Kissmass Fun!

Kissmas Fun




“Oi, Busan boy,” a sharp kick landed roughly in Bradley’s side making the elder curse a little as he was rudely awoken from his nap, “Tell me where the hell we are, will you?”


Bradley glared at Sang, if there was one thing that he hated in the entire world it was being woken up and especially being woken up in such a rude way to be asked a rather pointless question in his opinion. Sighing he rubbed at his eyes, grumbling, “We’re in the minivan heading home, where do you think we are?”


Sang gave the elder a look which said that he wasn’t best amused by the answer but Bradley couldn’t give a rat’s arse about the situation. He was exhausted, mentally drained and had nothing to keep him going other than his poor reserves of adrenaline as the fan signing event they had just been at had meant an early start followed by a long day and the groups Umma just wanted to find a soft comfortable bed somewhere and sleep for an very long time. So getting kicked awake when he had finally managed to snuggle up in-between Kyung, Kyo and Jin was not a going to improve his already half crappy mood right now.


“Going the wrong way!” Sang said, huffily as he didn’t like getting cheek thrown his way ironically, “Kuso says he’s not but I’m convinced that he is and since you’re the one from around here, I thought you would be the best one to ask.”


Groaning, Bradley pulled himself out of the lovely comfy hold that he had been in and made his way carefully to the front where Kuso was driving. Silently he checked on the others, smiling at seeing that had Jongki become a pillow for the groups two maknea’s as they snuggled up against their leader whilst Jae was sprawled out in the most undignified manner on the back seats, arms and legs all over the place. If he wasn’t in such a grouchy mood, Bradley would have probably found it fun but he thought it best to placate Sang and then try to get back to sleep.


Leaning on the backrest of the front chair, presumably Sang had been in it prior, Bradley sighed and shook his head, “Evening Kuso-ah.”


“Evening Brad,” Kuso, the group’s manager smiled in return as his fingers tapped along to a merry tune that was playing on the radio, “Sang wake you up by any chance?”


“Yeah...” the younger replied before frowning as they passed a sign post. For the most part they were just on a long stretch of highway which was lit by the orange glow of the street lights that threw the snow into an odd slushy colour before the cars rolled over it. Putting himself in the front seat, Bradley rubbed at his eyes again and carefully read the next sign to make sure that he wasn’t seeing things. “We’re not going back to Seoul?” he asked towards the manager who grinned slightly in return.


“Told you something was up,” Sang said which earned him a glare and a firm, “Shut up,” from the elder which made him pout all the more.


Kuso chuckled a little bit and shook his head, “No, something more important came up so we’re heading to a different destination.”


“Oh please not another event,” Sang groaned, “My wrist hasn’t healed since the last one.”


“Why is Cogsworth whining?” Kyo’s voice cut across from the back, clearly the others were being disturbed by the noise and were grumbling as they woke up.


Sang turned back with a huff, “We’re going to another event! That’s why.”


There came a grumble from the left and Jongki opened open eye, “Anyone wakes up Kiyeol, Sunwoo or Kyung and I swear I’m going to bat you around the head with a pillow. What’s the big problem now?”


“We’re being taken to some other event,” Sang groaned, trying to move further back so he could sulk better but was suddenly assaulted by a jacket which had been thrown by Jae who was not best pleased about being woken up either, “Yah! Its better that we find out right now isn’t it? Even Busan boy doesn’t know where we’re going.”


Jongki grimaced, “Please tell me that you did not wake up Bradley?”


“He did and he’s going to get smacked when I figure out where the hell we’re going,” Bradley’s voice drifted back from the front of the minivan and Jae scrambled upright to try and read the instructions that the sat-nav was displaying but to no avail.


The others started their usual grumblings but remembered to keep it relatively quiet to save the hassle of waking up the two babies and the puppy. The last thing they needed was any of them being in a bad mood. Untangling himself, Jongki forced Sang into his space to try and keep the younger two asleep before clambering over the others to reach his second in command, “Any idea where we are?”


