Of Agitated Swans and Dormmates who Consume Anything in their way

The Spell Book


Sometimes, it's okay to be be a little bit adventurous.
Sometimes, it's okay to make the first move.
But sometimes, it's not okay to manipulate people with potions because you'd never know what fate would do to twist up all your plans...
This is ridiculous.
Sehun kneeled in front of Yifan's sleeping form and gently pulled open his jaw. Then he sat back on the ground, cross legged, and waited.
Not that he had any other choice. Luhan swore no cuddles for him if he didn't get a 5mL-syringe full of Yifan's saliva.
Luhan had warned him that it HAD to be Yifan, not Zitao their other dorm mate, or himself. Only and strictly Yifan.
And Luhan wouldn't tell him why he needed the saliva, but he told Sehun to assume that it was for an important project. A Project Study-The-DNA-Of-A-Business-Student. 
Yeah, sure, Sehun would totally buy that, only because it's Luhan.
When Sehun was sure enough saliva had collected at the base of Yifan's mouth, he stuck in the syringe and drew out as much as he could. It took Sehun around three draws to get all the saliva he needed to fill the syringe. Then he closed Yifan's mouth back up and sneaked out of the room.
Easy enough!! Yay, that means cuddles.
Jongdae let Kyungsoo and Baekhyun do the potion making for him, while Luhan sat beside him, propping Jongdae's foot on a pillow and holding out an ice pack on it.
"I'm sorry, Jongdae..." Baekhyun whimpered, shooting him a very apologetic look from the kitchen for the umpeenth time.
"Not forgiven." Jongdae muttered.
Well, technically it wasn't completely Baekhyun's fault. Baekhyun had volunteered to lure the swan out to the grassy river bank while Kyungsoo and Jongdae surprise-grabbed it from behind which left Luhan to do the finishing move, which was to pluck a feather out from its .
But Baekhyun had chickened out and Kyungsoo had to lure the swan out, leaving Jongdae alone to fight with a very agitated swan.
Let's just say, they got what they wanted... And a little something extra on Jongdae's part.
"I need your saliva too, Jongdae." Kyungsoo called out, and Luhan walked over to the kitchen to grab the syringe. He left the ice pack on Jongdae's sprained foot, though, and when he came back it was completely numb and looking rather blue around the edges.
He lifted the ice pack and pressed his palms onto Jongdae's foot, and Jongdae hissed at the sudden change in temperature. Luhan stuck the syringe into his mouth like a thermometer.
"3mL mark," he reminded Jongdae.
When Jongdae handed the syringe to the still-apologetic-puppy-eyed Baekhyun to pass to Kyungsoo, Luhan snarkily reminded him that it was the exact same syringe that was stuck into Yifan's mouth just hours ago. The extremely flabbergasted and shy look on Jongdae's face had Luhan in fits. 
After grinding up the feather (yuck, Baekhyun commented), adding it in with the juice of the Grimes Golden and some other strange random liquids that the recipe called for, Kyungsoo switched on the blender and the room was filled with the slushing-slurping sound of the mixing machine.
"Hope it tastes as good as the body swap one," Kyungsoo muttered as he watched the mixture turn an odd shade of vermilion.
"It's red?" Baekhyun gasped. "Like... B-b-bl-"
"We added raspberry cordial, Baekhyun hyung."
Luhan snorted as he looked over at them, and placed the ice pack on Jongdae's foot but miscalculating the distance, dropping it onto the floor. The pack burst open and the half-melted ice spilled out.
He went to get a mop, as Jongdae groaned again helplessly.
Kyungsoo transferred the mixture into a blue Tupperware and placed it in the fridge. "Chill and serve." He read aloud from the Spell Book. 
"Do I need to drink it?" Jongdae asked from the couch, trying to look at Kyungsoo but having difficultly due to Luhan's constantly moving body obscuring his view.
Kyungsoo nodded his head, and Jongdae completely missed it. "I'm sorry!" Luhan exclaimed, still mopping the floor.
