
❄ 12 Miracles of Christmas ❄

◇◆Tao oneshot◆◇

He wandered from shop window to shop window, looking into each briefly only to find that the goods being sold were not what he wanted. Tao had an idea of what he wanted to get her, but it was getting late and one by one the shops were beginning to close. He began to hurry, running past row upon row of shops, looking for that ‘perfect’ gift to give her. No, he wasn’t trying to be picky. Not at all. He just wanted her to be happy was all.

Tao peered into the final shop on the street. It was a gift shop selling toy bears, dogs, realistic looking fake flowers, simple jewellery and so on. She likes cute things, he thought, and pushed open the front door, the bell ringing to announce his entrance.

A white toy bear sitting on topmost shelf of the toy section caught his eye. It was wearing a Santa suit with a matching hat, holding a present. Tao reached up and pulled it down. The fur was a soft, creamy-white and the size was just about right – not too small or too big, the right size for hugging – he squished its nose and poked its belly, wondering how to wrap it.

He looked around the rest of the shop, picking up different objects before putting them down again. Tao wanted to get something else as well along with the bear and found a simple snowflake charm bracelet. It looked a little childish but then again, she is a child at heart, he thought. With both the bear and bracelet in hand, he paid for them and was lucky enough that the shop had a gift wrapping service and left quickly.

Tao looked up at the night sky, a thin veil of clouds floating across the moon. He wanted to rush over to the hospital right that second to give her his gifts but, he checked his watch, it was getting quite late. Tao hailed a taxi and made decision to quickly go to her hospital room and leave it on her bedside table.


His stomach growled loudly as he walked through the corridors to her room. The nurses had reluctantly let Tao in after he used his charms on them but told him that he only had 10 minutes to visit. “Room 133, 134, 135…” he muttered under his breath, counting each door he went by until he arrived at her’s, the label clearly stating her name, “140,” he breathed.

Tao slowly pushed the door open, centimetre by centimetre until his whole head fit through the gap. Her sleeping form was lying on the bed, a blanket pulled up to her chin, chest rising gently up and down. He slid inside, closing the door until only a small gap was left and treaded slowly closer.

He peered down at her peacefully sleeping face, his fingers tenderly brushing back a few strands of her feathery, raven’s black hair that fanned out on her pillow. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and then left the gift bag on the table before turning to leave. Tao turned his head again, taking in one last look, whispering, “Goodnight,” and left.


“Wake up, dear,” the nurse said, gently shaking your shoulders. Your eyes slowly opened and you turned your head to watch as she pulled open the curtains. She came back to you and smiled. “Good morning!” she chirped, “I found this here today. It looks like it’s for you.” She held up the gift bag and put it into your lap.

“Merry Christmas!” she said, “Eat your breakfast too!” She waved and left with a click of her shoes.

You held up the bag and examined it, turning it from side to side before putting it into your lap and carefully tearing off the tape. You pulled out a toy bear and a small metal box decorated with an embossed Christmas tree, detailed with baubles and tinsel and a star at the top. You looked inside the bag again and pulled out an envelope addressed to you and put the bag on the bedside table, tucking the bear beside you. The metal box fit into your palm easily, its square shape and cold metal hiding what was inside.

You ran your fingers over the embossed picture, loving the feel of the cold metal under your finger. You pulled open the lid and inside, sitting on light blue tissue paper was a shiny silver bracelet. You took it out, holding it up to the light and watched the snowflake charms sparkle. It was big enough that you could slip it on with only some difficulty, the size fitting perfectly.

Now you looked at the envelope. You could already guess that it was a card that went with the presents and opened it. The flap wasn’t glued down so you were relieved that you didn’t have to rip it. You pulled out the card, a simple looking card that looked handmade. The cream cover had ‘Merry Christmas’ scrawled across it in fancy, cursive writing. A glittery star was underneath the writing, and you opened it the card, anticipating what was inside.

It turns out that the card was one of those pop-up ones, a beautiful paper Christmas tree and presents underneath it. It was the most beautiful and elegant item you had seen since being admitted to the hospital. There was writing beside it written in a familiar handwriting. You smiled to yourself as you read the message.

Merry Christmas! I took a while finding this and the gifts, a whole day you know. None of the other shops had what I wanted so the bear and the bracelet was my final choice. Not exactly all that extravagant like that other Christmas where I gave you a new laptop but this’ll do, right? I hope you are doing well. I will visit you again soon! So you better be healthy and well so that you can play with me, okay? Or else, I’ll be sad. I’m lonely you know, living by myself is kind of frightening, to be honest. So, get better quickly! And fill our house again with your warmth. –Tao

You chuckled at Tao’s silliness, and teared up towards the end, feeling all of the emotions that he had conveyed through a few simple words. You put the card down, wiping your eyes with your sleeve (remembering that Tao would scold you every time you did that and hand you tissue) and closed your eyes, imagining that he was right there beside you. The one gift you would be happy with for Christmas. “Tao, where are you?”

“I’m here.”

Warm arms wrapped around your waist, soft breath tickling your neck, the scent of Tao drifting over you. A sense of security, love but most of all, overwhelming happiness and more tears came as he hugged you. You held onto him tightly, unwilling to let him go. Tao coughed lightly and you reluctantly allowed him to sit down but kept your arms around his neck. “I missed you,” you blurted out, blushing almost instantaneously.

“Me too,” he said, bumping foreheads with you.

“Were you peeking in at me?” Your mouth quirked up, “I mean, how else would you know that I was looking for you?”

“Ah, yeah. Haha,” he laughed awkwardly, “You caught me.”

“S’okay,” you buried your face into his shirt, “Thanks for coming and for the presents.”

“Mmm. Merry Christmas,” Tao smiled tenderly at you, running his finger through your hair and patting your back.

Double update! I don't think I'll be writing a special chapter... 

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☆12MoC☆ Hello! I had a lovely reader ask to do audio fic version of these oneshots and have uploaded links to the videos! :D Enjoy~


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Chapter 7: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww kaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 12: This is just.... Perfect... *tears of joy* I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: kris is romantic~ and I couldnt resist his smirk >< *daydreaming lol
liyanaEXO #4
Chapter 7: Kyaaaa!!!! Kai oppa..why i really like you..
Chapter 9: Ahhhh >//////< favorite one!
Chapter 7: oh gosh Kai!!! So cute!!
Chapter 7: *gasp* 0-0 that was...sooo.... Fudging CUTE!!!!!! Omg thank u for uploading!!! But omfg aww I like it how u made kai shy in here^_^ lol at first I thought they were doing some "inappropriate things" at the beginning then I kept reading and thought to myself wow I am such a ert lol but cute chapter:) can't wait for ur new oneshots but take ur time!:) I could wait a year or longer for ur oneshots cuz there worth it!!:) well bye oh and I almost forgot merry early Christmas!!!:)
Chapter 6: Awwwwwwww omfg this is soooooop fudging adorable!!!!!!^_^ awwww omg I'm like fangirling right nowXD can't wait for ur next one shots!!! I'm always looking for updates in ur oneshots everynight and morning, we'll morning for me and not others since I go to sleep late and don't get up till the afternoon lol but omfg amazing oneshot!!!!! I liked how u used xiumins real name!!:) well I'll be waiting for ur other one shots for now byeeeee:)
linny898 #9
Chapter 6: Luhan's oneshot? Or maybe Kai's? It's all up to you cause you're awesome.. Update soon! ♡