Their manager had that look which suggested that he knew what was going on but getting information out of the man was next to impossible, especially if it was something good and from the grin that was being displayed it could only be something good that they were going to. Which was very weird in Jongki’s opinion.


Bradley paused for a second, “I think we’re heading to the outskirts of Dongnae-gu, but more towards the countryside as if...wait a minute...”


“What?” Jongki asked, hoping that the other would elaborate before a sudden look crossed the elder’s face that was a mixture of shocked, horrified but also highly surprised and happy.


Turning straight to look at Kuso, Bradley appeared to completely ignore Jongki’s question as he asked, “What the hell has my mother been planning now?”




“Ah, here they are,” Annie Eun grinned towards her little Granddaughter as she glanced at the CCTV cameras which covered the front entrance of the ‘Dong-Gu Rein Onsen’ or as everyone who knew the family nicknamed it the ‘Eun Onsen’ (or Bradley’s House as it had been dubbed the last time everyone had managed to get over) and she quickly hopped upright, passing Saki to her huge Grandfather, “This is going to be so much fun.”


“You do realise that he’s going to kill you sweetheart?”  Shaun said with a deep chuckle, gladly taking hold of the little girl.


Annie just grinned back up at her husband, “Oh my little Bradley Bear won’t do such things to me. Plus I’ll kick his behind if he tries. It’s going to be so nice having the whole family back for Christmas and oh, remember to keep...”


“I know Annie,” Shaun said, grinning as he put Saki up onto his shoulders which had the girl squealing slightly in shock because it was so high up, “Now go on with your crazy little plan.” He leaned down from his impressive six foot five height to place a kiss on his little wife’s lips and sent her off running like a child. Gently he sighed, “You’re Grandma is one crazy lady, Saki.”


“Granddaddy!” Saki immediately said, “Don’t say that about Grandma! It’s naughty.”

The large father chuckled and rolled his eyes, there was no denying that Saki was Bradley’s and he loved it all the more than usual.




The minivan came to a stop in the central area of the Onsen reception and the doors hurriedly opened as the boys clambered to get out of the car seats. “Wow, this place has changed a fair old bit,” said Sunwoo looking around.


“It’s just decorated for Christmas, Sunny,” Jongki said, ruffling the others hair, “It was done up like this last time we were here.”


“Yah Kiyeol,” Sang half-sang towards the younger, “What time of year is it?”


Bradley sighed, “Don’t go picking on Ducky Sang, especially since you can’t pronounce Christmas either.”


Sang had the dignity to look offended, “Yes I can.”


“Say it then,” Jae directed towards him with a determined smirk.


“Merry Christmas!” Sang said, sticking his tongue out at the elder.


Jin raised an eyebrow in shock, “Wow, when did you get better at you’re English language lessons?”


“He took an extra class in it,” Kyung said, suddenly appearing and placing Sang in a head lock to ruffle his hair, “Boy’s trying to get his grades up secretly.”


“Oh really?” Sunwoo said, joining in on the pouncing game now but quickly turned to Kiyeol first, “How do you say it?”


Kiyeol sighed, “Kiss...mass...”


Both Bradley and Jongki burst out laughing, despite promising themselves that they wouldn’t do so because it really wasn’t fair, “I thought you had improved on your English, Mouse, I really did,” commented Jongki, lightly ruffling the other’s hair.


“I have...” Kiyeol whined only to be hugged by Bradley.


“He really has, just some things are impossible,” the elder shook his head, “Except when he’s singing strangely. Still makes no sense.”


Jongki smiled, “When are you guys recording that new album?” the English sub-unit were due a comeback soon but the leader couldn’t actually remember when it was due to be recorded.


Kiyeol shrugged, “Sometime in January I think. Haven’t been given an exact date.”


“Or any indication of if we’re travelling or not,” Jae put in, having wandered over to the group, “Apparently there’s demand but I’ve kinda lost track of it all as of late.”


