What If...



Minho stood there looking at them happily talking, laughter echoing throughout the room and coming into the kitchen where he was sat with his chin in his hand, he let out a long sigh that escaped from his lips and then he closed his eyes for a minute trying to recover the pieces of his pride.

He was trying all the ways to not doing this, to don't let his pride aside and go talk to him, to expose himself to the point of saying the three words he so ing afraid to say.

The "I love you" came out with a desperate tone and his voice cracked at the end, but the worst was to see the shock on the face of the other and then the confusion. They shouldn't have such feelings for each other but Minho wasn't able to help with this, this feeling just appeared and when he least expected it had lodged in his heart so deeply that he was unable to get him out.

Minho ran even before the other opened his mouth, hearing that he was sorry and that the feelings were not mutual scared him as hell and then Minho tried to avoid any contact beyond what is strictly necessary, but it is clear that others members noticed and Minho was grateful that no one tried to comment on the matter.

Minho sighed again while looking for the members laughing at some lame show that was on television, he was tired of it all, sometimes he just wanted to go home and lie down on his bed and sink into self-deprecation without having to explain or hide, but it was out of the question. Not with his parents living in another country and the schedules as crowded as it was at the end of the year. He needed to breathe a bit.

He stood up and grabbed his keys getting out and slamming the door behind him, cowering inside the coat he walked through the empty and covered in snow street lost in how own thought, only hearing the sound of his own breathing, he should get out more often at this time and so have a little peace, and be able to pass as a "normal person" without having girls screaming and taking photos of him all the time.

Minho walked for hours just wandering the streets and only returned home when he couldn't longer feel his fingers and his hair was wet from the snow. He took off his shoes and entered in the dorm that was completely silent, walking slowly down the hall to his room he took off his clothes leaving them scattered on the floor and lay on the bed.

"Ah hyung." He sighed sadly.

Minho began to go out every night regardless of whether, it was snowing or not, if the weather was too cold or if he needed to wake up very early the next day, Minho just left the dorm around midnight and walked the streets increasingly most deserted because of the cold weather.

Sometimes Minho heard footsteps behind him but when he turned not find anyone. Maybe some fan has discovered his nightly walks or perhaps some sasaeng had seen him coming out of the dorm, but at all times nothing happened and he returned home without any damage, it mean, besides the hair always wet and cold stiff fingers even though he wore gloves.

Only its outputs were beginning to affect his performances, he walked more tired than usual, he couldn’t memorize the steps of the choreography and forgot part of the lyrics. It didn't take long for him to be called to a talk about what was happening to him.

Minho sighed and left the office, when he looked up he found Jinki standing in the hallway fiddling nervously at a loose thread from his shirt, Minho swallowed and tried to put a smiling face greeting him.

"Hey hyung." He said a little louder than a whisper.

Jinki immediately lifted his head and stared him. "Oh Minho-yah are you there?"

Minho hummed in response and looked at the floor uncomfortably, he just wanted to leave, he didn't want to talk to Jinki, it still hurt.

"A-are you okay? You don't get in trouble right?"

"I'm fine they just wanted to talk." He said with a shrug.

"Ah, okay then." He said smiling.

Minho didn't want to see his smile, it hurt him even more. "Hm, I have to go hyung." He said practically running out of the building.

Minho sighed as the cold air hit his face and then he pulling his coat against him and he entered the van waiting for the manager hyung so he can go back to the dorm and get some sleep, lately he could count on one hand the times he had sleep.

He laid his head against the seat and closed his eyes sighing, then the motor of the van was turned and Minho surrendered to sleep.

"Minho-yah wake up."

Minho opened his eyes and almost fell when he saw Jinki sitting opposite him. "Hyung? W-what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

Minho looked around nervously and realized they were not parked in the garage of the dorm, he actually had no idea where he was.

"Where are we?"

"Somewhere where we can talk without being bothered."


"Minho-yah why you say that?"

"W-why I say what?"

"That day in my room you... you said it... that you love me and..."

Minho choked on his own saliva coughing dramatically while trying to think of something to respond, but his brain just went blank.

"Hyung I... I'm so sorry." He sighed looking at his own hands. "I shouldn't have told you that, I shouldn't have said anything, I just thought... I just thought if I told you I could alleviate some of my heart, you know? That somehow this has improved something. I'm sorry if I screwed up, I'm sorry if I created a strange atmosphere between us, I promise I'll try..." He laughed nervously. "I don't know what I'll have do to improve it, but I'll try."

Jinki was silent forcing Minho to look at him. "Hyung I'm sorry." He whispered.

"But I don't."


Jinki sighed. "I admit I didn't expect to hear from you that, I never thought you could... hm, that you could love me. I was shocked and the words seemed to disappear, I couldn't tell you anything and then you run away and I was so ashamed of myself for not responding to you the way I should."

Minho shivered, and there were the words he so afraid to hear. He prepared himself for not to cry right there in front of Jinki. "I don't..."

"No, let me finish Minho-yah. I tried to talk to you later but you walked away, you walked away and then you started to go out every night and go back cold and wet and..."

"Wait, how did you know that I come back cold and wet?"

Jinki blushed and ducked his head making his bangs cover his eyes. "I was kind of waiting you go back and... I began to worry because you were increasingly taking longer so I..."

"So you started following me." He finished for him.

"Yeah. Why things have to be so complicated?"

"What do you mean hyung?"

"Why you don't let me tell you that I love you too?"

"Wait, what?"

"I love you." He whispered embarrassed. "That's why I was so shocked when you confessed, because I would never imagine that you felt the same as I, because let's faced, should have a better person for you, you deserve someone who is perfect as you and I clearly don't that person because..."

"Hyung just shut up for a minute."

Jinki's eyes widened, Minho had never spoken to him like that before. "M-Minho-yah I..."

"There's no better person in the world to me than you, I don't want nobody's perfect because God knows that I'm not like that. The only person I want by my side is you, only you."

"Y-you sure? Because I'm clumsy."

"I know hyung."

"And also sometimes I'm sluggish."

"I know that too hyung."

"And yet you still... you still will love me?"

Minho smiled. "I love you just because all of these things hyung, these are things that make you special, what makes Lee Jinki perfect the way it is."

Jinki blinked his eyes filling with tears.



"Can I kiss you now?"

Jinki giggled and ran his fingers wiping the tears that had escaped. "I thought you'd never ask."

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shinyan #1
"I love you just because all of these things hyung, these are things that make you special, what makes Lee Jinki perfect the way he is."

Love this fluff! Minho is the best MVP.
Chapter 1: Oh*-* so much cute <3
Chapter 1: So sweet!!
Chapter 1: Aww lovely Onho story for your first one shot! <3
Chapter 1: So cute, angst in the beginning, fluff in the end. Perfect onho love story ;_;
Chapter 1: aww! so sweet... <3 <3 <3