Tao ☃

❄EXO Christmas One-Shots❄
You sit in your livingroom holding your phone in your hands wondering if you should call your friend Tao.
"Should I or should I not? What if he's busy? What if he might think I'm annoying." Millions of questions went through your head. "I should visit him, after all it's almost christmas. Plus I want to give him a gift. Yeah, I think I should just walk over to his house, he is just a few blocks away." You nodded to yourself in approval to yourself.
You walk towards your room and change into warmer clothes and put on your boots. You look at your watch to see it was 11 o'clock in the evening.
"Oh I hope he isn't asleep yet." You mumbled to yourself as you took Tao's present under your arm and open the front door to be greeted by the cold wind. "I hope he'll like his gift." You walk out your house closing the door behind you and started walking through the falling snow that looked oh-so beautiful. 
As you start your walk towards his house you look around to see so many Christmas decorations being displayed outside people's lawns. There were even Christmas lights on the light poles. You wanted to look around much longer but you didn't have anytime to waste, you had to get to Tao's before it was midnight, which was Christmas eve. You continue walking until you stopped in front of a play ground and stare at the play ground as a memory played in your mind.
"Eww, look who it is." A student exclaimed. "It's ________!" 
"I know, you're the ugliest girl ever." A boy said as you look down in the verge of tears. 
"Why are you crying, ugly." A girl snickered. "Look people, ugly ______, is crying."
"You guys are so rude." Someone said as you looked up, it was your friend Tao. "Stop being so mean."
"What are you going to do about it?" A boy hissed. "Are you going to fight me or something?"
"If you want to, go ahead." Tao replied as he walked in front of me as I hid behind his tall figure. 
"C'mon, let's go Zitao!" The boy yelled as he held his fists up.
"Aww, so cute." Tao chuckled evily as the other boy snapped his fist towards Tao's face. I closed my eyes helpless until it became quiet. "It's okay now." You heard Tao say as he put his hands on your shoulders.
"W-what happened?" You sniffled.
"All the bad people are gone now." He smiled as he held your hand. "Are you okay now?"
"Y-yeah, thanks panda." You smile as you held his hand back. "Where did everyone go?"
"Like I said, they won't be bothering you anymore okay?" He smiled at me warmly. "But if they bother you again, tell me okay?" He said as I nodded at him. "Good girl. C'mon let's go walk you home." He said as he held my hand and walked me towards my house which was a few blocks away. 
"So many memories in this park." You smiled as you continued to walk over Tao's house. You looked at your watch and saw it was 11:45. "Shoot, I have to hurry." You said as your face got faster and faster until you started to run until your bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry." You bowed. "I didn't see you through the snow." You say.
"It's okay, I should've been careful as well." The man said as you lifted your head up and looked at him in the eye.
"Tao?' You asked.
"_______?" He replied. "What are you doing out in the middle of the night."
"I'd ask you the same thing." You blushed.
"Well, I was actually heading over to your house to give you something." He replied as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Really? Same thing with me." You replied as you looked down blushing like crazy.
"Well, since we're near to my house, how about we go inside, you must be freezing cold." He said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked you towards his house that was a few yards away.
I stood there and watched him take out his house keys and unlock the door and opened it wider.
"Come in." He chuckled as I returned to realitly.
"Oh, sorry." You chuckled as you walked in and took your shoes off. "Wow, I haven't been here in a while." You say softly as you looked around, Christmas lights surrounded the walls. "So many lights," You chuckled.
"Yeah, Kris Hyung gave me a lot of Christmas lights since he had a lot leftover." He replied.
"Oh, so what were you planning you do?" I said.
"I was going to go to your house to give you a gift." He replied as he held out a small blue bow.
"Really? I was too." You say as you hold you your gift, you knew how much Tao liked hats so you got him one.
"Thanks," He smiled, "Do you want to get something warm to drink or something?" He asked as you nodded shyly. "Okay then." He smiled as he walked towards the kitchen. You looked around and walked towards the livingroom. As you walked into the livingroom you saw the christmas tree being lit up brightly, and the fireplace was being lit up. The room looked reallt warm and cozy. You saw pictures of you and Tao from a long time ago on top of the fireplace. You smiled at each of the pictures remembering each and everyone of the memories the pictures came with.
"It's been a while hasn't it?" You heard Tao say behind you while holding two mugs of hot coco. "By the way here you go." He smiled as you took the mug.
"Yes, it sure has been a while." You agreed as the both of you took a sip of the hot coco. You continued to look at the pictures while you noticed Tao look at his watch.
"Oh, it's Christmas Eve already." He said as he put down his mug and took out the small blue box he had. You also got your gift for him and held it out.
"Merry Christmas!" You smiled as you gave him your gift and as he gave you yours.
"Thanks," He smiled as the box of you opened the gifts you had recieved from each other.
As you opened yout gift inside contained a silver necklace that had a blue pendant, blue was your favorite color and so was his.
"Tao, it's beautiful." You smiled.
"I'm glad you like it." He smiled as he took out the black fedora hat you bought for him and put it on and smiled. "Thanks ______, I really like it." He smiled as he looked at me trying to put on the necklace. "Let me help you with that." He smiled as I gave him the necklace and watched him put on the necklace.
"You look good with the necklace." He smiled as I blushed. "Can I tell you something, ______?" 
"Go ahead."
"I love you." He mumlbed.
"You love me?" I asked surprised while blushing because I loved him too.
"Yes." He replied looking down trying to hid his face with the hat.
"I love you too!" You smiled as him as you hugged him. After all these years of admiring this sweet panda, you knew you obviously loved him more as  friend.
"Can I do something?" He asked shyly as his face got closer to yours. You closed your eyes as you felt a pair of lips touching yours. "Merry Christmas, _______." He smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Merry Christmas my cute panda." You smiled.
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Chapter 13: It is toooooo sweet for me to handle. Haha. Thanks!
Chapter 13: Tones of jewerly, indeed xD
Chapter 5: Love the one with Kai <3
Chapter 3: This was soooooo cute~ :3
Chapter 13: Omooo I love all of this!!♥♥ author-nim you're daebakk!!!^^
Author-nim! ^____^ I just found this today. /pouts/ Author-nim please can I have Chen please please, thank youu! Merry Christmas! <33333
x3lynnie #7
Chapter 6: Love this kris one hehe~
Chapter 2: Xiumin!!! I loved this one shot, thanks author!!!
PikaPanda7 #9
Chapter 1: aaw yay thank you so much!! it's really perfect! like a real miracle in december not like the sad sad vid we got yesterday ;)
thanks again! <3
Chapter 1: Sweet story!!!!