by just standing in front of her mirror, she adjusted the green blazer of her uniform and grabbed her bag from her bed before heading downstairs. Her parents were usually up before her, having to leave around the same time she does, plus her mom usually cooked breakfast because she believes as a chef she should never let her family skip breakfast.


Her steps down the stairs are slow. Things are still pretty tense in the Winston household even if it has over a month since she broke the news of her pregnancy to her parents. It wasn’t a pleasant experience and many tears were shed, mostly by her mom because she wondered where she had gone wrong.


(“You’re still a baby.”


“I’m not a kid, mom.”


“There is no way you can raise a child. You’re seventeen!”


“It’s not impossible.”


“How are you going to provide for it!” Her mother yelled, she stood in front of her father who was just sitting on the couch. His face was expressionless as he seemed to be looking past his daughter and her boyfriend, his eyes trained on the wall behind their heads. “What job could you get at eighteen? Retail? Why don’t you go flip some burgers at McDonalds? I’m sure they’re hiring.”


“Mrs. Winston,” Chanyeol spoke up for the first time. His voice was quiet and the tall teen suddenly seemed so small as he looked up at Michelle’s mom for his position on the couch next his girlfriend, “I know .. I know that you’re disappointed. My parents were, no they still are, too,” Michelle saw his hand shaking as it sat on his knee. She quietly reached out and grabbed it with her much smaller one, “but, Michelle and I came to this decision together. Even after we made the decision to keep the baby we continue everyday to question whether or not it is the right decision.”


“Michelle and I, we’ve been through everything together. She’s my entire life, Mr and Mrs. Winston. I know raising a child is going to be difficult, both financially and mentally for two kids, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to ensure a great future for Michelle and this baby, if it takes flipping burgers at McDonalds until two in the morning, then so be it.”


Her mom walked off with a shake of her head and her father finally moved from his spot on the couch to follow her, but not before walking over to Chanyeol and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. It was a small gesture, but it was enough for the teen to get teary eyed and offer a small watery smile with a quiet “Thank you, sir.”)


“Morning, mom. Hey, dad.” The large kitchen table was covered in various breakfast foods ranging from eggs to blueberry pancakes. Her father was at the head of the table with a newspaper in his hands and Michelle knew he was checking on his stocks.


“Hey, honey.” Her mom greeted from her spot at the sink. She had this habit of washing dishes twice. Once before a meal and once after. “How’d you sleep?”


Michelle took a seat next to her father, dropping her bag on the floor next to her chair. “Okay, I had to pee like three times, though.” She reached for a pancake and tried not to let the smell of the eggs get to her.


Her mom kept quiet at this and Michelle wasn’t surprised. The teen tries to constantly slide in slight reminders that she was in fact pregnant. Her mother was the type of person to pretend that something she disliked wasn’t actually happening. Michelle was having none of that. She was pregnant and her mom was going to accept it. Not ignore it.


“Would you look at that,” Mr. Winston spoke up from behind the newspaper, “they wrote an article on the Whedon kids attending your school: Whedon and Breighton Merging: A Pleasant Mixer or Terrible Turnout.”


Mrs. Winston scoffed, “How about the worst idea ever. Seriously, those kids are horrible. No home training whatsoever.”


Michelle hummed in response, “I heard they’re adding security guards throughout the school,” She cut off a large piece of pancake covered in a generous amount of syrup before stuffing it in .


Mr. Winston shook his head, “Listen to you two, talking like you know these kids.”


“I know enough,” Mrs. Winston said walking over and finally taking a seat at the table, “those kids are no good.”


“I agree. I just want to get through senior year with as little problems as possible.” Michelle took a sip of her orange juice.


“A little late for that.” Her mom said while scooping a serving of eggs on to her plate. The realization of what she said hit her and she looked her daughter with eyes that said what couldn’t. ‘I’m sorry.’


