First Meeting

We Got Married: MinYoon


"Guys, I have something to say" Yoona interrupted the girls' while they are eating dinner together

"what is it, Yoona?" Sooyoung mumbled. She's still chewing beef inside

"Maknae and I will be on the same show" Yoona tried to put a small teaser before saying the real thing

"what do you mean?" the puzzled Tiffany said

"no way!" Yuri softly slams his palm on the table "you're casted on We Got Married?"

"how is she going to be casted on that show? MBC is still having a hard time to choose from the best guys, lining up to be her husband" Taeyeon fooled. What a dork!

"First, it was Taeyeon that got married and then a year later, Seohyun and the next two years, Yoona. Our kid leader and two maknaes have gotten married" Jessica and Sunny squealed

"we're the unnies but the maknaes got married before us" Hyoyeon shrugs her shoulders

"so, Yoong, who's you're partner?" Everyone gathered around Yoona after Yuri asked the main course question. The girls are always interested with boys. Well, except for Seohyun since she already have a husband

"I bet you already know him" Tiffany said

"is he handsome?" Sooyoung added

"what's with that question, Sooyoung? Be straight! Who's the guy, Im Yoona?" Hyoyeon directly asked. Yoona clears  

"it's Minho" she confidently said

"LEE MINHO!!??" Sooyoung shouted

"wait, guys....It's not Lee Minho oppa" Yuri's tone is a little different when she suspected it's another guy, not Lee Minho. Just by looking at Yoona’s reaction, Yuri can tell which Minho she just mentioned

"if not him....who?" others said the last word at the same time

"Yoona, is Minho.....going to be your husband?" Everyone understands which Minho is Yuri talking about and they are like, "oh"

"come on, guys. It's just Minho. He's not a....nobody"

"you're definition of a nobody is totally different from our dictionary. Yoona, we know that you're not........" Tiffany's words are cut

"I know, unnie...Don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine. Can we wrap this up? It's so awkward to talk about marriages" Yoona ended the topic she started

"how can we just move on with this topic? Our maknaes are married for goodness sake!" Hyoyeon lightens up the atmosphere


Yoona has finished browsing the net in her Mac Book when Yuri enters their room

"Yoona..Can you sleep with me tonight?"

"sure, unnie" Yoona folds her laptop. She gets a pillow from her bed and she lies next to Yuri

"do you know how life became so unfair?" Yuri suddenly asked a random question but not random to Yoona

"are you going to ask that question for the nth time?" Yoona complained

"can you look at your face at the mirror? You're not wearing make-up, not even a powder in your face but you're still beautiful. By the way, about Minho....."

"what about him?"

"He's a good guy, Yoona and very fun to talk with. I'm sure he'll take care of you so I'm not worried. If you're thinking that you're going to have troubles with him, don't be. Just make him feel more welcomed to your world, that's all you need to do"

"I will, unnie. I'll do my best" Yoona said and it ended their little talk



"what?? You will be on We Got Married? With who?" their dinner is quite being disturbed by Minho. Key jumped up from his seat due to shock

"seriously? Is the world being unfair?" Taemin complained

"so, who's the unlucky girl?" Jonghyun asked

"yah!!hyung!!" Minho yelled

"I'm just joking... Just make sure it's not Yoona. Her fan boys are scary" Jonghyun shakes a bit like he's getting goose bumps. He has no idea that he guessed the right girl

"In fact......" Minho paused. This is so unbelievable. How did hyung guessed that?

"what the?? It's Yoona? You're not saying a word!! Man!! It's really her. I feel bad for you. You're so dead with the fanboys" Onew continued to jokefully scare Minho. Actually, he thinks that Minho is a lucky guy. Of all the celebrity artists that would want Yoona to be their wife in WGM, Minho is the lucky one that got chosen though he and Yoona are ghosts to each other

"yeah. It's Yoona. Isn't it great? My wife is a goddess" Minho chuckles

"kya!! Look who's talking...are you trying to make us jealous?" Onew yelled

"congratulations on your wedding. I hope your marriage won't be an awkward one just like how the two of you are" Key added



"Was it even a good idea that I told them about it?" Minho asked his self regarding the news he shared lately. He's trying to imagine what it would be like when he and Yoona are already doing WGM. Would it be the same like how they are or.....there would be a change? While imagining so hard, Jonghyun suddenly enters his room and sees Minho like he's day dreaming

"are you day dreaming? Minho, it's already night time" Jonghyun sits on the side of the bed

"oh? Hyung? What made you come here?"

