
We Got Married: MinYoon


Both Minho and Yoona look at the door where the voice they heard came from. Yoona steps back, releasing herself from Minho’s grip. Minho slowly puts his hands down away from Yoona's shoulders and rolls his eyes at Donghae.

"I....I didn't expect to here" Donghae walks towards them with his hand on his pocket and he stands next to Yoona. Yoona is keeping her eyes on the floor, avoiding contact with either the two of them. Does she feel shy that Donghae caught them in a small skinship?

"I'll just see you later, Yoona" Minho bows to them and departs. The presence of Donghae suddenly made him feel weak.  He looks back, hoping that Yoona would at least watch him leaving the room but, she's still in her same position. He sighed and left the room completely

"I guess he got himself used in calling you Yoona. By the way, want to grab some lunch with me, Yoong?" Donghae finally met Yoona's eyes and they look tired as ever but her face is still glowing

"I wanted to but, I really have to practice. Maybe next time" Yoona's voice sounded a bit off in Donghae's hearing. Is she, somehow, sad that Minho....left?

"Yoong, open your eyes wider. Not all things in this world are real. I hope you understand what I mean" Donghae taps the top of Yoona's head and left hesitately. I really have to watch Minho more.




Minho is patiently waiting at the cafe that the WGM staff set up for him and Yoona. He is sitting while rolling his eyes at the corners of the room. He places his elbow on top of the table and rests his head on his balled hand. Minho imagines him and Yoona officially starting their days as husband and wife, together. The possible things that could happen between them, possible things that others might think of them and possible things that would turn him into someone. As he heard the door chimes ringing, he was snapped into reality and he turned his worried eyes at the door. Yoona has finally arrived, looking beautiful in just simple pants and blue blouse and she carries along with her the purse that Minho has seen before during their first meeting. She bows at Minho and apologizes because of being late

"I'm sorry Minho if I kept you waiting. I still had a schedule before coming here" Yoona bows once again and takes a seat, opposite of Minho's

"I know you're one heck of a busy girl" Minho smiled, as a sign that everything is fine with him "by the way, can you remember something special today?"

"special?" Yoona wrinkles her nose and Minho finds it very attractive especially the look in her eyes that made Minho's heart suddenly tremble

"it's our 2nd week" Minho abruptly spoke to stop seeing Yoona doing cute things. Does she even know that she's cute while doing that?

"oh? Right! Thanks for reminding me" Yoona cheerfully clasped her hands together

"and I think we should go out on a....." Minho gulped "date. Actually, our first date" he felt kind of weird after saying that

"call. But, don't you think we should eat first?"

"it was a good decision I've brought enough money to feed my wife" Minho softly pokes Yoona's forehead

"because you're the husband, it is your responsibility" Yoona also punches Minho's shoulder with her hand. Actually, it was a light punch but a painful one

"ouch!!" Minho complained and rubbed his shoulder. He isn't faking or something

 "Key is right. There would be a day that I will go home with an aching body. You punch really hard, Yoona"

"it's not even that hard. Why are guys these days so sensitive?" Yoona tucks her hair behind her ear and she looks at him obnoxiously

"I think I'm going to receive more Him Yoona punch" he mumbled

"did you say something?"

"nothing" Minho gazes at Yoona who's playing with her finger nails. He let out a small laugh. This might be one of the surprises that Jonggie hyung talking about


"so...." Yoona burped loudly, without hesitation "what should we do in our date?"

"I don't know and next time, don't burp that loud. You're a girl and a member of So Nyuh Shi Dae. Please act like one"

"and you're also questioning my burp"

"whatever" Minho shakes his head and he fixed his view at Yoona. Is this real? She's showing more of her true self in front me. I don't know why but, I've never felt this wonderful.

"Minho!" Yoona called his name and he blinked his eyes in surprise "I'll just go to the washroom"

"I'll just wait for you here" Yoona stands up gently from the seat and walks herself to the washroom. When she was out of sight, Minho placed his bag on his lap and ped it. He snakes his hand inside the bag and fiddles something. Yoona got back from the washroom and he panicked in zipping back his bag. He carelessly returned the bag in the empty chair and acted innocently.