“Yeah, just a little,” the teen stood and grabbed her bag, “Those eggs smell disgusting by the way.” She still had twenty minutes before she had to leave for school, “I’m going to Chanyeol’s. Bye.”


She walked out the house with a slam of the door.


“This school smells like trust funds and bake sales.” Yixing walked through the halls with his nose scrunched up.


Tanya laughed from her spot between him and Kris. Her and Kris’ fingers were laced together as always.


“I’m more upset with the uniforms. Green? Seriously? This place .” Tao spoke up from his spot next to Yixing. He looked down at his uniform and Tanya had to admit that it was weird seeing him in another color aside from black.


Kris chuckled, “At least our heads don’t touch the ceiling.” That was true, the two taller males always had to duck when walking through the doors to their classes (when they decided to go).


“I guess,” Tao mumbled, “I just wish we were back at Whedon.”


The foursome made a left, following the signs that were leading them to the auditorium. There was going to be a mandatory assembly welcoming the Whedon kids into Breighton.


“No, dude. Over the summer I snuck into the school with Baekhyun. It was like a swimming pool. The halls were full of water and I’m pretty sure I saw a shark.” Yixing said with exaggerated hand gestures.


Tanya laughed, “Baekhyun? You mean your drug dealer. I’m pretty sure sneaking into a flooded high school while you’re high isn’t the smartest thing to do.”


Yixing was about to reply when a voice cut into their conversation.


“Oh my God, why are these Whedon kids so slow.” The person behind them was talking to his friends, but he was talking loud enough so they could hear. The four spared a glance back to see a blonde boy and two others. He was a strong looking guy with blue eyes and he had a varsity jacket over his blazer. He looked like a typical jock straight from an 90’s teen flick.  


Tanya sighed, “Just ignore them, guys.” She held onto Kris’ hand tighter and she laid a hand on Yixing’s arm. “They only want to get a reaction out of us.”


The four continued walking, however, their conversation didn’t resume. They suddenly seemed all too aware of the glares that the Breighton kids were sending them from the sides of the hallway.


“If looks could kill.” Tanya whispered to the others as she looked around.


Tao scoffed, “Well, they can’t,” he spoke louder, “but my fist is known to be deadly.” He directed a glare at a group of people they walked by.  


“Relax, Tao.” Kris said and the black haired male rolled his eyes.


They made it to the auditorium and took a seat in the back even though there were teachers directing the students to sit in the seats closer to the front. Yixing and Tao placed their feet on the back of the chairs in front of them as the leaned back in their own chairs.


“For such a rich school you would think they could afford more comfortable chairs.” Yixing said.


“Yeah,” Kris agreed, “I’m too tall for this .” He sighed before he copied Tao and Yixing’s position.


Tanya laughed, “They must not be giant friendly. Sorry, babe.” She placed a sympathetic pat on her boyfriend’s back.


The auditorium filled up slowly. Most of the Whedon kids migrated to the back as the Breighton kids sat front and center, constantly glancing back at the students sitting behind them. The majority of the Whedon kids responded with middle fingers and others made crude gestures.


“Yixing!” Baekhyun was making his way towards the group in the back. He had the girl Tanya knew as Adrian with him. She was holding his hand and looking disinterestedly around the auditorium.


“Yo, Baek.” He stuck his hand out and Baekhyun grabbed it in that universal handshake that all guys know. Yixing turned to Adrian, “Hi, Miss Kingsley. Looking amazing as usual.”


“No, Yixing.” She took a seat in the seat in front of Tanya’s, but not before saying a quiet hello.


Baekhyun laughed, “Sorry, dude. She’s mine.” He took a seat and threw his arm over her shoulder.


“Not even, Baekhyun,” she shook his arm off her shoulder.


Baekhyun turned around in his seat, “That’s not what she was saying last night, but whatever. People change when in the company of others.”


“I don’t get it. You guys are always together and you guys are ing, but you aren’t together.” Tao said with his eyes glued to his phone, “Why don’t you guys just date?”