"I'm just going to talk to you for a minute"


"about Yoona....are you nervous or something?"

"a little. You know that I really don't know Yoona's personality and traits and.....this is the first time that we will have a closer interaction so it's making me nervous" Minho shared

"to relieve your nervousness...let me tell you something"

"I'm listening" Minho lends his ears

"don't worry too much. She's a great girl and I'm sure you'll like her boyish side and of course, her alligator laugh. I'm giving you a spoiler that Yoona will totally surprise you"

"what do you mean by that?"

"you'll find that out once you've gotten closer. And.....if you really are interested to know her......try to be more expressive and approachable to her because she'll surely welcome you in her heart." Jonghyun smiles with content

"are you smiling because you just said good words?"

"uhm...maybe. Go to sleep now" Jonghyun taps his shoulder and turns off the lights for Minho

"thanks, Jonghyun hyung. You helped me a lot"




["annyeonghaseyo!! Welcome to We Got Married!!" all the MCs did the introduction cheerfully

Jinwoon: "so, as a start, we're going to introduce the new member of the MCs" 

Nayoung: "It's impossible that nobody knows this guy especially to girls. The member of Super Junior and now, a new MC of We Got Married, LEE DONGHAE"  she introduced Donghae with a squealing voice while saying his name

Donghae: "hello, everyone. It's an honor to be part of the MCs" 

Jungmin: "so, Donghae. Can you give us a hint of our new couple? Among all of us, you’re the only one who has an idea about them which is very unfair for us" he tried to be a gag

Donghae: "a hint? Let's see.....The girl is close to me???" he tried to say it in an interrogative way to give more curiosity to the viewers

Jinwoon: "oh? Really? Since we never revealed any clues about the new couple, our viewers must be questioning their selves now while their eyes are on the screen" the interested Jinwoon said. Only Donghae, among the MCs, has the idea about the new couple so the MCs are also anticipating]


In a van, from the front seat, Minho's manager passes a mission card with the WGM logo on it

[ Nayoung:"SHINee's Minho is the new husband!!" Nayoung squealed on the couch and Seulong and Jinwoon is just laughing at her

Jungmin: "yah! Stop your admiration to young guys" he ]

"is this the mission card?" Minho asked first. His manager nods and Minho finally receives it. His hands are actually trembling while he places the tips of his fingers on the card

["look at his's trembling" Misun said

Seulong: "now it's making me even more curious who the girl is" Seulong added

Jungmin: "Donghae, can you give as another hint about the girl?" Jeongmin asked who is being demanding. Donghae chuckles a little before he begins speaking

Dpnghae: "she's beautiful" and was followed by a smile

Jungmin: "look at this guy...." Everyone started laughing even the PD and camera man

Jinwoon: "aish...all I can say....Minho is one lucky guy" Jinwoon shakes his head]

Minho has read the message on the mission card. After reading it, he opens his bag beside him. He's like fixing something inside it. The MCs try to make some guesses on what Minho is doing

[ Jungmin: "I think he prepared a gift" 

Nayoung: "that's so sweet for their first meeting" 

Dpnghae: "I don't think so....." he said his side "Minho isn't like that....he's not a person who'd prepare some stuff beforehand"

Misun: "You talk like a professional with this kind of things" she complimented him ]

"hyung, I'm going to pick her up tonight?" Minho asked

"it's already stated on the mission card!!" His manager yelled

"his manager is very scary" Jinwoon laughs

"and I'm going to take her home too?"

"there's a van waiting for both of you. Just ask the guard near the entrance" His manager said. The van is getting near the MBC building. Minho's wife had a recording for a show in MBC. Because her schedule is already free and her manager is out, it's the great timing for them to have their first meeting. The van has stopped in front of the MBC entrance building and he brings his bag along with him. The van drives away then Minho's phone suddenly rings

"hello?" Minho answered while entering the building and he sits on the couch at the lobby

"Minho!!" Key shouted his name

"oh?? Hyung? What made you call?"

"you're meeting your wife today that's why we called you" Minho heard Jonghyun's voice

"it's like you're more excited than I am. She might finish her recording sooner or later so I have to hang up now"

"good nice to her and don't be awkward with each other anymore, araso?" Key and Jonghyun said at the same time

"I will" Minho politely answered then he already hung up. Just after the call that s made, his wife finally got down at the lobby.

