
하루살이목(Halusalimok): Mayfly

I totally forgot to mention that this actually an oneshot!

But . . .keke . . .I do have something else on my mind (coughchapterstorycough)

Anyways, onto the ONE-SHOT!


When I was younger, I remember seeing countless dancers on TV.

I remember hearing many singers on the radio.

I remember how the bands would come and go; easily and as fast as the seasons changing or a new fashion trend. One would be in and the other out; or sometimes it was the other way around. But eventually, all of them faded from memory; gone. All they had achieved was a brief burst of fame that only lasts a period of several years, more or less.

I remember thinking how beautiful that was.

So I practiced. 

Everyday. Non-stop.

And I succeeded.

I was no longer alone when I practiced my dance moves.

I was no longer alone when I practiced my singing.

 The day we, no longer just me, debuted was electrifying.

Everyone was so tense, wondering how the crowds would take us. Would they like us? Or would they hate us?

. . .

Could any of us have guessed that we would grow to be internationally famous?

As we grew bigger and more well known, I realised it would be so hard to return to a normal life after all this. Our faces are seen in magazines, TV shows, Music Videos, Fan Cams; our voices are recorded during live performances, our songs have been distributed throughout the internet. Our name was name known and called.


When I was up there on the stage, it felt amazing. The cheering crowd, the beat of the music, the rushing of the blood flowing through me as I executed each move flawlessly. But as soon as the show was finished and the lights dimmed, the lonliness crept in. Sometimes, it wasn't just me who felt sad and alone. On those rare occasions, we grab our matresses and squish them together to form a gigantic bed in which all five of us just lay there together. It was comforting knowing that someone was next to you.

When it was just me who felt the hollow ache of homesickness, he would always let me snuggle into his bed at night. There was no need to tell the other hyungs, they would only worry.

I don't how it happened but soon it became a habit of mine. Whether I was feeling sad or not, I would still creep into his bed.

One night, I suddenly remembered something my eomma had told me when I was younger.

Suddenly scared, I grabbed onto his shirt.

" . . .Hyung . . ."

He turned around and faced me.

"What's wrong?"

I didn't speak for a while and just buried my face in his shirt.

"We'll eventually split up won't we?"

He sighed and patted my head.

"We're a boy band, we gonna go for as long as we can. But when the time comes, we will have to part."

I shook my head which was still pressed against his shirt.

"I know. But I'm worried about something else, Hyung."


"I . . . we will have to part too, right?"

There was silence as he silently took in my words.


I looked up at him in surprise.


"We won't have to."

". . .Eomma once said . . . that the dancers that I looked up to when I was younger were like Halusalimok . . ."

He looked confused.

I continued to explain.

"She said that they would only last for that long before their time was up. Because, you know, a Mayfly's life span is only one day."

He smiled and shook his head.

"But they have no regrets. They live to their fullest. Everything has to end eventually."

I hid my sad face, hoping he didn't see it.

He did.

"But . . . I do know something that will never end."

I look up in surprise again.

"What is it?"

He grinned and then gave me a kiss on the top of my head.


 . . .


. . .

GAH! So nervous . . . >bites fingernails<

So . . . how was it? Leave a review/comment!

And keep an eye out for more!

:D Kamsahamnida!

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Iminthezone #1
short but i love it! ^^
wjc912 #3
awwwww. that was sooooo cute. good job (Y) <3
colorfulgrey #4
Very nice fanfiction. You put a lot of thought into your writing, so it turned out pretty well!
Aprilup #5
Aprilup #6
meggxzhangster: i love the key board bashing! <3
very cute :3
Aprilup #8
<3 thank you!<br />
<br />
bokchoi: I love your reaction!<br />
marshielisa12: you want to strangle something . . . O_o LOL
marshielisa12 #9
omg that was so cute i want to strangle something.<br />
omg.<br />
that was amazingg :)