“That would be weird,” Adrian looked back at Tao, “besides Baekhyun could never date exclusively. He’s too much of a free spirit.”


“She knows me so well.” Baekhyun sighed dramatically.


“I guess,” Tao was cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat into a microphone.


Tanya looked up to see a man dressed in an expensive looking suit standing in front of the podium. His red hair was neatly styled and he looked kind of young to be dressed in such a fancy suit. He was smiling at the audience and his perfectly white and straight teeth showed.


“Good morning ladies and gentleman. Most of you know me, but for those of you who are unfamiliar, I am your principal, Mr. Kendall.” The sound of girls squealing could be heard and Tanya rolled her eyes, “I’ve gathered you all here today because as you are all aware of the incident with our neighboring school, Whedon High.”


There was a collective ‘boooo’ and the kids up front all turned to the back. Yixing, Tao, and Baekhyun stood along with a large number of other Whedon boys.


Mr. Kendall cleared his throat again, “Settle down.” He waited for the students to be seated and the chatter to subside, “Now, it is unfortunate about what happened to Whedon, but luckily Breighton is close enough that we were able to find the Whedon kids a temporary replacement. This is not a bad thing, but a great opportunity to be rid of all this juvenile tension between the two schools.”


“With the added students class sizes will be smaller and we had to order more books. Fortunately, Breighton just finished additions made to the cafeteria-”


Tanya heard Adrian scoff under her breath, “Rich bastards.”


“-and we should be able to fit all the students comfortably.”


Tanya was getting antsy. Her leg was tapping and she was playing with the ring on her finger. Kris had given it to her on their first anniversary. He said it was to hold her over until he could afford an engagement ring, a house, and a Cadillac.


She stood up and she heard Kris shift beside her.


“Bathroom.” She said quietly.


“Do you need me to come,” he was already making a move to stand.


Yixing chuckled, “She’s going to pee, Kris. I didn’t know you were into that.”


Kris flicked him off and turned to Tanya, “You’re good?”


“I’ll be fine, babe. I’m a big girl.” She leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his lips.


She made her way down the aisle to towards the door that led to the hallway.


Breighton was a three times the size of Whedon, with four floors and hallways that were twice the width of Whedon’s. The lights in the halls were bright and there were motivational posters plastered all over the walls. The trophy cases actually had trophies in them and the doors to the classroom weren’t closed and locked.


Tanya had to admit that the school looked better than her old one, but that in no way meant she liked it. She was used to the water damaged ceiling of Whedon, the small lockers that were easily jammed, and the desks that were covered in her and her fellow students drawings.


Whedon was home.


She found the bathroom and gently pushed open the door. The walls were pink and the sinks had granite countertops. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the mirror. She didn’t really have to use the bathroom, it was just being around all those people made her feel restless. She needed some air.


She looked at her reflection and sighed. The brown at the tips of her hair was fading and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to re-dye it. She was thinking of cutting it short again, but she was sure she would regret it after the first month like she did last time.


Tanya was about to leave when the door to the bathroom swung open and a girl ran in. She didn’t even acknowledge Tanya was she went straight to one of the stalls. Without closing the door she got to her knees and began throwing up. The sound of her vomiting echoed in the nearly empty bathroom.


Tanya took a tentative step forward, “Hey, are you okay?” She stopped at the door of the stall leaning a shoulder on the edge, “That doesn’t sound so good.”


The girl grabbed some toilet paper and wiped at the corner of , “I’m fine.”


“Are you sure because it sounded like you were puking out your insides.” Tanya watched as the girl flushed the toilet and used the seat as support as she raised herself up. She felt something in her chest at the familiar sight.


“Yeah, I’m used to it these days.” The girl turned around and looked at Tanya, “You don’t look familiar. Do I know you?”


Tanya shook her head and moved out of the way as the girl walked out the stall towards the sinks, “Nah, I go to Whedon.”


