
Can't Let Go

They said that time would heal your wound. That time would let you forget. But it seems that I was an exception for that one. Sure the pain had subsided. But the love I have for her, I guess that won't ever change. Days easily passed by and days turned in to months, months now reached a year, I managed myself to stop hurting. It was hard at first but there's nothing I can do about it. I can't push myself to move on. She would always have my heart.



It's one of those special days that I get to see her. She's dashing as always. Pretty and lively. I would never get tired of seeing and admiring her.

"Oppa~" She greeted me with a smile. I gave her a hug which she returned, longer that the usual ones. I felt her squeeze herself against me, surprising me.

"Hey. How are you?" I smiled, letting her pull herself off. As I watch her face, I know something is wrong. Something in her eyes is bugging me.

"I'm fine. And you?" I can sense her faking that small smile. Kim HyunAh doesn't know how to fake a smile.

"Good. I ordered your food already. Hope you don't mind." She just nodded, that fake smile still gracing her lips. It's easy for me to tell when she's doing that. I've known her for my whole life.

"Congratulations on your new project. JoonMyeon oppa told me you got it."

"That is supposed to be a surprise. That guy." I shook my head, a smile on my lips. She was oblivious that I'm watching her every move. I can say there really is something wrong with her.

"And I heard your photoshoot was another success. I owe you a congratulations too." Ever since, I keep track of her schedules and such. It might look weird but she's actually okay and aware of it. For her, I'm her bestfriend. And for me, I'm doing it because I want to keep her safe. I know its not my job anymore ever since she got married, but I promised her this.

"Thank you YiFannie~" And a true smile finally graced her lips, making her face glow. This is my Kim HyunAh.

"How's Joon?" I asked while we're in the middle of enjoying the chocolates I ordered. At the mention of her husband's name, I noticed how a hint of sadness crossed her eyes. But in response, she just smiled and said a quiet 'good. He's fine.'.


"Baobei." We were outside the shop already, in front of her car. She turned to me, a smile on her face.

"Yeah?" I held her wrist and pulled her against me, hugging her tight. It must have caught her off guard for a moment but she immediately hugged me back.

"I know something is bothering you. I can see and feel it. And I'm not liking it a bit baobei. Whatever it is, don't forget that I'm here. You know you can tell me anything." I whispered against her hair, squeezing her against me. God knows how much I missed having her this close.

"I know baby." She used that endearment of hers for me. And I swear I heard her whisper 'not now' but its too faint for me to even make sure. Something is really wrong.

We stayed like that for a few seconds before I let her go. She has that small yet I know, real smile, on her face. Every smile from her never fails to make my heart swell.

"Take care okay?" I reminded her, opening the car door for her.

"You too. Don't stress yourself too much giant baby." We both chuckled and I placed a swift kiss on her forehead before she got in. As she drive off, I gave her a small wave which she returned with one too.

This has been the usual set up. Me letting go of her like this. I might have her for a while, but in the end, I still need to let her go. She's not mine anymore.




One thing that I liked about being a businessman, I get to be in the same circle with HyunAh, her being a model. I always get the chance to watch her even though she's with Joon. But I don't care. She is still my bestfriend.

The bestfriend I'm madly in love with.

"She still looks like a goddess." I smiled as I heard Joonmyeon whispered to me. All eyes in the room were on her as she and Joon made their entrance. The black evening gown she's wearing acquianted her curvy figure and her hair made her look ier in a very elegant way.

"I will never get tired of watching her." I told Joonmyeon and myself, earning a nudge from him. I only chuckled, shook my head and drank my wine. I kept myself hidden from her for a few moments while I wait for a perfect timing. People are flocking around them, greeting them and whatsoever. It might look like a very creepy thing, but I'm sure she's used to it. And she probably know that I'm just around.

I was about to approach her and Joon but something stopped me. He, oblivious to the crowd, dragged her to a corner. I noticed how HyunAh frowned at every word that Joon was saying. It looked like they were having a confrontation. Not something new to the way how they almost glare at each other. And after just a minute, Joon gave her a threatening glare and left her alone there.

