Chapter 3

Mortal Parellelism


Auction prices for Scaivs.
Yifan (Renamed Kris): $2 865 200
JongDae (Renamed Chen) $4 79 400
Baekhyun : $5 120 340

Kai is tense, silent, waiting. Because, beside him, Kyungsoo is sobbing.

He wants to put his arm around Kyungsoo's neck, to comfort him, but that will only increase his hysteria.

No, he must get out of this himself. So Kai stands at one side, arms awkwardly folded across his chest, eyes watchful on Kyungsoo's heaving shoulders.

Fortunately, Kai thinks, they are in a locked room. Kyungsoo could get whipped for crying, something that he rarely does. The first few month when he came back though, he was crying all the time. 

"A-are you happy?" Kyungsoo wrenches the words out of his mouth, bitter mocking, aimed at Kai although none of it is his fault. The choosing ceremony, the Scaivs, none of it. The first few words after the last five minutes if crying.

"No, I'm not." Kai retorts, angry, but his eyes are widening slightly in hurt. Kyungsoo turns to face him, the rims of his eyes red.

"I think you are."

Kai growls. "Don't blame me just because you can't blame anyone else, Soo. It's not my fault."

Kyungsoo turns back to face the windows, and says nothing, still sniffing. His jaw is clenched, angry. Kai sighs. Maybe he just needs a break. Kyungsoo is pretty emotional after all.

Tentatively, Kai kneels by the side of his wheelchair, touching Kyungsoo's sleeve lightly, saying softly,"I'm not happy, Kyungsoo, I'm really not..."

Kyungsoo tenses at Kai's touch, but he seems to calm down. He hiccups once, then relaxes against the back of his wheelchair, but he still looks bitter.

"I'm sorry Kyungsoo, I wish I could help, but there isn't anything I can do."

Kyungsoo laughs slightly, and the tears start to flow again."Since when do you want to help me, Kai?"

Kai lets go of his sleeve. His voice is quieter now, retreating into itself, the way it does when he's hurt. He frowns, and now he's angry again. "I thought you knew what I'm like, Soo.  I'd always help you. Always."Kai flushes red, disappointed, and opens the door.

Kyungsoo turns sharply on his wheelchair. 


Kai freezes, eyes cold. Kyungsoo should know better than to call him back. He's tolerated him, what with him influencing the young Scaivs and all, but now this? Kyungsoo has no right to ask him to do anything anymore.

But there's something in Kyungsoo's voice, desperation, loneliness, and something else that Kai can't discern.

Kyungsoo drops his angry face, his eyes wide and pleading now. "Please, Kai, please. Stay with me."

Slowly, reluctantly, Kai walks closer to Kyungsoo. 

"You don't need me." He whispers in a hoarse voice, and now he's standing right in front of Kyungsoo, their knees touching."Every year, you've experienced this. Why are you crying now? You don't need me to wipe your tears. Do it yourself."

Kyungsoo's eyes widen, looking angry and sad and needy all at once. Then, suddenly, he leans forward and wraps his arms around Kai's waist, forehead pressed onto Kai's chest, his tears soaking Kai's grubby shirt.

Kai tenses. "K-Kyungsoo?" He stutters, shocked.

Kyungsoo tightens his grip. "But I do," he sobs, "I do need you."

Kai stands there for a minute or so, at a loss of what to do, but finally be curves over Kyungsoo, patting his back comfortingly.

"...I'm here."


The ride in the car is fascinating, but excruciatingly silent. JongDae, or now newly renamed "Chen", is huddled quietly in the backseat, casting anxious glances at his new owner, the older sister, and the Scaiv sitting next to him.

Luhan, Chen remembers the Scaiv telling him. His name is Luhan. And his new owner is called..  what again? Seohyun? Yes, seohyun.

The Scaiv Luhan is smiling comfortingly at him. He looks pretty happy.

"How are you, Chen?"

"F-fine." Chen's voice is wrought with nervousness. Luhan smiles again, showing his dazzling white teeth and sparkling brown eyes..

"Hey, it's okay. You'll be fine with us." Luhan says confidently.

"Luhan hyung, you were so quiet when you came in, don't you remember?" Dami, Luhan's owner laughs, and Seohyun joins in, her laugh trilling. She cranes her neck, looking at Chen from across Luhan.

"Hey, it's okay to speak you know," she says, softly, a little shy.  Chen smiles back, but it wavers. He's just, so, nervous.

After that, the uncomfortable silence ensues. Dami drives the expensive Mercedes, Luhan fiddles with his fingers, smiling absentmindedly, and Seohyun looks out the window, occasionally peeking at Chen when she thinks he isn't looking.

