Of Dubious Boyfriends and Bed-Swapping

The Spell Book


Sometimes, two wrongs doesn't make a right.
But when everything works out fine, maybe it does after all.
All thanks (and maybe also no thanks) to a very curious, dubious and attention-hungry boyfriend.
Jongdae had just settled down on the bench with Baekhyun for around seven and a half seconds before Yixing was flying towards them with the most horrified looking face he had ever seen Yixing with. Or Kyungsoo with, for that matter.
Kyungsoo and Luhan were running after him, not even caring about the fact that they were dashing across the road without even checking for cars. Jongdae sighed and wondered, what now?!?!
"Jongdae..." Yixing collapsed on the bench, half on top of him, clutching his shoulders and panting wildly. "There was a m-m-m-monster inside!!!"
Jongdae wondered if he was referring to the old lady or the spider or something else altogether. But nevertheless he stood and grabbed hold of Yixing's arm, marching the reluctant boy back into the shop. Kyungsoo and Luhan trailed behind them helplessly.
Back in the shop, Jongdae noted that Miranda was gone. Yixing was positively shaking with fear, and he had squeezed his eyes tightly shut. 
"My, my, you didn't seem so scared of Miranda the last time you came..." The wrinkly old lady suddenly appeared with a hundred-year old grin, and Jongdae felt his hair stand on end once again.
"I've sent her away for a while, my dear, so don't be afraid."
Yixing peeked an eye open, and heaved a huge sigh of relief when he saw the empty web. In fact, he didn't even bat an eyelash at the ominously scary-looking toothless lady in front of him.
"Hello," he bowed politely with his usual calm smile. Jongdae choked on his saliva and Kyungsoo automatically patted his back.
"I presume you are Kyungsoo's aunt?"
This time Luhan choked and Kyungsoo turned a deep shade of scarlet. Jongdae resisted the strong urge to roll around on the floor with laughter. The old lady raised an eyebrow, and Jongdae swore he heard her muscles creak in protest.
"Well, I suppose if he wants to call me that..." She cackled. Kyungsoo looked like he wanted the bookshelf beside him to swallow him up right there and then.
"Umm..." Luhan stepped forward with a determined look. "We're here to ask if you know of an antidote..."
"Antidote?!" She half-yelled, and her body began to shake with laughter. Jongdae heard audible rattling, and he tried not to think of bones. He assumed Kyungsoo heard it too, because he turned an awkward shade of purple. 
"I don't have any antidote, my dears..." She shook her head sadly and slowly. Jongdae wondered how long had it been since she washed her hair. Or any part of her body, for that matter. She looked as dusty as the shelves.
"But!!" Yixing protested. "I am now him and he is now me!! How can we reverse that?"
The old lady's eyes sparkled with interest. "Oh, you used the body swap potion! Splendid!" She clasped her hands together, creating a poof of dust. Jongdae thanked the heavens that Baekhyun was outside, or else he'd be sneezing the shop down by now.
"Well...", She leant closer to Yixing. "You have to convince and prove to the spell that you don't want it anymore!!"
"What?!" Yixing squawked in confusion.
She sighed and turned back to hobble over to the table at the back. "That's all I can offer for you guys..."
Jongdae and Luhan exchanged glances of dismay, and Kyungsoo turned pale with fright. Jongdae had never seen anyone's face turn so many colours in a span of five minutes before.
"See you dears again soon!! Miranda you can come out now."
That was the cue to leave for Yixing, and subsequently everyone else as well.
"So what do we do now..." 
Baekhyun was thoroughly disappointed when they emerged from the shop without an antidote or the slightest clue of what to do. When he complained, though, everyone snapped that he couldn't have done a better job, and he decided to shut up for good.
"Well, she told us to convince the spell. HOW does someone even convince a spell? It's not a living thing or whatever." Kyungsoo moaned.
Luhan leaned back on the couch with a serious expression. "Unless..."
"What?!" Came four desperate cries.
Luhan turned to face Yixing and Kyungsoo with a stern expression. "You guys have to act like yourself for the whole of today."
Yixing gawked. "That's easy of course, but we do have a setback..."