I watched her heave out a deep sigh, fighting the urge to cry. I can sense she really was upset. The way how her shoulders slump and the tired look in her eyes. This is not how I imagined their married life. She was very happy. What the hell happened?

"Come on." She didn't look surprise as I held her hand and pulled her to sneak out of the function room. She just let me drag her out, not even bothering to ask why we're leaving. We reached the roof top of the building and as we're both expecting, Joonmyeon was there with his fiance, Eunmee.

"Ahh. I knew it. You two are gonna appear again." He said, shaking his head at Eunmee. "You always ruin my moment with my girl."

"Jeez. Shut up." I retorted, rolling my eyes and I just heard HyunAh giggling beside me.

"Ahh. Mianhae oppa, eonni~ YiFan just dragged me out here." She apologized, smiling cheekily at the couple.

"Dont't listen to Joonmyeon." Eunmee said which earned a groan from the mentioned guy.

"Fine. We'll leave." I can sense Joonmyeon glaring at me which I shrugged off. The couple bid their goodbyes and left us alone. It was that comfortable silence around us. I just let her breath, admiring the beauty of city lights around us.

"Thank you for always being beside me Kris."

That simple sentence was filled with different kind of emotions.

"I promised you remember? You know that I'm not one to break promises." Even if I didn't promise her, I would still be here.

"How are you baobei? Really?" I can't stop myself from asking anymore. I've been itching to ask that question ever since the day at the cafe.

"I don't know. I really don't know. But I'm smiling, that's enough right?" She chuckled a bit, shaking her head. I heaved a sigh.

This is not HyunAh. She's not someone who fakes smiles and happiness. I held her hand and pulled her close. Hearing her say those made me want to hug her and just have her around my arms. I hugged her close and tight, letting her wrap her arms around me.

"That will never be enough when you're not really happy HyunAh."

"I'm not." She whispered faintly, surprising me. I honestly felt like being soaked with ice cold water, hearing her. Those two words are enough to make me angry at Joon. My body tensed, because of anger. And I know she can feel it too. I let her go in the first place because I thought she's going to be happy. Not like this.

"Don't. Please." I closed my eyes, hugging her tighter. She probably knew what I want to do with her husband.

"Right now, I'm not sure if you should really be thankful that I let you go. I never liked seeing you like this baobei. This is killing me." All I want to do is beat the out of Joon for doing this to her. I must have hurt her too but she wasn't this broken. Whatever that bastard did, it scarred HyunAh deep down.

"I don't want to cry in front of you Kris. Please don't make me." She pleaded. Me myself wouldn't want seeing her cry too. It will kill me twice and make me angrier at Joon.

"Cry all you want baobei. I'm here for you to lean on. You know that." I can feel her shaking her head in response. This is scaring me. HyunA hiding her emotions. Since when did she become like this?

"Thank you Kris. Thank you for staying beside me. I know I've been hurting you again and again but still, you're here. Thank you." I can even barely hear her words. Their too faint like a whisper, a broken whisper.

"Stop saying that. You're what's important baobei." I pressed a kiss on top of her head, giving her waist another squeeze. Now, I'm asking myself. Did I do the right thing, letting her go? Letting her get married? Seeing her like this is making me regret it.

"Thank you. You kn-" Her words were cut off when we both heard someone clearing his throat from behind us.

"Husband's looking for you Pika. I think you're heading home." Joonmyeon said, walking over to us. In return, HyunA gave him a faint smile and nod.

"Thanks. I guess he's tired already." She added a dry chuckle, before turning to me.

"Thank you again oppa. I'll see you soon." Tiptoe-ing, she pecked my cheek before leaving. Me and Joonmyeon were left, watching her retreating back. As soon as she's out of earshot, I left out a deep sigh. A sigh of regret and anger. Anger for myself and for Joon.

"What happened?" Joonmyeon asked me, his eyes obviously studying my stoic expression.

"I don't know what really is the problem but that guy is ing off. I've never seen HyunA get hurt like this. We all know her. She's not someone who will fake her smiles just to please people. She always show her emotions. Whether she's angry or happy, she doesn't hide it." I let out another exasperated breath, my anger boiling even more for that bastard.