"So do I need to?" Jongdae asked again, now seated up and had one hand clamped on Luhan's shoulder to stop him from moving.
"Yep. You must drink it before Yifan hyung does, though, in order to make sure you become the object of his attention, not the other way round." Kyungsoo reassured him.
Jongdae nodded and tried to stand up, but Luhan pushed him down with an indignant look.
"What?! I'm feeling better now, let me walk." He ignored Luhan's frantic protests of "nonono you'd better sit still, Jongdae ah, because you'd-" and he promptly regretted not listening to Luhan the next moment when he found his chin connecting against the ground.
"I told you so!! The floor is wet!" Luhan shrieked.
Luhan had a million and one ideas of how to get the love potion into Yifan's hands. He felt that every single one of them was perfectly feasible and extremely easy to carry out, but Jongdae seemed to think otherwise.
That day, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were following the two of them back to their dorm after classes because Luhan needed to help Jongdae to get around. (So that gave Soo-Baek the jobs of carrying their backpacks.) Jongdae had insisted he was fine, but Luhan just wouldn't buy it, asserting that Jongdae would just end up with his other foot sprained or a bruised eye or something dramatic like that if he was left alone.
They entered the dorm and Luhan immediately ushered Jongdae to the couch. Kyungsoo yanked open the fridge and stuck his hand in, feeling for the Tupperware. 
"So which method are we going for?" He faced them while his hand roamed the insides of the fridge.
"I'd say the sneak-into-his-room method is the best." Luhan declared.
Jongdae rolled his eyes. "No... It's better that someone gifts it to him."
"That's cliche!!" Baekhyun groused. "We should, like, organise a drinking competition and make Yifan drink that."
The three of them turned to look at Kyungsoo, who now had his entire body wedged in the fridge, his tiny scrawny legs peeking out from the large humming household appliance.
"What's wrong?" Jongdae's voice went up an octave.
Kyungsoo peeked his head out for a second, and their eyes met. Kyungsoo's expression didn't look good and his face was ashen.
"It's not inside..."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Jongdae leapt out of the couch and sprinted to the fridge, ignoring Luhan's cries about "YOUR FOOT, IDIOT!!". He pushed Kyungsoo aside and started rearranging all the stuff in the fridge and poking and prodding into every corner...
... It was truly gone.
Jongdae slumped onto the ground, feeling very lost and confused. The potion... The love potion for Yifan... It's gone... It's stolen... Now I can't make Yifan fall in love with me...
"Where could it have gone to, anyway?" Baekhyun approached the fridge to check it out himself, stepping over Jongdae's motionless form and pushing Kyungsoo aside again.
"Where else..." Luhan suddenly murmured.
Everyone froze and slowly turned their heads to look at him. 
They all had the same expression on their faces.
The same look of utmost horror.
Jongin's room door suddenly burst open and he poked out his head, grinning brightly.
"Guys!! Heyooo!! Sorry I didn't know you came back. Umm, anyway thanks to whoever who put the drink in, it was so delicious..." Jongin bit his lip guiltily. "I didn't mean to finish it all but... It was the nicest drink I ever tasted!! I... I promise I'll make it up to you guys..." 
He quickly slammed his door shut in embarrassment.
The four boys riveted their heads back to each other.
"WELL!!" Baekhyun suddenly burst out with a grin, startling everyone."Thank God Jongdae didn't drink his half of the potion already, so we can just, you know, make another..."
"Yeah!!" Luhan collapsed back onto the sofa, looking totally relieved. Kyungsoo grinned goofily and quickly shut the fridge the prevent the food from all spoiling.
Only Jongdae continued to have that very dazed look.
Kyungsoo nudged him with his toe. "Yah hyung, don't worry so much, I mean we can get the ingredients easily, I'll get the swan feather this time and Luhan can threaten Sehun again-"
"No that's not the point," he blurted out.
Everyone waited. Jongdae shakily rose to his feet and gave everyone a clear view of his very traumatised expression.
