


A/n: Early update as a thank you for all the love this fic's getting. Read chap 9 first pls~ (besides I think one or two more chapters left till the end!)


“I’ll pay” Hyukjae’s voice made him look up, that’s when he realized he had been staring blankly into his now empty bowl of soup.

“No, none of that, I’ll pay.”

“I drove us over!”

“Yes so now let me do something, you drove us here, now let me pay.”

Hyukjae sighed, rubbing a hand over his face but Donghae could see that small smile through the gaps of Hyukjae’s fingers “fine” Hyukjae drawled and Donghae granted him the sweetest smile. Hyukjae tried scoffing at him; Donghae saw how he instantly looked away.

“Let’s just divide the total amount and-“

“Hyuk! I said I’m paying so I’m paying.”

“You stubborn brat.”

Donghae grinned loop-sided and winked, instantly thinking it was a bad idea because Hyukjae seemed to be in some sort of a trance, with those unblinking and shimmering eyes, entirely focused on Donghae and suddenly it was a little hard to breathe.

Good thing the waiter showed up just then, effectively snapping Hyukjae out of it.


“I’m nervous” Hyukjae hunched his shoulders before relaxing them slowly; gripping the steering real tight as he drove them back. Donghae rested back in the passenger seat, casually watching Hyukjae “About what? The letter? In that case me too.”

“Huh, wonder when we will get out replies” Hyukjae had his shades on again, even though it was nearing sun-set so real need for the glasses. Donghae laughed lightly as he leaned towards Hyukjae “Yah, you idiot, take them off already, it’s not even that bright outside anymore and I’m the only one around so who are you trying to impress with those shades” he joked and Hyukjae instantly cracked a triumph grin “You mean to say I’ve already impressed you?”

“Well we’ve hung out and I’ve been riding in your car so go figure” Donghae replied airily causing Hyukjae to laugh cheekily that made ripples of sensations run through Donghae’s body.

Wow since when had his body started reacting to the things Hyukjae did?

Lee Hyukjae what are you doing to me!

“What?” Hyukjae cocked his head at Donghae as if he had not heard Donghae clearly and Donghae stared at him with wide eyes, had he sad it out loud?! Was Hyukjae in fact a mind reader!!?? “What?” Donghae asked, he could not help but wincing “I didn’t say anything…did I?” he relaxed when Hyukjae shook his head “Nah, I just felt as if you something there.”

“Oh..nope, I didn’t”


“Can I at least get a hint as to who you wrote the letter about, Hae?”

“Hmmm, nope.”


“Thanks man you’re not too bad yourself.”



“I’m off then!” Donghae appeared before Hyukjae all of a sudden, causing Hyukjae to almost fall-off of where he was perched onto the arm rest of the couch. “Already?!” Hyukjae asked incredulously and Donghae lightly bumped his fist at Hyukjae’s abdomen “Hey, I paid you a surprise visit-which you never did for me!- and spent almost, well the whole day, it’s night time now, I have a few hours’ drive to make, oh please don’t give me that look.”

Hyukjae blinked sadly, lips pouting “ But Hae…”

“Come visit me then if you’re so sad” Donghae playfully glared at him, knowing that sad  kicked-puppy look to be an act.

“I will, my heart can’t stand being separated from you too long” Hyukjae cooed brushing his fingertips along Donghae’s jawline continuously. Donghae hummed as he leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering, wanting to entirely envelope himself under the warm touches. He felt his body lean into Hyukjae’s, the same warmth spreading and the same automatic reaction to Hyukjae. He ended up spluttering out laughing when he caught Mrs.Lee watching them with rather wide eyes.


After hugs all around, expressing his sadness as to not being able to meet Annie since the kid was out with her parents all day, he big them farewell. The day had been full of every single emotion blended together in such a way that it left donghae feeling exhausted. It was night time already, stars twinkling along with a super bright full moon. The porch lights dimly lit the place. Donghae smiled fondly as Hyukjae walked him to his car.

Just when Donghae moved to open the car door he felt Hyukjae grip his other hand “Wait”

“Hm? Wha-“

Donghae first felt arms gently circling around his neck, next a pair of plump and oddly warm lips were pressed against his cheek.

Donghae stiffened for a while before he felt himself relax under the touch, it was soothing. The lips moved away after lingering a bit, smiling Donghae gazed at Hyukjae who smiled back, albeit sadly.

“Come see me?” Donghae spoke in a hushed manner, there was something about this moment, and so serene that he didn’t want to speak up, fearing the serenity would be ruined.