"She didn't tell you anything?" I shook my head as an answer. This is really bothering me.

"Give her some time. We both know that HyunA will always run to you." But that didn't help a bit. It only made me worry even more. She was like that in the past but from what I've noticed earlier, she has changed.

"That's the problem. She's also hiding it from me." I frowned, thinking about how she changed a lot. It was worrying.

"Man. She's married now and she has her husband. It isn't the same anymore." And that actually hit me. Of course he is right. But another part of me tells me that it's another thing, that there really is something wrong.

"Come on. The party's about to finish. We should be there." I only nodded and went ahead. I let out another sigh and followed him. I will find out what's wrong with HyunA.




A few weeks passed and I haven't heard anything from HyunA. It was unusual and it was making me uneasy. Not even a single text or call.

"Maybe she's just busy. It's almost winter. She gets a lot of photoshoot for winter remember?" Joonmyeon reminded me once while we're finishing our coffee. I gave him a look, trying to remind him too that I also know her schedules.

"Don't you think you're going overboard? I mean, she is married. She has Joon now but you still do these things for her."

"I am still her friend. I have protected her ever since we were kids and her having a husband won't stop me from doing something I've done for so long." I countered, frowning a bit. I won't stop, especially not now that I know something wrong is going on.

"Fine. I do get your point." He admitted defeat, nodding off.


Later that night, while I was face to face with my office works, I suddenly received a call coming from Gina noona, HyunA's step sister. And as soon as I heard the panic in her voice from the other line, my heart stopped in fear.

"K-Kris. H-HyunA. Come and s-see her please. She's in the hospital right now." I quickly stormed out of my apartment, almost making my car fly just so I could reach the hospital as fast as I can. I swear I can feel my hands shaking as I drive. I've never felt so scared until that night.

Only HyunA can bring out the worst and the best of my emotions.

"Where is she?!" I asked Gina noona as soon as I saw her waiting outside of what seems like an operating room. She was the only one there. No sign of Joon. And I don't actually know what should I feel about that. He was still her husband but he wasn't even there to check on her.

"She's still inside. The doctors just brought her in before I called you." She seemed to calm down a bit, probably aware that I'd go crazy if she stays in a panic mode.

"What really happened noona? Where is Joon? Why did HyunA got in to an accident?" I started asking, raking a hand through my hair. I badly need answers for those questions.

"She was driving very fast. According to the police, she went on even though its red light. Since she was avoiding the cars from the opposite way, her car collided with a parked trailer truck. I didn't know what really happened but before the accident, she called me. She was crying Kris. She was just crying on the phone and saying nothing." I can imagine noona's last words. HyunA's broken sobs. Just by thinking of it, it made my heart constrict in pain.

"Where's Joon? Have you called him?" I looked around. But there's no really sign of him.

"I did. I can't reach his phone. I tried calling his office but his secretary said that Joon already left. And then HyunA was asking for you. She was concious when I arrived and she was calling for you Kris." Noona held my hand, squeezed it lightly, looking at me with hopeful eyes. "I can say my sister needs you now more than ever."

"She will be fine noona. I know she will." I gave her a small smile, nodding in encouragement.

She has to be fine.

She needs to get through this.

Because I will be taking her back.

Almost two hours has passed by so slowly. And finally, a doctor in white scrub suit came out.

"For HyunA?" She asked and we both got up, nodding.

"I'm her sister. How is she? Is she okay now?" Noona was getting teary eyed, hoping that it wasn't anything bad. Same as me.

"She's in a stable condition now. A few broken ribs, and some minor bruises. But all are fine now." She explained, checking the chart that she has.

"But why did it take so long?" I asked, frowning a bit.

"She lost the baby. Unfortunately, the baby wasn't able to survive the accident. I'm sorry for your loss sir." She was directing it to me. But I couldn't care less. My mind was in a haze, processing what she just told me. "She is okay now. And as per her pregnancy in the future, you don't have to worry. She is healthy."

"Can we see her?" Noona asked and the doctor nodded before leaving us. I can feel noona was surprised as I was.

"I don't know how she's going to take this. But this will kill her." I only nodded, agreeing to what she was saying. We were ushered to a private room where we saw HyunA awake, staring at us as we walk in. She has a bandage and cast on her limbs and a few bruises on her face. And she looked pale as ever.

