First Day at School

The Perks Of Being Me
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Finally my dad gave me want I really and dying for  , to go to a normal school after years of homeschooling with my private tutors . My father and I went to the expensiest school in South Korea , Seoul High , which only has the daughters or sons from a very rich family background to enrol me in the school . Once we arrived there , the office worker greeted politely at us and showed us the way to the principal's office . We thanked her and continue walking towards the principal's office . Luckily the principal know my father and it makes the registering process easier . 

"So  ,you   , welcome to Seoul High and I hope you will enjoy studying in this school . Let me take you around the school ." Mr . Lee stands up and walked me out from the office while my father headed back home . Both of us walked around the school compound and he showed me the labs , library , sports hall , swimming pool and many more including the canteen . When we arrived at the canteen , the school bell rang and signalling us that it is the recess time for the student .


Mr. Lee and I walked to the classes block which is located near the canteen and suddenly we saw a group of boys were bullying a student .


"Hey ! " Mr.Lee yelled at them . They ran away and left the unlucky student away but I noticed a boy from that group that has a cute face ad his hair is blond and curly . I asked Mr.Lee about that .

"Mr.Lee , do they bully students in this school ? Why are they bullying the innocent students ?"

"you , its normal for this school to have a bullying cultural because you guys are not at the same level . But I will make the bullying activities stopped and i'ts gonna take a while . "


"Ouhh , I see . Alright teacher , Goodluck ! " I cheered him.


After we have a long walked ,Mr . Lee brought me to my class which is the first class in the school . I got into the class because my studies are very good and I always ranked number 1 in the country although I only hom

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Sweetkpoplove #1
Chapter 7: Woah this story is really good, please update again soon
Chapter 7: Cant wait for another chapter
Chapter 9: oh god youre back <3333333333333 chae lin fighting <33333 the perks of being meee fighting <333333 zelo fightinggggggg <333333333333333333333
Chapter 8: chae lin we thank you for this storyyy <3 youre great. And plzzz updateeee ^o^
Haeun276 #5
Chapter 8: Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb all the way
ILoveKDramas1 #6
Chapter 8: I Would A Be Nice To Zelo!!!
Chapter 8: i vote for A ><
Chapter 7: okay, he's in love with Hana :3
Chapter 7: oh yeah ! welcome back author-nim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dancing in a circle xD*