"are you okay? You look uneasy"

"me? No. I'm fine" He lied

[Nayoung: "from what I can see, Minho is hiding something from Yoona"

****: "why did you panic in closing your bag after seeing Yoona?"

Minho: "It's nothing. I just.....feel shy if ever she'll see what's inside. It's very embarassing if Yoona will find out the stuff in my bag and she might misinterpret things"]

Minho and Yoona's phone suddenly received a message. They get their phone at the same time and begin reading their respective messages.



Minho and Yoona lift their heads and their faces meet

"did you receive a mission message?" Yoona first asked

"so our the theme of our first date will be most likely at a home depot?"

"Wait! Does this mean we're going to have a house?" Yoona and Minho rallied questions

"probably an empty house with lights only"

"oppa" Yoona called one of the staffs respectfully "what does this mission exactly mean? Are we supposed to buy house materials such as couch, bed, stove, fridge and etc?"

"Yes. We will provide for the income. Since this is a mission, you only have a limited income" the staff answered in a soft voice because he has no microphone. Yoona nods her head in agreement

"thinking about it further, it sounds okay because I've never done this before"

"me too but maybe it's easy. We're just going to choose the stuff that we like" Yoona responded, childishly. It's pretty obvious

[Jinwoon: "this is fun. It's almost the same with Pudding-Jelly couple where Hyungdon hyung provided almost everything inside the house"

Jungmin: "but the more interesting part, this is what newlywed couples usually do"

Nayoung: "they're going to look cute again while choosing the bed that they want to lie down on, the couch they want to sit on together. How sweet"]


Minho and Yoona are walking side by side on the street, on their way to the nearest bus stop. Minho keeps on glancing at Yoona, again, to see how she is doing but it seems that she's focused more on walking. Minho paused and Yoona followed

"what's wrong?" Minho met Yoona's doe-eyes that can melt anyone's heart

"nothing. Let's proceed" The bus arrived on time that they reached the bus stop. Minho told Yoona to get inside first then he followed. They took the seats at the back. Once again, Minho continues to keep on glancing at Yoona. Without him knowing, Yoona can sense Minho's head movement. Yoona finally changes her head position to face Minho

"are you okay?" Yoona asked. Minho didn’t take his eyes off from from Yoona for a few seconds

"uhm…yeah. I’m okay”

“are you sure? From the way I see it, it’s like you want to ask something from me”

“is that alright?” Minho responded. Of course, the first date will always be filled with questions. Though Minho has a lot of chance to ask her with various things today but he knows that they will focus much more on the mission given to them. So, maybe it’s better to ask Yoona whatever he can within their time inside the bus

“why not? We should start gaining knowledge about each other and it’s good that those information came straight from our mouth and not from others. It’s what we’ve dealt about last time, right? That we’ll get to know about us better”

“so…..” Minho Is continuously blinking his eyes, thinking of good starting question to ask. He doesn’t want to ask her with basic questions but the ones that can be useful in having an idea of her personality or maybe….her thoughts about them, about him.

“do you feel burden that I’m your husband?” Minho asked in a soft voice but still audible in Yoona’s ears

“what if I say yes?” Yoona jokingly said and Minho slouched

“I’m being serious”

“I still don’t know much about you so I’d answer that next time” Yoona smirked then Minho began thinking again. With just one question to begin with, Minho is already at struggle. It made him more curious on how others can ask her questions without having a difficult time or maybe, it’s harder because he is his wife. I really want to ask her with a question that would give me a proof that for her, I’m an okay husband. Obviously, I’m asking her a question which is somehow related to me but I don’t want it to be obvious

“if you will be given a chance to choose a different husband, someone who is closer to you, who would it be?”



Please leave some comments (even if they are criticisms and advice)....

It helps me to be hyped up in writing whenever I see many new comments....

I'm going to update Substitute Husband soon....

Thanks ^_^

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Chapter 10: Still waiting for update authornim
CarmellaRendon #2
Chapter 11: Pls update author!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update
It's already 2016 and no update still? Please update thissss i beg you :(
xBiisx #5
Chapter 11: Hope you will update soon ):
Chapter 11: jealous minho is adorb! :3
I think it's an update :(
Chapter 11: Update soon plzz the stories is really nice okay
Chapter 10: hey! love your story!! pls update soon ~ ^v^
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha... Minho really cute when he wanted the other man know yoona is him... And he is really obviously about his feeling to yoona...