"Oh. HyunA." Noona exclaimed, crossing the distance between the bed and the door. She carefully held her hand, careful not to hurt her.

"How are you feeling?" She then asked, her eyes roaming around HyunA's bed ridden figure.

"A bit sore." She croaked, her eyes darting to me then back to noona. "My baby. What happened to my baby eonni? Is he okay?" Her eyes were solemn and I felt my heart ache with her question.

How can we tell her about it?

"Baobei. You need to rest for now." I tried pacifying her, standing on the side of the bed.

"I won't be able to rest if I don't know the condition of my baby. Tell me the truth. I lost him right?" Her voice was filled with nothing but sadness. I glanced at noona who also gave me a look. I simply nodded.

"It's not your fault baobei. It was an accident okay?" I said, taking her hand. Her tears started spilling out of her eyes and it made me feel helpless. She looked so broken and lost that time.

"I'm so stupid. It's all my fault. I killed my own baby." Her sobs came out so broken, her shoulders shaking in the process. I pulled her against me, craddling her in to a hug. It hurts seeing her like this. I can basically feel her pain.

"It's not your fault HyunA. You're not stupid. It was an accident. You don't have to blame yourself." I just can't stand it hearing and seeing her like this. It was twice as painful when I lost her.

"You need to rest sweetheart. Please. Just sleep for now." Noona was soothing her, caressing the back of her hand as I was sitting beside her on the bed. Her silent tears were non stop, and so does that pricking pain in my heart.

"I don't want to be alone." She whispered, her eyes closing already. I squeezed her hand gently.

"I won't leave you." I said, kissing the back of her hand. Gina noona looked at me, and smiled warmly before mouthing a hushed 'thank you.' Even if no one asks me, I will stay beside her. I won't leave her alone now that this is happening to her.


"I'm going to call Joon." Noona said after making sure that Hyuna's fast asleep already. I was holding her hand still, not letting it go.

"No. I'll do that noona. I also wanna talk to him." I wanna beat the out that guy is what I actually meant. And I know noona knows it.

"Kris. I know that right now, its not actually what's in your mind. Let me do it. He just needs to be informed about what happened." She gave me a warning look, the kind of scary look that makes me and the other boys be coward. I let out a sigh and nodded.

Once she left, I focused my eyes on Hyuna. That's the only time I noticed that she lost weight, her face looked a little thinner, her once fluffy cheeks weren't there anymore. Plus the bags under her eyes were bigger than usual. She seemed really really worn out. And what made me really frown were the fading bruises on her wrists. It was some kind of left hand marks.

" that bastard." I hissed in anger. There's only one person who should be blamed for this. That guy who's supposed to be taking care of her, not hurting her. If only I knew this was going to happen, I shouldn't have let her go.




Hyuna's POV


I woke up feeling someone hovering on top of me and kissing my neck. Just by the smell, I knew it was Joon already. But there was a faint trace of alcohol and woman's perfume.

"Joon. You just got home?" I asked him softly, placing a hand on his chest, gently pushing him off. I glanced at the digital clock beside our bed and saw that its already 11:30PM.

"Hmmn. Yeah." He just gave me a brief look and lunged for my neck again. By what he's doing I already know what he wants. But I'm actually not in the mood for I've been feeling sick lately.

"Joon. Stop. Not now please." I gently said, sighing as I try pushing him off as I gentle as I could.

"Why?" He stopped, looked at me with a frown.

"I'm not really feeling okay." I answered, pouting a little.

"Then I'm going to make you feel good." He smirked, which really made me nervous and he started kissing the same spot on my neck again.

"No. Joon. Please. Stop it." I tried pushing him off again but this time he won't bulge anymore. When I tried squirming out under him, he pinned me on the bed with his hips.

"Stop struggling and just enjoy it Hyuna. Stop pretending." He hissed angrily against my ear, grabbing both of my wrists tightly and pinning them above my head.

"No. Please. Y-You're hurting me Joon." I was scared. I never imagined Joon will do this. I was still trying to get him off me which actually pissed him off.