Everyone exchanged looks of despair with each other.
Oh yes, they do have a setback.
Kim Junmyeon.
Junmyeon was eying him in a very disturbing way.
Very, very disturbing.
"Why don't you want to eat lunch with me, Yixing-baby?" He asked with a small scowl.
What could Kyungsoo say? Umm oh actually I'm not your Yixing baby and I am actually your annoying dorm mate Kyungsoo and I want to eat with my best friends? 
"I need to discuss some dance... things with Minseok and Sehun." He replied with a hesitant smile.
Junmyeon didn't look happy, but Kyungsoo knew that he was an understanding person. Thankfully.
"K-Kyungg... um Kyungsoo says he wants to eat with you." Kyungsoo stuttered, still feeling awkward about calling his own name.
Junmyeon rolled his eyes. "Fine with me." He still didn't look very happy, but at least he wasn't protesting.
Kyungsoo escaped their dorm and ran over to Jongdae's and Luhan's dorm. They had smuggled KFC delivery up to their rooms (not that it was illegal, but if Jongin ever found out they were eating KFC without him, they were as good as dead. Him being the chicken fan he is...) and were currently munching noisily on the popcorn chicken.
"Hey!!" Kyungsoo plopped on the ground and grinned at them. Baekhyun was the only one who was willing to smile at him.
"You know, you better change back to the real Kyungsoo soon, or else we'll all get used to you being so good looking." He murmured. 
Kyungsoo picked up a fork and jabbed his friend in the elbow, causing him to squeak.
Jongdae looked apprehensive. "I don't know if this is going to work..."
"We'll just have to try." Luhan chewed on a cheese fry. "I hope Yixing isn't taking it too seriously though. If he tries to kiss Junmyeon, we're dead."
Kyungsoo laughed nervously. "No, don't even mention that, please. I still want a piece of my dignity. Even if I'm some half-crazed loner desperate for love, a taken dude like Junmyeon is the last guy I would ever want to kiss."
Jongdae snorted. "Hey, you mean even after that date with your Junnie, you still feel absolutely nothing towards him?"
Kyungsoo hesitated. Baekhyun cackled with laughter and started to punch Luhan's arm with glee.
"Oh ma gawdds!! Look at that face!!"
I am not blushing, nope, I'm not.
"Would you rather kiss me then?" Jongdae tilted his cheek towards Kyungsoo, and then quickly dodged away before Kyungsoo's fist came flying at his face. 
"Oh god I hate you all." Kyungsoo wanted to fling a mountain of... - oh he'll be nice - cushions at them. 
"Er-hmm." Yixing cleared his throat. Junmyeon looked up at him with a tired gaze. 
"Why are you so upset?" Junmyeon never ever behaved like that towards him. But then again, this laid-back way is the way he always behaves to Kyungsoo, so who am I to complain.
"Yixing is acting weird." He pouted and leaned his chin on the table.
"Why weird?"
"I don't know. During the play he yelled out about Jongdae and Baekhyun hyung, I don't even know why, and he was so overly enthusiastic about the play, I also don't even know why, and he didn't cuddle me last night, I..."
"Okay, too much information, Junmyeon." Yixing began to feel his palms sweat, because Kyungsoo had been so freaking close to revealing everything, that idiot boy. Arghhh.
"Maybe it's mood swings." Yixing shrugged. 
"Maybe..." Junmyeon continued to pout, and Yixing fought back the urge to squish his cheeks and comment about how freaking adorable he is. Because Kyungsoo never does that.
"Just eat, Junmyeon." He swallowed a lump in his throat and forced more food down in an attempt to divert his attention away from those sad pouty lips.
"What do you want, you ?!" Kyungsoo shrieked at him through the phone.
Jongdae was half-sitting on Luhan's lap, trying to listen while Luhan conveyed their plans to Kyungsoo.
It was perfectly normal to call Kyungsoo randomly and yell orders at the youngest member of their clique, but it definitely wasn't normal to do that at 1AM in the morning.
"It's the grand bed-swapping plan!!" Luhan hissed. "Go back to your room now. Yixing is coming over."