Finally, after driving through a small path covered by a forage of trees, Dami pulls into a parking lot, dwarfed by the large, maroon mansion in front of them. She exits the car, and Chen quickly follows Luhan out too.

Dami knocks on the door. When it opens, Chen sees a tall, tanned man who looks vaguely Caucasian, with silver-black hair and a wide smile. The corners of his eyes crinkle when they zoom in on Chen, and Chen fidgets under his gaze, feeling self-conscious.

"Hello Daddy," Sephyun and Dami greet politely, enthusiastically, while Luhan simply bows.

"Ah, who's this you brought home? I thought my little Seohyun was aiming for a Irish Scaiv?" The man's voice is vaguely british.

Seohyun blushes.

"But this one got to her first, Daddy. This is JongDae- well, Chen." Dami cuts in."

"How much did you pay?"

"$4 279 400, plus name changing fees." 

"Hmm.. We had to pay $5 780 900 for Luhan... That's good. " 

The man then walks towards Chen, scrutinizing him carefully, pinching cheeks and poking muscles. Finally, he makes eye contact.

"Well, hello, Chen. Welcome to the Lee estate, my name is Devan Major, but you can just call me sir."

Chen bows, politely.

"Come, Chen! Let me show you to our quarters." Luhan calls, and he grabs Chen's hand, pulling him through the wide open doors, and into the hallway, and the major laughs, his booming chuckles echoing thought the house.


Baekhyun doesn't really know what to make of his new home. They had sat, silent, in the car, the chauffeur driving three hours to get to this place. Sure, the mansion is large, but the room is dark, stuffy, and depressing. His owner, that woman, hasn't  introduced herself yet. She's still at the fair, mingling with others.

The door opens. The other two Scaivs that Baekhyun had seen are bringing in some pillows and rags. The taller one is Chanyeol. The one with knife cheekbones is Lay. They look glum.

"Hi." Baekhyun says quietly.

Chanyeol places the things on the floor and sits down.


His voice is deep, rich, but dead. Lay sits down on the other side.

"Baekhyun, right?" He asks, sprawled out comfortably like a cat.

"Yes." Baekhyun shifts in such a way that he can face them both. "Umm... How's life?"

Chanyeol's expression becomes angry. "Life is currently avoiding me. I don't see how this can be called a life."

Lay reaches out a hand, warning, but Chanyeol shrugs it off. Baekhyun is suddenly reminded of Kai and Kyungsoo, how they would always bicker like this, silent warnings passed through light touches and the slight lift of an eyebrow. A pang of homesickness rushes through him.

"You shouldn't have high expectations of this place." Chanyeol says darkly.

"You shouldn't scare him, Chanyeol. He's only two." Lay says softly.

"Then he'd better grow up." Chanyeol sighs, and turns his back to him.

"I'm sorry. We're facing a hard time right now... Chanyeol gets moody sometimes." Lay apologizes. He reaches out and touches Baekhyun's hand reassuringly. That's when he notices the long scar running down Lays forearm. He looks up quickly, confused. Kyungsoo told him owners would bring them to healing centers to get rid of scars.

"She didn't heal you?" Baekhyun asks.

Lay avoids his eyes now, suddenly looking uncomfortable. " No."

Beside Baekhyun, Chanyeol coughs.

"What, Chanyeol?" Lay growls irritably.

"You might as well tell him, he's one of us now." Chanyeol turns around, and now he's not so angry anymore.

"Later." Lay mutters, then stares sullenly at the floor.

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun. 

"What?" Baekhyun says defensively. Chanyeol studies him, not replying, his intense eyes locking on his own. Almost as if he is trying to stare into his soul.

"What?!" Baekhyun repeats, louder this time. Chanyeol looks like he has come out of a trance.

"Nothing." He says softly, then turns away again.

Baekhyun sighs, then lies on the pillow provided for him.

"Baekhyun... Later..." Chanyeol says, sounding rather sad, "if she calls you to her room, I want you to be prepared."

"Don't look frightened. It won't help." Lay adds.

Baekhyun gulps. He looks from Chanyeol to Lay, but both of their faces are stony, and he can't tell what they're thinking.

"Just...go through the motions, okay? We'll be there after it's over." Lay says.

"Don't worry. I'm here. Lay's here. Remember that. Since you're in the same boat with us, we'll help you get through this. Just bear it, okay? There's no room for babies here." Chanyeol adds. 

Baekhyun feels fear run through his veins. What is going to happen to him? He nods mutely, ignoring the queasiness in his stomach, and looks up to the ceiling.

Kyungsoo and Kai,please pray for me.



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ilabya5 #1
Writerus_Da2nd #2
Hey it's ok
jjkpop #3
Chapter 2: Yo! How's life in RGS?