The girl let out a dry laugh, “Oh. Great.” She the water and splashed a little into her face.


“Yeah, you’re sure you’re okay, right? I don’t want to leave only to find out you died and I get blamed for it.”


The girl sighed, “I’m not dying. But, according to some my life is over.” She looked at Tanya through the mirror and it made the Whedon girl’s heart hurt a little, “I’ll be okay, though. Thanks.” She didn’t smile, but she didn’t frown either, Tanya noticed.


“Okay, well,” She made her way to the door but paused when he hand was on the handle, “um, hey. I don’t know what people tell you, but what you’re going through right now, it’ll be worth it. You may think it’s all over, but it isn’t. Trust me. That moment when you realize that your efforts were not wasted will be the greatest day of your life. At least, that’s what I’m told. So, hang in there.” She smiled at the girl before pulling the door open and entering the hallway.


Tanya felt something stirring in her chest as she looked back at the closed bathroom door. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but it was something that she wasn’t sure she felt before.


She made her way down the hall, remembering the way she had come before. She passed the motivational posters and the opened classroom doors.


“Where’s your Great Wall of China?” Tanya stopped and turned around. It was the boy from earlier. He was with his two friends and they were walking towards her.


Tanya laughed, “Ah, good one.” She frowned, “Just kidding, that was actually really rude.”


The guy in the middle stopped in front of her, “Yeah, and you’re actually really cute.”


She rolled her eyes and turned to leave, “And, I’m actually really taken.”


There was a hand on her wrist and she was pulled back. She was against the wall now and the three guys were surrounding her.


“I don’t want to date you. Don’t flatter yourself. I just want to see if what they say about girls from Whedon is true.” He smirked and Tanya rolled her eyes.


She frowned, “I doubt it.”


“I’d rather find out myself, thanks.” He lifted a hand towards her face and Tanya slapped his wrist away, “You’re feisty. I like that.”


“Yeah, so is every other girl from Whedon. Go find some other girl to use your cute little face on.” She made to leave again when a harsh push to her shoulder reeled her back against the wall, “Ow, .”


The blonde guy was frowning now, “Look, you should cooperate while I’m asking nicely.” His lackeys nodded in agreement.


Tanya scoffed, “I’m not ing you, dude. Leave me alone.”


“That’s what I don’t like about you Whedon kids. You come into my school and act like everything is yours to own. Newsflash, nothing is yours. You people don’t belong here. You never will. So you mind as well make your way past the border and return to your piece of school.”


“We would if you could . Now that you got that off your chest, could you please move?” Tanya was getting restless again. The feeling in her chest from earlier fading away to something less desired. She lifted her left hand to play with the ring on her finger.


“Why don’t you make me move? Or better yet,” he took a step closer to her and Tanya felt her heartbeat quicken.


You’re so weak.




It’s all your fault, you know.


She felt as if she was drowning. The blonde guy was saying something but she couldn’t hear over the rushing in her ears. She felt the world around her getting smaller and smaller. She was sinking deeper and deeper.


There was a hand on her wrist and she faintly noticed blondie being pushed out of the way. The hand was warm and she felt herself being pulled and there was someone saying her name. She knew that voice.


“Kris,” Everything was coming in focus. The first thing she noticed was Kris with his brows full of worry. She noticed that the hallways were getting full with people again and she felt everyone staring at her. She stood up, a little too quickly, and she swayed a little. Kris reached out to put a steadying hand on her waist. “I’m fine.” She smiled at him weakly.


Tao, Yixing, and Baekhyun were standing in front of the blonde and his two friends. Tao looked excited and Yixing was leaning on Baekhyun as he pointed at the three Breighton boys.


“So, who told you it was okay to mess with our precious Tanya?”


Another group of boys in varsity jackets walked to stand behind the trio. A taller guy with brown hair spoke up, “Is there a problem?”


Baekhyun nodded, “You’re friends don’t know how to treat a lady.”


