::seventh article::




HRT Entertainment's new girl group joins the line-up of groups set to debut in 2014: seventh member of Halcyon
December 24, 2013 @ 10:04PM                                                                                                                                           by: godzilla101

HRT suddenly just realeased the news of the seventh member! Meet Lee Hyemin, or Skylar! 

Hyemin was born in Dublin, Ireland on December 27, 1997, making her the youngest member of Halcyon! "She has the biggest obssession with M&Ms" workers from HRT said, also having a record of eating 12 regular size packs! She was a model back in 2012 and hopes to do some modeling gigs! She might seem cold and unfriendly, but she is a very sweet person once you get to know her. 

Hyemin is also the sister to ABSOLUTE's transator, Lyn! And is very good friends with Jaekyu.  Keep an eye out for their upcoming debut that is said to happen in January! Good luck Halcyon!



HRT Entertainment  Halcyon

Meet the gorgeous new maknae, Lee Hyemin!! 


Update will be coming soon (lol like three hours)

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Chapter 30: Woo... It's been a long time...
Well, I'm happy that you're back!
And... I'll wait for your update! Hwaiting~!
Chapter 29: Goodbye, Jooyoung...
Chapter 29: JooYoung-ie!!
I hope we can still see some of her in the future~
FlyingDragon-- #4
Chapter 29: JOOYOUNG UNNIE )))):
FlyingDragon-- #5
Chapter 28: Hehe we should make a blog where Jaekyun uses her (super cute) aegyo on the members ! xD
DemonChildArisa #6
Chapter 29: Love this chapter! It's like I can imagine the whole thing clearly!
Chapter 28: Woah, new update!
And I love it!
Nice choice of song, author-nim... Go Magnetic!
And the Dream Concert, WOW! Me likey :)
Can't wait for your next update! Hwaiting!

And sorry for not being that active, I got caught up in school...
Chapter 28: Hey, author-nim! And yes, it's been a while...
But it's worth it!
This is like an awesome update! Dream Concert...
And of course, love the music video concept! Magnetic! :)
And gosh, I see some scandals going on... (o.O)
Haha... Me will be waiting for your next update!
Author-nim hwaiting! Halcyon hwaiting! :D
Chapter 28: Nice chapter!
I had fun reading~
We love you too author-nim ^_^
Let me take this chance to say thank you for all your hard work. You don't need to rush. We'll wait.
Halcyon Hwaiting!