"I ucking said stop fighting." He growled, eyes glaring at me and his grip on my wrists tightening painfully. My eyes started swelling up with tears but he ignored it. Instead he ripped my shirt off with a hand and started attacking my with his assaulting kisses. I was forced to just surrender myself while crying silently.

It hurts a lot. It was ripping me apart.

The pain was killing me.

This pain that he's been inflicting on me for almost a few weeks now.


And one night when he got home, he probably thinks I'm somewhere inside the shower. He received a call, and I heard him answer it.

"Jiyeonnie~ Neh. Oppa is home already. Hmmn. You're alone?" I saw him smile that mischievious smile of him before answering again. "Oppa wants to be on your bed again. Wait for me okay? We're gonna shower together. Arasso. Bye." He didn't even call out for me and just hurried out of the door.

Who was that Jiyeon? How long has he been doing this to me? Why is he doing this to me?

My head started to hurt with all of those questions flooding in. I felt my tears cascading down my cheeks all of a sudden. My heart is starting to hurt also. All along, he's been ing around behind me. But why? I gave him everything.

We were happy then. We were a perfect couple.

"Eonni." I called out on the other line as soon as I heard Gina eonni's voice. She's the only person I could call and pour my heart out.

"Oh. Hyuna. What's wrong?" She sounded so worried. But there were no words that came out of my lips. Instead there were sobs. Endless sobs as I sit on one corner, my phone pressed against my ear.

"H-Hey. Hyun. W-What's wrong? Why are you crying? Talk to eonni please." I don't have the strength to talk at all. My heart was aching so bad. It was so painful.

"I'm coming to pick you up okay?" I shook my head.

"N-No. I'll c-come to you eonni." I was forced to speak and I hang up.

Tears in my eyes, I got to my car. I drove out of the house and in to the night of Seoul. I wasn't aware how fast I was driving. Not even checking if the traffic lights were red and green.

And in a flash, all I can see were black and white.

"Hyuna. Don't close your eyes please. They're going to save you. Eonni is here already." I heard Gina eonni talking to me and her hand clutching mine.

Every bone in my body was hurting so bad. I am in pain all over.

"K-Kris. Yi Fan o-oppa." I groaned out his name, the guy who never left me.

The guy I know that always care for me.

"He's on his way. Just be strong okay? You're gonna be okay." I can say eonni was in tears already.

"Kris. Eonni. My baby. Save my baby. " That was the last thing I remembered. Me looking for Kris and asking them to save my baby.

After just a second, when I opened my eyes, all I can see is the white ceiling. I tried to move but everything hurts. My arms, my legs, my head and my heart. And I can feel that something is not right.

I am suddenly feeling like I have lost something.

"You're awake already." Gina eonni and Kris walked in. Eonni ran to the bed, carefully giving me a hug. She let out a relieved sigh, holding my hand.

"How are you feeling? She then asked.

"A bit sore." I looked over at Kris then back at eonni. Then I remembered the baby growing inside of me. "My baby. What happened to my baby eonni? Is he okay?" I asked, tears starting to swell up on my eyes.

"Baobei. You need to rest for now." Kris said, taking a step closer to my bed. His eyes were so soft and sad as he looked at me.

"I won't be able to rest if I don't know the condition of my baby. Tell me the truth. I lost him right?" They looked at each other and Kris gave eonni a slight nod.

"It's not your fault baobei. It was an accident okay?" As soon as I heard his words, my tears started falling. I lost my baby. I killed him.

"I'm so stupid. It's all my fault. I killed my own baby." Kris pulled me against him and gave me a tight hug. This is what I've been needing for quite some time now. Hug and comfort from people I know that cares for me.

"It's not your fault HyunA. You're not stupid. It was an accident. You don't have to blame yourself." I know he was soothing me. At this point of time, only him can give me all the comfort I needed.

"You need to rest sweetheart." After I have calmed down a bit, eonni made me lie back on the bed. "I don't want to be alone." I felt him held my hand. It was enough to assure me that he will stay with me.

"I won't leave you." Please don't. I need you more than ever Kris.

That night, I dreamed of my past. The past I had with Kris.

