Married Fools


“Ah, this is nostalgic”

“Hyung, the collar is not supposed to stand up.”

“Oh stop, I know what I’m doing”

“Guys, can you please not play tug of war with this very expensive shirt’s collar because I’m sure as hell you two will end up strangling me”

“Oh hush Donghae, you helped out your hyung on his wedding day, now let your hyung help you on yours.”

“Kyu, do you think we are rushing into this?”

Kyuhyun snorted “What a great question to ask just moment away from walking down the aisle”

Donghae whimpered a bit, but in his heart he knew the answer to this weird lingering fear of rushing things.

If anything, this was certainly not a rush, their families and close friends had all thanked the heavens that the two finally decided to put a ring on it.

Then again it was nearly a year since Hyukjae’s and Donghae’s confession.

Their first kiss under the oak tree became the talk of the house, turned out Kyuhyun had made videos and not just snapped pictures

While Kyuhyun and Jungsu adjusted the suit jacket and tied and re-tied the sleek silk tie, Donghae’s thoughts darted back to their day of confession.

Hyukjae and he, for the giggles, referred to it as the day they became each other Romeos. Then again Romeo himself didn’t get lucky; Hyukjae and Donghae had managed to attain each other.



“Huh-oh sorry, I zooned out”

Kyuhyun stared at it, partially amused “That was obvious, so I’m heading over to check on your going-to-be-husband now, hopefully he’s in a better state than you.”

“I bet he isn’t” Donghae called out confidently as Kyuhyun walked out.


Meanwhile Hyukjae was having a crisis.

“! Why did I have to have a bad hair day today?!”

“Hyukjae!” Mrs.Lee reprimanded “Language son! And just clam down, all we need is hair gel.”

Hyukjae whined, face scrunched in sad frown as he stared at himself in the full length mirror. Dressed in a classy white suit he tugged at his hair, that he had attempted to style in spikes, Donghae had always admired how, whenever Hyukjae would style his hair to stand up and show his forehead, Hyukjae would look double the time amazing. The door swung open behind him and Kyuhyun appeared “Hey hyung- oh my goodness, take off that horrid wig!”

“That’s not a wig it’s my hair!” Hyukjae spun and nearly wailed, Mrs.Lee sighed and sent a helpless look to Kyuhyun “We might need to put off the wedding, my son is still a baby.”

Kyuhyun chuckled and patted Hyukjae’s cheeks lightly “Here I thought you would be doing better than Donghae-hyung, oh boy was I wrong.”

Hyukjae’s eyes instantly brightened as he gushed “Oh, how is Donghae looking.”


“Kyuhyun-ah please, I want details, not just a ‘good’”

Kyuhyun smirked and shook his head “ You’ll see for yourself in a bit” he winked and stepped out of the room “I’ll be back with your hair gel.”



“Just make the last touches Hyukjae, it’s going to be time soon.” Mrs.Lee smiled warmly and walked out the room two. Pursing his lips Hyukjae’s eyes darted all over his reflection

He sighed

“Well, looks good to me” he muttered to himself, mind drifting back suddenly to how he and Donghae had ended up proposing each other at the same time. A chuckle follwed as he smiled at his reflection and shook his head.


Donghae entered his house, tired from a hectic day at work, lyrics and music revolved in his mind and right now he just wanted to get rid of them all, get some silence in that noisy head of his. Walking into the dark, lonely house was nothing new, thought after he and Hyukjae had become official Hyukjae would happily stay with him for a few days now and then.

Tonight was going to be lonely. Hyukjae had said something about an important family thing that had come up.

So Donghae had not expected to catch sight of glinting and shimmering votives, lined up and trailing up the few stairs that led to his room. Anticipation slipped in and he hurriedly followed the line, reached his room and almost slammed the door open, ready to pounce onto Hyukjae.

Empty. No Hyukjae.

Disappointed, his eyes darted to the floor where the votives were placed in a big circle.

In the middle lay a scanned picture of Hyukjae, his face scrunched in the most exaggerated sad pout, his hands held up with a ring lying on his palms.

Marry me was scribbled below the picture

Donghae bit his lower lip, feeling his heart soar as he rested hands on waist , smiling down he shook his head.

Because he had prepared something similar for Hyukjae.


Hyukjae gasped the minute he had turned the lights of and laid in bed and instantly shot up in bed, mouth hung open in the widest smile as his eyes travelled from each wall to his ceiling.

Glow-in-the dark stickers decorated the walls and ceilings, words in soft shades of blue and pink beaming at him

Marry me.



Hyukjae laughed and lightly palmed his cheek as he turned from the mirror.

Jungsu’s head appeared when the door opened a bit “It’s time Hyuk.” He flung a small bottle of hairgel “Make it quick.”


Standing like that, dressed in white in front of the love of your life had never felt so thrilling and exhilarating. Donghae and Hyukjae’s eyes kept regarding each other with such fondness that Jungsu and Kyuhyun had to keep reminding them where they were standing. The sunlight that day was bright and soothing, gentle cool breeze drifted around them, the flowers decorating the area around the waterfall flailed and danced.