They had an audience by now. A mixture of Whedon and Breighton kids standing in something that resembled a circle around them.


The taller guy looked toward Tanya, “A Whedon chick? She’s hardly a lady.”


Tanya felt Kris tense and she laid a comforting hand on his chest. Tao noticed, too. He said something in Mandarin and Kris tightened his hold on her waist.


“Hey, guys, just forget about it. I’m fine, let’s just leave. Let’s just go home.” Tanya moved out of Kris’ hold and went to pull on Yixing’s wrist.


“He disrespected and violated you, Tanya. We can’t let that go.” Yixing offered her a small smile but his eyes were hard and she could tell that his hands were balled into a fist in his pockets.


There was a loud ‘whoop!’ heard before Jongin and Sehun broke through the crowd. They were followed by Julie.


“Yes!” Jongin half yelled, “Do you guys need a hand? I’ve been itching to hit a Breighton kid since I stepped foot in this place.” Him and Sehun made their way to stand next to Yixing, Baekhyun, Tao, and Kris who had followed when Tanya walked over.


Tao smirked, “The more the merrier.”


Julie grabbed Tanya’s hand and pulled her back to stand in the crowd next to Adrian. “This needs to happen,” she said, “Relieve some tension.”


Tanya sighed and she felt her hand go to play with her ring.


“Okay, so who wants to get beat first? Let’s make this quick, shall we. I have a nap to take.” Jongin took a step closer and eyed each of the varsity jacket boys.


The blonde guy let out a laugh, “Look at these Whedon kids thinking they’re hot stuff when they can’t even afford decent clothes. How much do you usually spend on clothes? Fifty cents? No, that’s kind of high.” He leaned in closer to Jongin and Tanya saw Sehun take a step closer. Just in case. Those two were thick as thieves.


Jongin grabbed the collar of the guy’s jacket, “Want to say that again?” He was close enough to the blonde’s face, he could kiss him.


“I said your clothes are almost as cheap as your women.” He raised his eyes to look towards where Tanya was standing with Adrian and Julie.


Everything happened in slow motion. It wasn’t Jongin who hit the guy first, but Kris. He landed a punch to the kid’s jaw before tackling him to the ground. It was like a chain reaction and it was a brawl. Tao took on the big guy with dark hair and Yixing took on one of the blonde’s friends. It looked like more and more students were joining in the fight.


Tanya watched helplessly as the people around her were cheering.


There was the sound of an authoritative voice yelling. Tanya felt herself being pushed to the side as what was more than ten teachers rushed to the center of the circle to break the fight apart. They grabbed the boys, holding them back as they continued to lunge forward trying to break away.


“Enough! That is enough!” Principal Kendall was holding onto Kris. He turned to the students standing around, “Don’t you all have classes to get to?”


The students broke into an excited chatter as they made their way to their classes. Tanya along with Julie stayed where she was. Adrian waved at them before heading to her class.


Tanya watched as the group of boys was led to the Principal’s office. They passed by the girls and Tanya noticed the cut on Kris’ lip, the swelling of Tao’s eye, and the bruise forming on Yixing’s cheek.


This was all her fault.


She let out a shaky breath before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Julie looking at her. “Hey, let’s get out of here. I’m kind of hungry.”


Tanya nodded and followed Julie towards the entrance of the school.


“I’m craving a milkshake from Dolly’s.” Julie smiled at her as the turned to the left, making their way up the hill.


Tanya smiled and nodded. She could see the park in the distance and sighed. She felt like she could breathe again with every step she took.


The time is currently 2:39am on Wednesday, but I never went to slep so it counts as Tuesday,  right?

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12/15/2013: New Chapter should be up by Tuesday!


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Chapter 1: Me likey! Update please!
Chapter 1: omg.
this story is good.
dat fight tho.
please continue :)
ambw_girl3134 #3
Gull, please update soon.
This story sounds so damn good.
AnaisNin1 #5
Good story, and consider me subscribed.