"What the hell?!" Kyungsoo shrieked softly. "Do you want to die?! If Junmyeon wakes up to see Kyungsoo... Um, Yixing in my body sleeping beside him, he would freak out!!!"
"But that's the best way to convince the spell, Kyungsoo yah." Luhan retorted, and Jongdae echoed with agreement.
Kyungsoo grunted, but before he could respond, the door was pushed open and Yixing tiptoed in.
"Okay, so they told me to come in..." Yixing had a slightly alarmed expression. Kyungsoo cut Luhan and Jongdae's line off abruptly and got off the bed slowly, careful not to wake Junmyeon.
"What time does Junmyeon wake up?" He whispered.
"Around eight thirty on Sundays." Came the reply.
"Okay. Make sure to get up before that, understand me?!"
Yixing bobbed his head and quickly went to lie down beside Junmyeon. Kyungsoo tiptoed back out of the room, and at that very moment his phone buzzed angrily at him.
Kyungsoo hung up again and switched off his phone.
Yixing got up the next morning bright and sunny and early and...
He darted out of bed and quickly checked the time. It was eight twenty-six. Holy !!
He glanced down at his body. Holy !!
He sprinted over to the mirror and took a look at himself. Holy s-
Yixing's phone started screaming just then, and he quickly answered it.
"Kyungsoo! Wake up now!"
"I'm Yixing."
There was a looooooong awkward pause, and then Jongdae whispered, "Y-Yixing hyung?"
"Yeah, I'm back in my own body."
"Wait... Does that mean the spell convincing worked?" Jongdae almost squealed.
"It sure did." Yixing was grinning. He poked at his dimple happily. I'm so glad to be back in my own body!!
Then he heard Luhan's and Baekhyun's loud yells in the background. "Jongdae yah!! Tell Yixing to quickly go wake Kyungsoo and swap places with him!!"
Suddenly Yixing remembered that Kyungsoo was currently back in his own body, and sleeping beside Junmyeon.
Oh no... Junmyeon is going to wake up any moment...
He quickly said goodbye and hung up, dashing into his and Junmyeon's room.
Kyungsoo and Junmyeon were both sound asleep.
Maybe not so sound, because Yixing knew that Junmyeon looked sound asleep, but he usually woke up without much warning.
He crept over to Kyungsoo and poked his ribs hard. Kyungsoo snorted and rolled over onto his back, dangerously close to Junmyeon.
No, no don't touch him, don't hit him because he will...
Kyungsoo's arm flew out and smacked the side of Junmyeon's neck.
Junmyeon started to stir. His brows furrowed and his lips pursed, mouthing incoherent words as he stretched his arms above his head.
I have to act fast, and NOW.
Yixing calculated five seconds before Junmyeon woke up. That only gave him one option to settle this matter.
With the hardest yank he could manage, Yixing pulled Kyungsoo forcefully off the bed and chucked him unceremoniously on the ground, diving at record speed under the sheets where Kyungsoo once was three seconds ago.
The moment his head hit the pillow, Junmyeon opened his eyes.
"Good morning, Yixing baby!!" He beamed.
Kyungsoo could feel a terrible ache all over his body, especially his shoulder. Ouch...
He could hear Junmyeon's voice somewhere above him. "Good morning, Yixing baby!!"
Kyungsoo opened his mouth automatically to answer, but another voice beat him to it.
"Good morning Junnie!!"
Kyungsoo froze. That's... That's my voice. No, Yixing's voice. Wait, Yixing's voice isn't my voice?! That means...
Kyungsoo's eyes flew open and he realised he was on the floor , half underneath the bed. He held out his hands in front of him - surprise!! They were short and unclipped once again.
Kyungsoo grinned manically. Oh my god. Kyungsoo yah, I'm back!!! 
Then he realised his current position, and something narrow poking hard into his side. He looked down and saw a foot - Yixing's foot, to be more precise - digging into his waist.
Kyungsoo shifted, and the foot pressed down harder.
Oh, Yixing hyung wants me to stay put...
It suddenly dawned on him that Junmyeon was awake. Phew, that was a close call, he thought, glad that he hasn't made any sound yet. Now, the only thing he had to do was to escape the room as quick as possible...