"finally, you're here" Minho stands up cheerfully from the couch and he's tightly holding the straps of the bag pack in his bag. The cameraman is focusing first on his wife's legs while approaching to give a little thrill to the viewers

[ Jinwoon: "what the?? I know those legs!!" Jinwoon became a little wild in his seat while watching the screen. Finally, the cameraman showed Yoona's face

Jungmin: "It's So Nyuh Shi Dae, Yoona" he shouted with happiness on his face

Nayoung: "both people are so lucky!!" he pouts and while making small noises

Seulong: "Donghae hyung is totally accurate and precised with his description...Minho's wife is a goddess" Seulong said with so much envy Donghae is silent on his seat and he's just smiling while looking at the reaction of his co-MCs ]

"annyeonghaseyo" Minho and Yoona bowed to each other. Both of them are feeling a little introverted with each other. To get rid of the shy moment, he voluntarily carries Yoona's bag pack and purse. Yoona is kind of surprised with Minho's action

"you don't have to carry that" Yoona insisted and she sounded shy in Donghae’s ears as well as Minho’s

"it's okay. I'm already your husband" Minho smiles at her, proving her that he wants to do it. If possible, Minho doesn’t want to spend all the recording with an awkward moment so he’s already planned to block all of it and as well, help Yoona out. As a guy, he thought that maybe it’s also his responsibility being her husband

"Yoona seems to be shy towards him. That's a little suprising. They're from the same agencies. Good thing that Minho is quickly making his move to change the lighten up the atmosphere" Misun commented while their eyes are so focused on them including Donghae

"you want to eat?" Minho's voice is now shakey

"I'd love too" of course, when it comes to food, Yoona can't really deny her love to it. Yoona and Minho are already outside the building. Minho asked the guard first about the car and he pointed at the black van near a pole. They walk together towards the van and enter from different doors of the back seat. He places their bag pack on the van’s floor mat.

"what do you want to eat?" he asked as he crosses his arms. Trying to be confident in her eyes and in front of the camera

"anything...I'm not really choosey"

Minho nods in agreement and he feels a little amused to know that an innocent looking girl with a goddess face like Yoona is not choosey when it comes to food. That must be the reason why her members also call her a shikshin.


[ ***: "what was your impression when you've found out that Yoona is going to be your wife?"

Minho: "of course, it was very surprising because we weren't really that close though we've known each other for a long time"

***: "what are your thoughts towards Yoona?"

Minho: "if I will base on other people's opinion, I should say she's an interesting girl. Lots of other male celebrities, better than me, want to be her husband so I can claim myself a lucky guy" Minho feels contented with his words

Jungmin: "so, Minho and Yoona aren't really that close in real life?" he questioned. The couple are getting even more interesting because they totally don't have an idea about each other's personality. Despite the other MCs knowledge that they are from the same entertainment, it’s quite surprising to hear from one of them that they aren’t close.

Donghae: "If I'd lie, it would be on news tomorrow" They giggle "what Minho said is true"

Jinwoon: "I actually thought it's a good thing that Minho admitted it. It makes me think that he wants to take their relationship to the next level. From being acquaintances to friends" he tried to put a deeper meaning with Minho's answer

Seulong: "that's what I'm thinking too"

Jinwoon: "you're just trying to be a good commentator like me" Jinwoon tried to joke. On the other hand, Donghae is just ignoring other MCs thoughts.

Minho?? Wants to build up his friendship with Yoona? Really? Because I see him as what he is, trying to make all the girls his woman. Donghae buried his own thought to his self.

***: "what came to your mind when you found out that Minho will be your husband?"

Yoona: " husband is younger than me??" she tried to be funny  "I'm going to be honest... When I've found out, lots of thoughts came to my mind including me and Minho's current state. We aren't the best buddies in SM Family and he knows it too so it worries me on how we will work it out"

Donghae glues her eyes at Yoona while she's speaking and he can see it in her eyes the same feeling that he saw the last time that they talked. The feeling like she really is just.....forced to do We Got Married. The word 'forced' might be a strong explanation but it's the only word that fits the best ]




p.s I hope you'll like this chapter...

While writing this chapter, I had a hard time...I realized that making We Got Married into a story is very challenging but I had fun...






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Chapter 10: Still waiting for update authornim
CarmellaRendon #2
Chapter 11: Pls update author!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update
It's already 2016 and no update still? Please update thissss i beg you :(
xBiisx #5
Chapter 11: Hope you will update soon ):
Chapter 11: jealous minho is adorb! :3
I think it's an update :(
Chapter 11: Update soon plzz the stories is really nice okay
Chapter 10: hey! love your story!! pls update soon ~ ^v^
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha... Minho really cute when he wanted the other man know yoona is him... And he is really obviously about his feeling to yoona...