When the time for saying their vows came and the crowd fell into silence, Donghae gulped as he looked at Hyukjae’s expectant smiling face


Hyukjae’s smile faltered a bit, something was obviously wrong since Donghae was doing that thing again whenever he would mess up: nibble at his lower lip furiously.


“I’m okay” Donghae quickly spoke up, flashed Hyukjae an apologetic grin and n a deep breathe. Squaring his shoulders he looked right at Hyukjae

Hyukjae who he had grown to love and helped him truly love. The word that flew out of his mouth felt so right, this moment felt so right.

“Hyuk—our first meeting sure was not ‘good’ in anyway--“ Hyukjae smiled and looked down to the carpeted floor, he was so damn sure he was blushing—“but that changed, you made me change my mind and see the real you and I’m so thankful that I did…I promise I will forever be honest, and I’m going to start being that right now by admitting that I lost the piece of paper I wrote my vows on and so I could not rehearse and so um,  and so im just going to go with my heart and mind. I’m careless, and you know it, I just proved it right now too, but the fact that you’re still standing here smiling at me like that, that may mean you must really love me”—he chuckled under his breathe when Hyukjae raised a brow at that, a playful smirk playing on his lips—“ Because I love you, with such sincerity that I want us to be together in such a way that make people go ‘wow, they are still together?!’ I hope we can be together in such a way that every day we can’t help but grow to love each other more, I’m never letting go Hyuk, never.”

All they heard were distant hoots, too busy drowning in their own feelings for each other and basking in its glow.

Hyukjae cleared his throat, started talking but his voice cracked, which had some people in the crowd chuckling and cooing at just how adorable they were being. Donghae was anticipating Hyukjae’s little ‘speech’ while he himself was a mess of bashful smiles and darting eyes.

“Hae, I’m thankful that you gave me a’ve seen me in all my forms Hae, noting remained hidden from you, but you’ve changed something in me and it feels so amazing. You gave us a chance and I’ve seen you at your best and worst, and I want It all, because I need it all, some things are absolute necessities, like oxygen, you’ve become my oxygen, I need you in order to be able to live and live fully. There will be times we might feel like we rushed things, or we won’t work out, there will be times when we will feel we are so deeply in love, please know that im still yours, I care and no matter what, if we stray away, we will find a way back to each other.”

The overwhelming fluttering sensations were endless, they simply increased more as they were pronounced husbands and were told ‘you may kiss the groom’. The crowd cheered them on but the two, suddenly taken over by extreme shyness, only fidgeted and hesitated, while in between controlling their laughter and stealing glances at each other they stalled, at times awkwardly moving forward but then back out.

Jungsu face-palmed as he laughed hysterically into his hand while Kyuhyun, amused, scolded them about not suddenly acting like innocent kids and shouted  ‘just kiss him’!

Hyukjae, staring at the ground reached for Donghae’s hand, as he made himself take a step closer and glanced up at Donghae who furrowed his brows as he closed in hesitantly as well.

“Imagine it’s just us two, no crowd, no voices, just us.” Hyukjae muttered and Donghae nodded, fighting off the hesitation he leaned in just in time to meet Hyukjae’s lips.



You two were ridiculous!” Kyuhyun protested, laughing as spread his right arm on Donghae’s shoulder and left on hyukjae’s, lounging on a long couch once lunch was announced. The two scoffed and Hyukjae slapped Kyuhyun’s arm away from Donghae as he wrapped his own arms around Donghae “Mine.” He countered, that had Donghae swallowing his drink with difficulty, shoulders shaking in laughter.

Kyuhyun groaned “Yes yes, now you two need to leave the venue in two minutes for the airport, you guys got your passports and stuff for the flight, right?”

Pin-drop silence followed as the two husbands widened their eyes at each other, leading for Jungsu to face-palm and groan louder.


A/n And they lived a life of being fools but loving fools, for the rest of their lives.

Thank you all for the continued interest, it was fun! There will be a new story coming up ~soon~ keep an eye out ;)

Ah, I'll miss writing this.

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1455 streak #1
Chapter 12: cuteeeest!!!! 🥰
159 streak #2
Chapter 12: I just discovered this now! It's really fun reading it. I may have had an inkling that kyu was behind the letters. But it could be better if we are given a little more details. Anyway, I really enjoyed it! Thank you!
Chapter 12: Re reading hehe
It’s my nth time reading this and I still fall in love with the story, the characters and the sweetness of eunhae as if I’m reading it for the very first time 💗
Chapter 12: just finished reading. This is a wholesome cute story. I hope i can write a letter like that toom
Chapter 12: What an interesting honeymoon it must've been~
Chapter 7: Oh ues ues~ flirtationship omg!!!! But why can i actually see hyukjae actually coining that term if it ever came up in a variety show?? O.O
Chapter 4: Smile every one :)
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 12: Loved this! Fluff and sweetness all around! So happy I found this story!
Thanks for sharing!