The part of my life that I felt the happiest and most secured. But it all ended when life decided to be a and let time ruin us.


"You need to be strong baobei. After this, I promise you. I will make sure that you won't get hurt anymore. I will take you back." I stirred a little, and opened my eyes. I wasn't dreaming at all. Kris was there, talking to me.

"How are you feeling?" Was his greeting to me. He was smiling softly at me, his hand clutching mine.

"I feel better. Where's eonni?" I glanced around and saw no signs of other people. It was just me and him.

"She went home to get some things for you. I'll call the doctor first so they could check on you, okay?" I only nodded and he left. The silence brought back my thoughts before the accident happened. Joon, my perfect husband, cheating behind me. The first few months of our wedding was honestly the best. He was sweet and all, just like he used to be. But everything changed as we got in to our 10th month as a wedded couple. Fights would erupt out of simple things, he'd rather be with his friends than go home early. He wasn't the same Lee Changsun I've met and I've loved. But the worst fights happened just a month ago.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Kris' voice. He was beside me already with a doctor. I only nodded, and the doctor started asking me questions to which I answered.

"I will check on her again Mr. Wu. For now, she should have rest." She reminded me before leaving us again. Kris sat back on the bed beside me, looking at me worriedly.

"You heard what she said. You need to rest."

"Thank you Yi Fan." I sincerely told him, squeezing his hand a little. After everything that has happened, this guy, never left me at all. He was still here beside me, all the time.

"We've talked about this already. You don't have to thank me. I just want to make sure you are safe and all baobei." He smiled a little, caressing the back of my hand. We were both surprised when the door suddenly flew open and Joon walked in, eyes focused on me and at Kris.

"What are you doing here?" Kris asked, standing up. I tugged his hand back to stop him.

"I'm her husband. It's just right that I'm here. And you? What are you doing here?" Joon was angry already. And it's really scary when he gets angry.

"You're her husband? Don't give me that crap Changsun. If you're really her husband you should've been here since last night instead of being with some cheap of yours." Kris was also fuming mad. I saw how Joon frowned, hearing Kris.

He then added, "I ing know. We all ing know what you're doing. And don't you dare deny it. You caused all of this to happen."

"Hyuna." He called, his eyes focused on mine. I'm feeling scared to be honest. Seeing Joon like that, I'm scared of what he can do to me. The Lee Changsun I married was nowhere to be seen now.

"Leave. Hyuna doesn't need you." Kris' voice was stern, his eyes hard and scary. But knowing Joon, he won't back down from that staring contest.

"Kris." I pleaded, tucking on his arm again.

"I won't leave MY wife." Joon pressed more on the word my, glaring at him.

"You're gonna have to get pass by me first." He threatened then glanced at me. "Get some rest. I'll talk to him."

"Don't do anything. Please." I whispered and he just nodded. He motioned for Joon to step outside and they left. It scares me of the possible things they can do to each other.


Kris might have sensed that I'll go hysterical, a nurse walked in and gave me a shot of some narcotic drug to calm me down. My eyes started dropping and even before one of them came back, I succumb to sleep.




Kris POV


"You ing dare showed up your face here? After all this mess you've done?!" I can't help but snap at the stupid guy in front of me.

"I am still her husband and I can do anything as I please!" He retorted. I can't believe him. I was burning with fury and anger inside, all because of him being stupid and all.

"Remember what I told you then Changsun? Hurt her and I will take her back. Married or not. And you messed up big time. You ed off and gave her pain. I watched her suffer for quite some time now and it reached my limit already. I am taking her back!" My fists are balled tightly on my sides, restraining myself from throwing them straight to his face.

"You can't do that." He was challenging me. But it doesn't scare me at all.

"Watch me do it." I smirked. "After all you've done, you're gonna regret it. You'll be restrained from coming here and anywhere near Hyuna."

"That is impossible. I'm her husband." He was smirking back.

"Believe me it is. Me and Gina noona filed for it already. After you've your own wife, you should think of every possible thing to happen." He looked surprise hearing what I just said.

And to which I added, "Medical results Joon. And you cheating on her, we're able to pull up evidences."

