
Wake Me Up

In the end, God is kind enough to let Sanghyuk sleeps for more than ten minutes. Sanghyuk didn’t wake up when Jaehwan barged into his booth to bother him. Jaehwan was being loud and annoying, but Sanghyuk was so tired, he doesn’t even stir. Jaehwan crouched down to look at him, and frowns when he saw Sanghyuk’s red nose. He also noticed the water that had pooled on the floor right underneath Sanghyuk’s closed eyes. Jaehwan decided that maybe, he could lie down for a while to look at the maknae’s face.


His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the slightly purplish and bluish marks on Sanghyuk’s right cheek. He straightens his hand to touch it. Sanghyuk stays immobile. Jaehwan adds a slight pressure on his fingers, and he got a twitch from Sanghyuk’s right eye. Jaehwan sits up, straight. Letting himself to stare at the maknae’s dark circles and worn out face. Sanghyuk is paler than usual, he noted. Trying to found more flaw from the maknae’s face, Jaehwan jumped when somebody hollered his name.


Right, he forgot his main intention of ‘visiting’ Hyuk. He was originally tasked to fetch the maknae, drag him to the van, and then goes straight to the dorm with the others. However, seeing the sleeping, and definitely tired maknae, Jaehwan literally blocked his mischievous motive to drag him out. He doesn’t have the heart to shake him awake. So, when Taekwoon came by to drag him out, Jaehwan jumped to cling onto his Taekwoon hyung, to help him carry Hyuk to the van instead of waking him up. Jaehwan didn’t expect Taekwoon to agree, but he did, fortunately.


Taekwoon’s heart hurts when he saw Sanghyuk curled up on the hard and cold wooden floor. Because the maknae looks so pitiful, he looks frail, and small. Definitely not the way he used to look like on regular basis. Sanghyuk had always been a prideful and a strong one. He looks far from that right now. Taekwoon complies, and then crouched down to scoop Sanghyuk in his arms. Hoping that Sanghyuk is tired enough to not wake up from his slumber when he was carried.


When he safely carried Hyuk on his arms, Taekwoon gazed down to his maknae’s face. He noticed the bruise on his right cheek, and winced. Taekwoon was making scenarios in his head about what happened to Sanghyuk, while he shook his left shoulder slightly to make the left part of Hyuk’s head leaned onto his chest. With both his hands supporting Hyuk’s body, one under his knees, and one around Hyuk’s shoulder, Taekwoon started walking with Jaehwan on his heels. Sanghyuk stirs in his sleep, unconsciously letting out a groan. Taekwoon stopped on his tracks. Jaehwan, successfully crashed onto his back, nose first.


Usually, Taekwoon would glare, but Sanghyuk is his main priority, for now. “Shh… Shh… sleep baby, sleep.” Taekwoon said in whispers, swaying Hyuk as if he’s a baby. His actions successfully send Hyuk back into deep slumber, and Taekwoon can’t help to smile. “Come on Jaehwan, let’s go.” Taekwoon whispered to Jaehwan who’s Hyuk’s hair with his left hand, while using his right hand to rub his nose. Taekwoon started to hum, singing quietly. A few seconds later, Jaehwan follows suit, harmonizing his own voice to Taekwoon’s. Both of them swore, they could see Sanghyuk relaxing more into Taekwoon’s arms, as he snuggled closer to Taekwoon’s chest.


When they reached the van, one of the doors suddenly opened. Wonshik leaped from his seat to the trio with a confused face. “Did he faints?” he asked. Jaehwan shook his head. “Maybe Hyukkie is just tired…”. Wonshik nods in understanding. Wonshik opened his arms in front of Taekwoon as a signal to pass the sleeping maknae onto his arms. Taekwoon was passing the sleeping Sanghyuk to Wonshik when the front passanger door suddenly opened. N was playing with his phone before he sprung out in panic. “What happened?! Did my baby fall of the stairs?! Is he hurt?!”. Taekwoon merely shrugs him off with a glare. “Shut up, he’s sleeping.”. N muttered an okay before climbing back onto his seat.


“Wonshik-ah, just sit in the middle, I’ll sit in the back.” Jaehwan said, before he climbs into the back seat. He sits with a huff, Hongbin who was just sleeping jolted up awake. “What happened…?” he asked with a hoarse voice. Jaehwan lightly pushed his head down onto his shoulder, “Nothing Binnie, just sleep…”. Taekwoon made his way to back seat, while Ravi, made sure the sleeping Hyuk is lying comfortably with his head on Ravi’s lap.


The car moved in the cold night. No obnoxious singing in the car, only soft and slow notes from Jaehwan. Ravi stared at the maknae’s long body. He wondered, since when did he get so tall? Why is he this big already? Was he always this thin? Ravi asked questions in his head. Though it remained unanswered, he looked away to see the night sky and asked himself more questions. Hyuk shifted letting out whine. Ravi snapped his head at the sudden movement. ‘Hyuk is shivering…’ he thought. Not long after that, Hyuk whimpered in his sleep, and he unconsciously curled himself in. Ravi soothed the maknae, rubbing circles on his stomach and caressing his hair.


“Is Hyuk okay?” asked N who had been watching him from the front seat. Not taking his eyes from Hyuk, Ravi answered, “Hmm, maybe he’s just cold.”. N nodded, even if it was ignored, he turned his face back to where it’s started, facing the road in front of the car once again.


The ride was quiet, and calm. Almost everyone in the car thought it was weird. The calmness was eerie, and it makes them uneasy. Just like the sayings “The calm before the storm”. However, they let themselves enjoyed it, occasionally. The car was filled with Jaehwan and Taekwoon soft singing, with Ravi joining sometimes, matching his deep voice to the harmonization. You can hear Hongbin soft snores, and N’s phone constant beeps, either way it was somehow peaceful.


2 hours and 36 minutes, Sanghyuk is still asleep. He felt himself sleeping into a deeper slumber in each passing minutes. He slept.


In contrast with the peaceful atmosphere in the car, Sanghyuk’s mind is in a wreck. He was still so tired, but the dream he’s having is bothering him much more than his liking. He wanted to wake up, even though his body was against it, he wants to wake up.


The ride was eerie.

The nightmare is scary.


“Wake me up.”











HA. im sorry.....

anyway this is the sequel....


another sequel maybe?

anyway i love you guys :D


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Chapter 2: It's good!! But u could've made it into a multichapter single fic instead of oneshots... ;_; I love the way you have portrayed their characters.
I-Remember-Myself #2
Chapter 2: I need the sequel omg. This story is great.
eliz930 #3
Chapter 2: where is the sequel? hope to read a story about them with many chapters from you..not just one shot..:)
Chapter 2: When will you release the sequel 0.0
Chapter 2: I like this story... Can,t wait for the sequel...
kaziie #6
Chapter 2: cant wait for the sequel
Chapter 2: Interesting! :)
Chapter 1: Sequel juseyo!
estrellajob #9
Chapter 1: I loved this, please give us another sequel <3