"I miss you," Yixing whispered.
"But, I didn't go anywhere." Junmyeon replied. Kyungsoo mentally face-palmed.
"No! What I meant was..." Kyungsoo held his breath. "... Uh, I miss having you in my dreams."
Cheesy much?
Junmyeon seemed to buy it though, and suddenly Yixing's foot lifted off him and he heard some very odd and entirely inappropriate noises coming from above him.
Oh no don't tell me they are...
Kyungsoo squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears and bit back a loud helpless groan.
Baekhyun popped a party popper beside Luhan's ear, causing him to jump out of his skin and shriek in an unmanly way.
"Godammit Baekhyun ah." He snarled at the younger boy. 
Kyungsoo did a small curtsy and sat back down, leaning his head snugly on Jongdae's shoulder. 
"I missed you guys!!" He crooned. "I miss hugging you all like this and kissing you all like this!" He leaned to peck Jongdae on the cheek, and he ended up receiving a cushion smack on his face.
"Keep your mouth away from me, Do Kyungsoo!" Jongdae screeched, and this gave Luhan and Baekhyun some new insight on effective ways to taunt Kim Jongdae.
After a full minute spent escaping three puckered lips, Jongdae wedged himself in the corner between the television and the wall and yelled at his friends to spare him some mercy.
"On one condition." Baekhyun quipped.
Jongdae groaned. "Okay, what?"
"It's your turn to make a spell from the spell book."
Jongdae's eyes turned as wide as saucers, and his other three best friends hi-fived each other gleefully.
"M-my turn?" He wheezed.
"You're the next youngest after me." Kyungsoo retorted nonchalantly. Luhan disappeared into his room, and returned with the spell book, which looked slightly more worse for wear than he remembered it to be.
"Here ya go. Think wisely and choose the most exciting and thrilling spell to create, okay?"
Jongdae accepted the book with a slight pout, but deep inside, his heart was racing.
Because Jongdae was truly excited about his turn with the spells and potions.
Actually, also because he might have something in mind that he wanted to do already.
And that involved a certain dude whom he sees with Kim Joonmyun sometimes. A certain tall handsome boy taking business major with Joonmyun, who wears branded watches and has three ear piercings on each side and who drinks expensive Starbucks brew almost everyday and... Oh, the list of things about that guy that Jongdae knew about can stretch on forever.
Jongdae smiled.
A/N: and that marks the end of Kyungsoo's story!! Haha hope you enjoyed it :) it's complete but I will still mention subtle updates about Kyungsoo and sulay (and maybe even susoo/kyungmyeon haha) in the subsequent chapters. Next is Jongdae's story. Pls anticipate and stay tune!! (Haven't really thought about pairing Kyungsoo up... Maybe I will include that in the following chapters? :D )
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Chapter 18: This story is super cuteeeeeee~~I really wonder whats gonna happen to Baekhyun
ZaulieIZzy #2
Chapter 18: UPDATE!!! PLEASE!!
sekaifanatic #3
Chapter 18: Chapter 18:too much omg I think my ribs are about to break from all the laughing and that "overdose" line at the end jst perfect.please update soon
sekaifanatic #4
Chapter 15: Chapter 15:OMG I'm dying that was hilarious
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #5
Chapter 18: Omg lol poor Baekhyunnie
DalzRamli #6
Chapter 18: Oh, please update it soon author-nim!! I'm extremely excited^^
eLquinox #7
Chapter 18: OMG ByunBaek seriously? ><
I'll take this chappie as a bd present for me~ ^^

Get well soon author nim ^^
Chapter 18: Noooo Luhannnnnn!! Someone call the doctor LOL! Okay, it can't be that bad..right? Or maybe it is~ things aren't going to work as planned haha! but it should be funny ^^ I liked the bonus chappies btw ^^ too bad their boyfriends couldn't see them as a girl..umm hybrid.. xD
theWanderlust #9
Chapter 18: have fun author-nim!!take your time..and pls write more sulay when you come back..hihi
Chapter 14: Omg, i almost miss this story.. sooo cute chenris!! I can only smile reading all this, and luv all those chingus interaction,their skinship and so on ^^