He was left there with mouth hanging open in surprise. I've been helpless for quite some time and it's the right timing I do something about his mess.

I am taking Hyuna back.


Days passed by easily and Hyuna recovered slowly. I never left her side, not because she needs me but because I want to. I let her slip away from my grip once and I'm never letting that happen again.

"I love you Kim Hyuna." I whispered against her hair as I watch her sleep peacefully. The whole room was lighted dimly, to give her some peaceful sleep. It has been quite a day for her after having visitors for almost the whole period of visiting hours.

"Kris~" She mumbled, her eyes still closed. She's fast asleep and that made me smile. I can say she's having a dream about me.

"I'm right here baobei." Her eyes shut open, looking around. They landed on me, and I smiled at her.

"I thought you left me." She whispered, fear in her voice.

"I wouldn't dare." I joined her on the bed, wrapping my arms around her. Every night, we usually end up to that position. And it gave us both peaceful sleep.

Minutes has passed but we're still both awake, her listening to my heart beat while me, her chocolate brunette hair. Comfortable silence was surrounding us.

"Marry me Kim Hyuna." I blurted out all of a sudden. She stiffened against my arms, taken aback of my words.

"Kris. You know I am still married. A-And, aren't you worried? People will laugh at you if they find out you're gonna marry me." She looked down on her fingers, a habit she does when she's scared or nervous.

"Why would I care about them? And Hyun, we've been together for almost our whole life. They know nothing about us, or our relationship." I lifted her chin with two fingers, making her look at me. I want her to see the sincerity in my eyes.

"I'm scared." She whispered. Amd those two words, I know has a deeper meaning behind. Not just of the society being ed up but because of what Joon had put her through.

"You don't have to be scared anymore. You have me baobei. I promised you I wouldn't leave you. And I won't." She looked uncertain for a bit. But after a few seconds passed by, she smiled at me. That smile I loved the most, that makes my heart flutter all the time.

"I love you Kim Hyuna." I pressed my lips against her forehead, smiling contentedly.

That night, I slept dreaming of being with her and our own two kids.




HyunA's POV


Being with Kris again, it seems the past had been re-lived. The whole time we weren't together, I might be in denial of what I still feel for him. Maybe I was hurt because he was the one to let go first. But after the incident with Joon, I realized that my feelings for Kris was hidden deep down. And it was easy him to wake up that feeling.

"A penny for your thought?" I turned to my side and saw JoonMyeon oppa smiling at me. I was waiting for Kris to finish a meeting inside his office. I was too occupied with my thoughts that I didn't notice the older guy walk in.

"Oh. Oppa." I gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek as a greeting. He in return patted my head, which actually made me pout a bit.

"Kris is gonna finish up in a few." He said, sitting beside me. I nodded, smiling a bit. I was actually a bit early than the supposed time I should be here. "How are you Hyun?"

I turned to oppa, and he was smiling so warmly at me. This is one thing what I actually loved about Kris' friends. They didn't leave me out. Like Kris, they treat me with utmost care.

"I'm better oppa. Coping up." He nodded, patting my hand.

"You know, you and Kris seemed happier this time, than you were in the past. And that makes us happy too. For almost four years, you were both miserable. You have to admit it Hyun. You were saying then that you were happy with Joon, but deep inside, you weren't." It seemed like for years, Joonmyeon oppa was able to read what's in my mind. Was he the only one?

"I usually tell Kris to move on. I told him you were happy and all. But we all know him, he's too stubborn." He chuckled before adding, "It was a way to see how much he would sacrifice for you Hyun. Even from the start, we already know that you two will still end up together." I was too focused on what he said that I didn't even notice that tears had escaped my eyes already.

"Yah. Uljima. Kris is going to kill me if he sees you crying." He chuckled again, wiping off my tears. "You've been through a lot Hyun. It's just fair that you both end up together and happy."

"Thank you oppa." I hugged him tightly. I feel grateful of them. They believed and didn't give up on us.

"Who gave you permission to make my fiance cry?" Joonmyeon oppa just laughed, before pulling away from me. Kris just walked in, frowning at oppa.

"We were just talking. We all know Hyuna's the biggest cry baby ever." We both rolled our eyes, causing oppa to laugh again.