"I... The potion... I drank m-m-my sh-share last n-night..." Jongdae lurched onto the counter, hands gripping the edges, and began to bang his head steadily on the countertop.
His friends stared at him without moving. "I'm SORRY!!" Jongdae wailed. "I was thirsty and you know, like Jongin said it was delicious so..."
"Jongdae... You do know what this means right?" Luhan's voice was soft and anxious. 
Jongdae didn't want to know, oh how I wish I didn't know...
Jongdae and Jongin both drank the love potion. 
And that can only mean one thing - since Jongdae drank first, he was the receiver. Jongin drank next so he was the giver.
The giver of love and attention to the receiver, which was Jongdae. Some very unwanted love and attention, for that matter. Not from Jongin, at least.
They had just made Jongin, Jongdae's and Luhan's very eccentric dance major friend dorm mate dongsaeng, in love with Jongdae.
When it was supposed to be Yifan.
Jongdae moaned and continued to bang his head. Oh what have I done to my life...
"I'm not leaving the room..." Jongdae whined, clutching a pillow.
Luhan groaned and gave up tugging on Jongdae's hand, stomping over to his bed and flopping down on it instead. "Jongdae yah, you can't stay in here forever..."
"But..." Jongdae peeked at him with rounded, frightened eyes. "What if Jongin is waiting out there to ambush me?"
Luhan rolled his eyes. "Jongin is at class, Jongdae. The dance majors have a module now. And we are going to be late for our classes if you don't pluck your scattered guts from the floor and just step out of the damn room!!"
Luhan never swore graphically, unless he was really pissed. Or unless his class in question was Advanced Music Fundamentals, his favourite. 
Kyungsoo and Baekhyun burst into the room, frantic. "Jongdae!! What are you still doing here?"
"He's making me late for my favourite class," Luhan moaned. 
Baekhyun ignored him and went to kneel in front of Jongdae. Jongdae whimpered and hid his face behind the pillow.
"Jongdae. Jongin is not outside, the coast is clear. So let's go, okay?"
Jongdae slowly looked up at Baekhyun. "Really?" He squeaked.
Baekhyun nodded sincerely. Jongdae sighed and climbed off the bed with a huff, flipping his fringe and clearing his throat in a weak attempt to preserve what was left of his manliness. He picked up his schoolbag and slung it over his shoulder, walking out of the dorm.
"You guys had better be telling me the truth, because if I catch sight of a single inch of tan skin-"
Jongdae was suddenly pushed back onto the wall of the corridor, a hand placed behind his head to cushion the impact. Jongdae yelped in shock and he blinked up...
...To discover Jongin's face right in front of his, entirely too close, and too intimate for his liking.
Sure, Jongin is good-looking and all, and he's got a devil body and all, and he's incredibly y and all, but...
Jongin was smiling down at him in a slightly creepy way, his palms now flat on the wall flanking Jongdae's head. Jongdae's brain began to scream warnings at him to punch him! and sock him in the gut! and he's going to attack you like those African lions!! but Jongdae's muscles were frozen stiff and all he could do was gape. 
"Jongdae..." Jongin whispered huskily. 
Jongdae detected movement on his left and he could imagine his friends going into cardiac arrests.
Not only because of Jongin's sudden and out-of-nowhere appearance, but also because of the prospect of Jongdae throttling them one by one for lying to him about Jongin's absence.
Yeah right, absence. Jongin probably didn't even go anywhere that morning. Like Jongdae predicted, he was probably lying in wait for Jongdae to appear.
Like an African lion preying on his helpless dinner.
Jongdae's thoughts focused back to Jongin, who was still watching him with glazed-over eyes.
"Does it hurt?" He asked, a smirk grazing his lips. Jongdae swallowed audibly.
"From when you fell from heaven?" 
Somewhere in the distance, he heard Luhan snort. Oh yes, I'd recognise a pick-up line when I hear one.
