Crossed The Line [6]

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A/N: I think even when 2016 starts, I'll never get the desired number of comments lmao. I have more than 1000 subs but I never reach 10 comments regularly, which makes me feel more pathetic than anyone else. Whatever, I'll finish this multi-shot soon so please enjoy this update. 






Yoona didn’t know how was she going to manage everything today, she didn't even manage to get a good night's sleep after what happened at the roof top with Yuri yesterday. Both Minguk and her were supposed to be in school in an hour but Yuri was still persistent and sending her to school. How could she accept when Yuri didn’t know of Minguk’s existence at all? 


And there her little boy was, screaming for his missing uniform. Yoona groaned, how could she forget to prepare her son’s uniform just because she was pre-occupied with thoughts of Yuri?

“Wait, baby! Go and eat your cereal first!” Yoona called out.

She sighed in relief when she saw Minguk’s white shirt hanging in the wardrobe, it made things a lot easier. Yoona hurriedly took out the ironing board and ironed the shirt in a hurry, hoping none of them would be late for school.


Damn it, Yuri.



Yuri was still trying to persuade Yoona to give her another chance at being her lover. She didn’t seem to be tired of asking while Yoona was already on the verge of running away. There were so many things she wanted to say but locked it in her heart.

“Yuri, I don’t want to get hurt anymore. I don’t want you to waste your time either so please…” Yoona sounded so desperately exhausted.

The tanned woman just stared at her feet, tears starting to form in her eyes again. She was indeed dying to have another shot at love with Yoona now that she knew how to treat Yoona properly. How could she when Yoona didn’t seem to love on her mind anymore?

“B-But…. Yoong,” Yuri started, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, “I know I screwed up, I know... I didn’t know how to cherish you then but I will do my best this time. I promise.”

Yuri was begging.

Kwon Yuri was begging.

The one thing Yoona hated to see was Yuri begging. The only time Yuri did something like that was when she was about to lose something or someone important and it was starting to shatter her fragile heart.

“There are so many other people who can love you better than I can, Yul... Don’t treat yourself like this.”

“What if I want you? What if I only want you and you alone?”

Yuri didn’t say a thing, simply standing up to lean against the railing. Her entire frame was trembling; she was losing her strength with Yoona’s every passing word.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. We shouldn’t be doing this again… J-Just go…”

Her heart was crushed when she heard footsteps behind her, seemingly leaving her. Yuri felt blood rush through her veins when she felt a pair of familiar arms around her waist, hugging her closer.


“Just let me hold you for now.. Stop acting strong and like everything is fine when it’s not. Just cry…”

And there the former lovers stood, hugging each other for dear life as they poured out their woes of losing each other five years ago. This time with Yoona holding Yuri against her shoulder, calming her raging heart.

Flashback end.


Yoona didn’t even mention giving Yuri another chance but she probably took it as a hint anyway. Yuri was good at doing things like that; always left Yoona speechless. 

The little boy was bouncing on his chair happily as he shoved another mouthful of cereal into his mouth. He looked out of the window when there was a roaring sound coming from outside. “Woah… Umma! Is that a BMW?!” Minguk called out, his eyes widening at the car outside.

Wait, she didn’t drive a BMW. Taeyeon drove a Porsche, Tiffany and Hyoyeon both drove Mini Coopers and Minguk calls them toy cars so it can’t be any of them.

The only person who loved BMWs was…. Yuri.

“Minguk, hurry up. You’re gonna be late!”

Minguk pouted at Yoona’s strict tone and quickly finished his cereal, running back to his room to get a towel.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and Yoona’s heart immediately started to race – something that happened only when Yuri was around her. She took a deep breath and went towards the door, looking through the peephole.

Wow, luck really wasn’t on her side today.


“What are you doing here, Yuri?” Yoona asked, stepping out of the house and closing the door behind her.

Yuri’s smile faltered slightly when she saw Yoona’s defensive stance, was there something or someone in the house she couldn’t meet? Yoona just leaned her back against the door, waiting for a response.

“Look, I don’t know how or why you’re here so early in the morning but it’s really not a good time…” Yoona replied.


Yoona was about to say something else when her sharp ears caught Minguk’s loud and whiny voice echoing throughout the little house. She crossed her fingers behind her back, praying that Minguk’s voice wouldn’t go louder than that. Yuri watched Yoona very carefully, her eyes narrowing at the odd behavior.




Both women had their eyes opened wide at the loud scream; no doubt coming from Yoona’s house. Yuri just stared at Yoona, speechless at the current situation. She was practically in denial, forcing herself to believe that it wasn’t Yoona’s kid calling for her.

“Excuse me…” Yoona mumbled in embarrassment and hurriedly went back into the house, forgetting to lock the door.

Yuri stood outside, her eyes darting from left to right. Her mind was already starting to play tricks on her, thinking of the wildest thoughts that even seemed impossible. Unable to control her curiosity any longer, the tanned woman entered the house with a heart that was ready to accept anything that could be coming her way.

The sight in front of her, however, took her breath away effortlessly; Yoona was standing in front of a little boy, helping him to get dressed. Yet, she didn’t feel any sense of resentment whatsoever, in fact, she felt proud that Yoona had blossomed this beautifully.

“Umma…” Minguk placed his hands on Yoona’s shoulder as his mother helped him to put on his pants, “Who’s that?”

Yoona didn’t know how to answer her son though she knew both Minguk and Yuri deserved an explanation. She could already feel a pair of eyes burning into her soul from the back.

“Go get your bag, sweetheart. We’re gonna be late.” Yoona slapped Minguk’s playfully, sending him to his room.

She turned around, only to be faced with an expression she couldn’t read. Yuri’s expressions were usually the easiest to read but this time it was so different, so strange.

“I need to bring Minguk to school and I need to work. We can talk later if you want.” Yoona grabbed her car keys and was about to walk out of the door when Yu

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Chapter 1: I'm shipping taeri nowadays :)
stellakwon91 #2
Chapter 95: hi authornim
more taeri and yulkrys please and yulsic too
ChoWife #3
Chapter 96: Seoriiii
ChoWife #4
Chapter 96: Seoriiii
Luv-Ra #5
seori pls :(
Chapter 96: I'm vote for A and B...YoonYul all the way ^^
Chapter 96: Hi author nim~~
Yulsic shipper here
Im new to your story so i hope u can create more yulsic story....i love your multishot so much
Chapter 96: Im vote 1 and 2 yoonyul forever!!!!!
bingbingdo #9
Chapter 96: keep my head up to YULSIC only.. i vote for my son and my stupid investigator well for the first story 'My Son' i've read this somewhere before where sica left her son but of course she got her own reason. So i hope, author can create the story which would only ended up with Yulsic. Hahaha. Selfish arent i. Dont care cuz author ask to vote right. Keke.. well anyhow its up to you who will Yul/Sica ended up with. cant wait for this.. kyaaaa !!
Luv-Ra #10
seori please:U