"Did I make you wait that long?" He asked me, pecking my cheek. I shook my head, drying my tears.

"Oppa was here to give me company." I answered, smiling at Joonmyeon oppa.

"Why are you here anyway?" He threw at Joonmyeon oppa as he sat beside me.

"Because we're gonna celebrate Kai's birthday later. Don't be late. That boy's gonna throw a tantrum if his favorite noona's late." Oppa was grinning as he answered.

"We'll be there." I assured, smiling back. "Good. I'll be leaving now~" He gave us a small wave then left. We were left with silence, Kris playing with my fingers.

"Why were you crying?" Of course he's going to ask. I looked at him and smiled.

"Nothing. I just got emotional. That's all." I pecked his lips, sending out a clear message that I am more than okay.

And I am more than happy.




"Eomma~!!! Appa bit me!!!"

The whole house was filled with a shriek coming from the 4 year old boy.

"I did not." He retorted.

"Eommaaaaaa!!" The cry got louder.


"Omo. My baby boy. What happened?" Hyuna gasped quietly, seeing her son crying while her husband looks clueless at all.

"Appa bit me." Yi Xian, a.k.a. Ace sniffed, showing his tiny arm to his mother.

The boy was Kris' perfect replica. From his piercing eyes to his towering height at such young age. But what surprised everyone was the boy's overall characteristics. He might look snob like his father, but he definitely takes after his mom. He's one energized bunny and not to mention really witty.

"I said I did not." Kris stuck his tongue out at his son, making the boy pout.

Hyuna could only chuckle at the scene in front of her. She had to admit, she enjoys watching the original and the mini me bicker.

"What did appa do?" She asked her son, craddling him on her lap.

"He turned in to a monster and bit me." Ace was pouting all the time, giving Kris the urge to pinch his cheeks.

"Appa bit you because you, my baby boy, is so squishy~" Kris nuzzled his cheek on Ace's neck, the little boy getting tickled.

"Kyaaaa~!! Appaaaa~!!" Because of Ace squirming against her lap, they landed on her back, and they all started laughing.

Once the three of them calmed down, Ace lying on his mom's lap, his dad beside them. All of them, backs on the floor, panting and smiles on their face.

"Appa turned into the tickle monster now." Ace pouted again, cuddling with his mom. Just like his wife, his son also has lots of ticklish spot.

"I'm sorry. Give me a hug now so appa won't tickle you anymore." He bargained, opening his arms for his son.

"Come on. Go hug appa~" She urged her son, who soon smiled and crawled in to his dad's arms.

A smile, a wide one, crept on her face as she watched the two most special people in her life. It's a really nice scene seeing Kris cuddle with their son. And what actually surprised everyone, Ace is more of a daddy's little boy. Kris spoiled and pampered him a lot. But that didn't made their son any naughty at all. Because not only his dad pampers him, but also his parents' friends. He's everyone's ball of sunshine.

"What about eomma? You won't hug me?" She asked, faking a sad pout. The little boy giggled and wiggled out of his dad's grip just to give his mom a huge bearhug. 

"Xian Xian's hugging eomma now. You need to smile eomma." Hearing her son speak like that is actually enough to make her smile, also Kris. Their son grew up so smart and really lovable.

No one would think that they've been through a lot in the past judging how happy they are as of the moment. And both knows that this would be until they grow old.

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AngeliqueXDevilyque #1
Chapter 1: Please do more WuNa FanFiction!!!! Really really love this couple <3
TikTok09 #2
Chapter 1: .
this is good :D
Chapter 1: I read this not knowing how many time. This is really good.
4niahyun #4
Chapter 1: 1st half of the chapter: god you asdfghhjkl joon!!!
2nd half to the end: awww~~~~ their son must be a really good looking one><
sheryin #5
Chapter 1: lovely~~~please write more story><
joycedeluna #6
Chapter 1: perfect..... i love it..
Chapter 1: So sweet. Love Hyuna and Kris together. Keep making fanfics about them.
Chapter 1: I just love this. Thanks. When coming to the end, I was grinning away. After a heavy rain, it came with a rainbow.