rolls royce.

miracles of december.


“Jongmin-ah, help Daddy pick one.”

The toddler crawled towards the side of his parents’ bed, pouting as he scanned the row of multicolored ties for a moment before plucking the peach-colored one out, his chubby hands keeping a tight hold on it. “Mmm~” He looked down at the tie thoughtfully before raising it to his mouth, biting it and giggling happily.

“Jongminnie!” Jongdae yelped at his son’s abrupt action, gently yanking the tie out of his grasp before Jongmin could nibble on it any longer. The three-year-old blinked, as if just noticing that his newly-found toy had been taken away, then looked at his father with watery eyes. “Min want...” He reached out at the tie, his lower lip quivering, then bursts into tears.

Minseok, who had just finished bathing and was putting on his bath robe, glared at his husband. “Now look what you’ve done.” He scolded in a motherly tone, quickly picking the crying baby up and cradling him close, patting his back as he hummed softly to calm him.

“But I didn’t do anything!” The younger man protested in a childish tone and sighed before walking up towards his wife and son. Jongmin tugged at his mother’s wet locks, upset, turning away when he saw Jongdae approaching. “Jongmin-ah, Daddy is sorry, okay?” He ruffled the silent toddler’s hair affectionately. “You can have it back if you want. Daddy can use another tie.”

“Don’t want.” Jongmin mumbled, shaking his head firmly as he raised his head to look at his father. He tilted his head thoughtfully for a moment before replying. “Min want car.”

“Oh, good idea, baby.” A wide grin spread across Minseok’s face at Jongmin’s request. “Ask Daddy to buy you and Mommy each a Ferrari. Jongminnie likes nice, fast, extremely expensive Ferraris, yes?” He tickled the baby and Jongmin squealed, squirming, then glances at his husband, bursting into laughter at the other’s comical expression.

Jongdae hastily clamped his mouth shut to keep his jaw dropping from shock again and cleared his throat. “Daddy will, erm, buy you a Ferrari.” He said carefully, shooting Minseok a warning look. “The really, really nice toy ones which you can steer around using remotes, okay? And afterwards we can go buy some ice cream.”

His wife opened his mouth to speak, a smart reply already at the tip of his tongue, but Jongmin was faster. The boy gave an unhappy snort and folded his arms across his chest. “Don’t want toy. Min want real car.” He nodded to himself. “Want... Lolls Loyce.” He struggled to pronounce it.

Jongdae’s jaw dropped. “ROLLS –” He choked, hardly able to comprehend his son’s words, and glared at Minseok, who had dropped to the bed in peals of laughter. He nearly sank through the floor when Jongmin raised his hand and pointed at the discarded automobile magazine at the edge of his parents’ mattress, its cover showing the newly released Rolls Royce model. “Lolls Loyce.” He said with a tone of finality, bobbing his head once again.

Seeing his now baffled husband, the elder man hastily patted Jongmin’s head. “Jongminnie, go change your clothes. You’re going to accompany Mommy to do some grocery shopping, okay? And then we’ll see about that Rolls Royce.” He said in soothing voice, gently propelling the little boy to his bedroom.

Jongdae stared at his son as he waddled away. “Three years old and already able to leave his own father speechless. I’m beginning to regret having him inherit my wit.” He shook his head mournfully.

Laughing, Minseok wrapped his arms around the other’s neck and presses his lips against his in a sweet kiss. “Worried that he’ll be a better troll than you?” He smiled, pinching Jongdae’s cheek.

The latter snorted at his question. “No, I’m actually glad that someone can continue the tradition.” He replied bluntly, eliciting a smile at his wife. Then, raising his hand, he tentatively touched Jongdae’s abdomen, his cheeks coloring slightly. “I-I wonder if he will inherit your washboard stomach, too.” He stuttered as he looked up to meet Jongdae’s eyes.

A small, mischievous grin spreads across the younger man's face at his words. His eyes twinkled as he leaned forward, his lips lightly brushing Minseok's ear. “You know, I think my boss won’t mind me being late for just a few minutes.” He whispered before pulling away, his grin widening when he saw Minseok’s cheeks turning an even brighter red at his words.

“W-Well...” He mumbled shyly as he ran his fingers over the buttons of Jongdae’s shirt, then felt him move slightly, looking up to find that Jongdae had reached out towards the door. He drew in a sharp breath, his heart hammering against his chest in nervousness when he heard the soft click, signalling that the door was locked. “W-We should make this quick, t-then.”

A squeal escaped his mouth when his husband bent down suddenly, sliding his arm under his legs, the other going around back as he lifted him up effortlessly. Minseok buried his face in Jongdae's shoulder as he kept his arms tightly wrapped around his neck, flushing at his next words. "Let's try not to make too much noise, okay, baby?" He winked before carrying his giggling wife to their bed.



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This is so cute im sooooo reading this T^T