“Guys,” Jin called, stopping any thoughts lingering on the possibilities of why such a thing would be happening, “Will you tell twinny that he’s been here before?”


Kyo looked exasperated towards his twin, “I have not. I keep on telling you that.”


“But we came here...” Jin started before a general groan came his way from everyone else.


“Jin, Bright Side,” they all yelled together as it had become a sort of mantra towards the crinkly eyed smiling boy who seemed to have completely forgotten the fact that Kyo had not been with them at JustHi and had only joined the group before their rebirth to R-Star when they had moved across to H/UN. It was a running joke that Kyo had been the sensible one who joined up with the right company in the first place and therefore had never got screwed over.


The boy looked a bit confused for a second before suddenly remembering and letting out an, “Oh” before looking away, clearly embarrassed.


Bradley grinned towards Kyo and said in English, “Oh joys, you get to meet my mother for the first time. You poor sod”


“Bradley Eun!” a sharp voice had the eldest jumping slightly in surprise but it wasn’t hard to tell that there was just a little bit of playful glee hidden under it all, “What are you saying about me now?”


Placing his hands on his hips, completely copying his mother to perfection – bar having his red hair naturally and that fact that he beat her in height given that she was 4 foot 9inches in high heels – Bradley playfully glared back at the small woman, “That you are a total pest and a surprise throwing nitwit whom I love to the ends of the earth even though you drive me insane!”


Annie laughed and started down the stairs, Bradley running to grab her up into a hug and swing her around happily. The older woman laughed, “Bradley Bear, you put me down this instant before you drop me or something,” as soon as she was set down she had slammed a hug into her third son and nearly sent him toppling over in return, “Oh come on, I had to get you home somehow or other. I haven’t had nearly as much time as I would have liked to fuss over you and Saki this year! And I don’t care about any excuses of promotions and what-not. You haven’t been home mister and that’s final.”


Her beady bird like eyes snapped towards the rest of the group who were in the throes of silently laughing at the antics because Annie Eun was definitely one of the most craziest people in the whole world but she was completely lovely at the same time. “But right now, I have my other babies to fuss over!” she virtually squealed, pushed Bradley to one side causing him to fall onto the steps with a yelp before rushing to the other boys and gave them all hugs, “Oh my, look at you all! You’re all so big and grown up and handsome! Come here and give your Auntie Annie an hug! Ah! Jongki you little gem, why have you been so sad huh? Well no worries, I’ll sort that out later. Sunwoo look at you getting bigger and bigger every time I see you. Sang you been doing your homework like a good boy? Good, that’s what Auntie likes to hear. Jae you big sassy loud mouth, have you been annoying the living daylights out of Bear once again? Oh look at my puppy; you’re so...Kyung put me down! Oh honestly what are you like? You silly boy but oh so glad to see you too! Ah there’s my little baby oh look at you, you’ve gotten so big! Let me give you a great big hug my little duckling Kiyeol. Ah and here’s the foxy little trouble maker, you haven’t changed a bit in the slightest,”


“Neither has you Annie,” Jinseok grinned before slightly stepping aside, “This is my twinny Annie, he’s called Kyo Lee Gi but everyone called him Kyo.”


Annie smiled, “Oh my darling, I’ve heard so much about you. Come here and welcome to the family. Don’t look so nervous, we don’t bite. Much.”


Bradley sighed from the steps, shaking his head, “Mum, will you please breath for a second or two?”


However the next second he was half-hoisted up into hug which had his feet dangling off the floor but he simply grinned up at the man, “Hi Dad.”


“Hi Bradley,” Shaun said, dropping his son down with a grin, “You been keeping yourself good yes?”


“Shaun!” Annie yelled, “You’re supposed to be...”


“I know,” Shaun sighed, rolling his eyes before shifting Saki from her tall position, “but someone wanted to see their-”


“Daddy!” Saki squealed, arms outstretched and she was pulled into a tight hold by Bradley, “I missed you! You said that you would be free!”