Hyukjae nodded “I- you’ll tell me when you get your reply, right?”

“Of course silly, and you better tell me too.”

“I will” he murmured, throwing a glance at his shoes before peeking up through his fringes. Donghae looked no like a celestial being in that moment. Bathed under the silver glow of the moon and illuminated by the porch lights.

“Bye Hyuk.”

Hyukjae restlessly rubbed at his nape as he managed to mutter ‘bye Hae’


Ten minutes into driving Donghae’s mind finally realized what the nagging feeling in his heart was about

Hyukjae had said bye

Hyukjae did not do goodbyes!

Panicked he slammed his foot onto the brake, fished out his phone and hastily began to unlock the screen when a message from Hyukjae lit up the screen.

Drive safely : )’

Donghae felt some relief but Hyukjae saying bye could mean a lot, Donghae just hoped it didn’t mean what he feared it did.


The next day Donghae woke up to the insistent vibrations. Groaning and thinking that Hyukjae was an idiot for waking him u while he had the week off he grumbled into the phone.

Husky laughter greeted him “Good morning sunshine.”

Donghae could not help but smile “Hmm, it got good now that I hear your voice.”

On the other side Hyukjae bit his lip and pushed off the covers when it suddenly got hot “Uh…heh good...” he cursed inwardly, snorting at himself, where were his smooth-talking skills now?

He had forgotten how it had felt to truly like someone and now that those feelings were sprouting within him again, it filled him with nervous, fluttery sensations.

“Hyuk? All okay?” Donghae sounded worried “Oh yeah everything’s good!” Hyukjae tried to sound cheerful, but the silence from the other end told Hyukjae the other was not satisfied.

“You don’t sound like yourself, hyuk.”

Hyukjae pursed his lips and palmed his face “Since when-since when can you just hear my voice and know-“

“Hyuk, we’ve known each other for over six months already, if I still can’t sense that something’s off from the sound of your voice, then shame on me.”

Hyukjae smiled, feeling nostalgic fluttering sensations through his body “a-anyway, got a reply of your letter?”

A sigh “Hyuk, can you please tell me what’s wrong? And No I haven’t. Are you going to make me drive over because I will and make you spit it out. Even last night you did something so weird, you actually said the ‘bye’ word.”

“I thought I’ll just try saying good bye, in case…”

“In case what?”

“In case I really have to say goodbye to you.”

Donghae’s eyes were still puffy, wanting more sleep, but the way Hyukjae was talking, the way he sounded, it had Donghae very alert and fully focused on hyukjae “Hyuk, you honestly don’t sound alright-wait did you get your reply?”

“…no Hae, it’s just- I really do hope you get the person you really like and you realize they were worth opening up for and dropping all your barriers. Besides once you get that person I’ll become your number two-“

“No Hyuk, that’s not happening” donghae nibbled on his bottom lip, on the verge of saying it, knowing that his feelings would not be returned.

“Well, Nanny needs to go to the doctor for a routine check-up, I’m taking her there so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Hyukjae wait” Donghae suddenly felt desperation; he took a deep breath and gripped the phone tight “I really really care for you, please know that.”

Hyukjae grinned, ripples of warmth coursing through him “I care for you a lot to, I’ll catch you later, take care.”

“So no goodbyes?” Donghae teased

“Nope, never” was the smug response and the two hung up almost in synch.

They didn’t know it, but their faces had matching joyous smiled plastered upon their lips, the kind that stupid people in love have, yet they are just too scared to say it.

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1455 streak #1
Chapter 12: cuteeeest!!!! 🥰
159 streak #2
Chapter 12: I just discovered this now! It's really fun reading it. I may have had an inkling that kyu was behind the letters. But it could be better if we are given a little more details. Anyway, I really enjoyed it! Thank you!
Chapter 12: Re reading hehe
It’s my nth time reading this and I still fall in love with the story, the characters and the sweetness of eunhae as if I’m reading it for the very first time 💗
Chapter 12: just finished reading. This is a wholesome cute story. I hope i can write a letter like that toom
Chapter 12: What an interesting honeymoon it must've been~
Chapter 7: Oh ues ues~ flirtationship omg!!!! But why can i actually see hyukjae actually coining that term if it ever came up in a variety show?? O.O
Chapter 4: Smile every one :)
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 12: Loved this! Fluff and sweetness all around! So happy I found this story!
Thanks for sharing!