"Uhh..." Jongdae desperately tried to think of what to say, And then Jongin was suddenly cutting off his oxygen supply.
With a screech, Jongdae shoved Jongin backwards, watching as he sprawled back and landed on his . To Jongdae's immense horror, Jongin didn't even flinch. He just stood and dusted the bottom of his pants and threw Jongdae a wink. 
"Do you have a Band-aid?" 
Jongdae blinked at him in confusion. "Huh?"
"I bruised my falling for you..."
Jongin strolled away, humming, hands in his pockets. Jongdae watched him with a very despaired expression. Suddenly he turned around and sent a flying kiss in Jongdae's expression, as well as a giant heart-shape he made with his arms. 
Jongdae figured it was around then that his knees buckled and he collapsed to the floor, but he couldn't really be sure.
A few seconds passed, Jongdae staring at the empty corridor, sitting on his knees. Then his best friends were pulling him up, their faces a mixture of awe and shock and plain amusement.
"That changes my perspective of him," Baekhyun commented.
"Nah, he's always like that. Extremely cheesy and abit on the loony side." Luhan snickered.
Kyungsoo was more understanding. "Jongdae, he looks dangerous. We'll do our best to protect you!!" He threw his hands around Jongdae's waist, and shot the other two a death glare.
"Yeah, of course!!" Baekhyun joined the hug. Luhan joined as well, albeit half-heartedly, as he glanced despondently at his watch. Jongdae sighed as once again his friends' skinship was a little overwhelming.
Overwhelmingly... cute, he must say.
Feeling a smile tug at his lips, he pushed them off him with a good-natured laugh, and shot Luhan a knowing look. "Just go for your class hyung," he drawled, and Luhan took off gratefully into the corridor.
Baekhyun tugged Kyungsoo and Jongdae back into the dorm. "What about our class?" Kyungsoo exclaimed in surprise.
"Forget about it, we have more important things to do." He lowered his voice and leaned closer to his friends. "Like discussing on how to handle Jongin. And Yifan hyung."
Jongdae looked apprehensive, but he allowed Baekhyun to pull him back into the dorm. He was in no mood for lessons anyway. After what Jongin did to him... He shuddered and cast one more fearful glance down the deserted hallway.
It won't be long before he comes back...
A/N: ooh yay reaching 100 subbies. Now how did that happen.
i think I accidentally unsubbed someone from this fic by accident. Oops. To whoever you are IM SO SORRY IM SO SO SORRY!!!!
anyway hope u enjoyed this chapter haha. Jongin has been bewitched!! XD
next chappie has more jong-jong interaction so stay tune!!
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Chapter 18: This story is super cuteeeeeee~~I really wonder whats gonna happen to Baekhyun
ZaulieIZzy #2
Chapter 18: UPDATE!!! PLEASE!!
sekaifanatic #3
Chapter 18: Chapter 18:too much omg I think my ribs are about to break from all the laughing and that "overdose" line at the end jst perfect.please update soon
sekaifanatic #4
Chapter 15: Chapter 15:OMG I'm dying that was hilarious
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #5
Chapter 18: Omg lol poor Baekhyunnie
DalzRamli #6
Chapter 18: Oh, please update it soon author-nim!! I'm extremely excited^^
eLquinox #7
Chapter 18: OMG ByunBaek seriously? ><
I'll take this chappie as a bd present for me~ ^^

Get well soon author nim ^^
Chapter 18: Noooo Luhannnnnn!! Someone call the doctor LOL! Okay, it can't be that bad..right? Or maybe it is~ things aren't going to work as planned haha! but it should be funny ^^ I liked the bonus chappies btw ^^ too bad their boyfriends couldn't see them as a girl..umm hybrid.. xD
theWanderlust #9
Chapter 18: have fun author-nim!!take your time..and pls write more sulay when you come back..hihi
Chapter 14: Omg, i almost miss this story.. sooo cute chenris!! I can only smile reading all this, and luv all those chingus interaction,their skinship and so on ^^