Bradley hugged Saki close to him, “I know sweetie, just things went manic. Daddy’s sorry.”


“Saki forgives,” the six year old smiled and hugged harder before pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Want to go and see Oppas now! Please?”


The eldest didn’t even have to step to hand the girl to the next available pair of arms, which happened to be Sunwoo and he grinned, “Oh I think they want to see you too, sweetheart.”


Annie smiled as she hugged Bradley once again, “It’s so good to see you again, Bradley. I miss having you around sometimes.”


“Mum,” Bradley grinned, “You’ve got Davey, Mokio and the kids to keep you company all of the time. I’m amazed that you even have the time to miss me.”


Annie responded by constantly flicking the end of Bradley’s nose as she said, “Don’t pretend that at times you would be here with all of us Bradley Bear,” she grinned and got one more hug and a well deserved kiss from the boy before slightly pulling away, “Now that all the hugging and stuff is done, let’s get you lot checked in shall we?”


“But we haven’t brought anything-” started Jin who looked slightly panicked


Bradley sighed, “Trust me, if this was organised by my mother then there will be plenty of stuff here already. Kuso-ah probably had it shipped across last week.”


“You know me too well, Bear,” Annie said sweetly leading the way up the stairs whilst Jae handed Saki back to her Daddy as they followed on up.


The reception area was simple and pleasant, done in the traditional Japanese style but with a few Eun family touches and lots of Christmas decorations. Shaun was already sitting behind the desk, grinning infectiously at Kuso as he handed the man a key to what was presumably his room and then smiled towards the others, “Well well well...let’s see who is stationed where.”


Bradley however noticed something, “Dad. Why are all the keys down, we’re only just...” his eyes flicked to the right and he looked surprised for a second before nodding and playfully glaring at his mother mouthing, ‘You are too good at this’ towards her.


Kyung frowned at the pair and turned to look out of the same window which the eldest of the group had been looking out of. For a moment he saw nothing which would spark that reaction but then his gaze fell on a classical looking woman with long black hair that was held up in a high pony tail with a red ribbon that held a golden dragon on it and the most beautiful smile in the whole world to the boy. “Mummy!” he yelled, causing everyone else to jump out of their skin, “Mummy!” the twenty-one year old bolted from the group nimbly to virtually jump at the woman who embraced him tightly with just as much affection as he was giving to her.


“Kyunnie,” Satato Han cooed at her son, “Oh my big baby boy, look at you all grown up.”


The rest of R-Star stared in complete and total shock at the pair, who were joined by Kyung’s father Eu-uk before staring at one another in complete surprise. Bradley chuckled, “Go and find, before you get confused over the keys.”


However the boys didn’t need to go and find their families, they were all virtually there anyway embracing their boys whom they had missed so much. Kiyeol and Jae hung back for a moment, unsure as to what to expect until Jae’s siblings came racing across to embrace him happily and Kiyeol found himself standing alone.


But a pair of warm arms wrapped around him and Kiyeol smiled at feeling Bradley’s ever warming presence, “its okay ducky, you’ve got me and Saki and all the others. Plus you’ve got my mother too.”


Still the maknae turned and hugged into the elders embrace, feeling tears come rolling down his cheeks slightly until there was a slight tap on his wrist. Annie smiled and pointed behind her and Kiyeol turned, fearful in some ways because he expected to see Eunmin standing there was that all too familiar scowl on her face but instead he saw a young man whom he had not seen in a very long time.


“Kibum?” he asked, not quite believing what he was seeing and the next second he found himself engulfed in another hug but this time from the little brother that he had honestly thought he had lost a long time ago. 

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Chapter 1: I-- *cooooos* It was surprising at the end, to see Kibum there, but if Annie asked, he probably would have found a way to squirm free of his and Kiyeol's mom and stepdad. (He probably said it was something for school.)


Annie is just as wonderful as you've led her to be. I AM EXCITED FOR THIS.