Chapter Three

Take Care
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  Kai shut his door and then turned to Hyuna. "Show me your walk." He demanded. Hyuna looked at him, a little confused. Okay. A lot confused.    "My...Walk?" She question, wondering if she'd even heard him right. He purses his lips and nods. "Um...Okay...." She shifted her eyes confusedly. She walked. Kai sighs and shakes his head.   "No, No, no." He says. "You're doing it all wrong." he tells her. She stops and looks at him. Wrong? It's walking! How the hell can you do it wrong?! "Walk with confidence. Like you know that you're important."    Hyuna looked at him in disbelief. "Important? I'm sorry but not everyone in the world is as hot headed as you!" She snapped. "You told me to walk so I walked!" She crossed her arms, tired of his constant demanding attitude. Actually, she was just tired of him!    He let out a breath of frustration. "If you're going to be my date, you have to do what I tell you and do it right!" He snaps back. "I can fire you if I want too and then you'll be out on the streets in rags for clothes!" He then smirks. "Well, I mean, you already DO have rags for clothes." Hyuna forced herself to not let the hurt show.    "Fine." She mumbled. He smirked. "Now, tell me, man who knows absolutely everything, how do I walk?" She asked, clear annoyance in her voice. He came closer to her and grabbed her shoulders, straightening them out.   "Shoulders back, next straight, stand tall, no slouch." He said. Hyuna did as he said. "Good." He then stepped back, inspecting her position as if she was a piece of art that had to be absolutely perfected. "Now...Walk." He told her. "Walk with gentle strides, you feet are like feathers, you barely step down." He told her. She took a deep breath and attempted to walk like he wanted. He sighed. "Wrong again. Light feet! Stop walking like you have bricks tied to them!"    "Well, I'm sorry, I'm not little miss perfect, for you." Hyuna spat at him. He ignored her comment.   "Step gently. Keep your back straight and your head held high. Walk with confidence like you know you belong there." He says. Hyuna looked at him.   "How am I suppose to do that? I don't belong there!" She replied, getting irritated.    "Pretend, Hyuna. As if you were already born into a rich family and everyone likes you and envies you. Walk like...ugh." He didn't know how to even tell her. Talking to her is like talking to a wall. A brick one. She just didn't seem to understand a thing he was trying to say. "Just walk with confidence. Walk like you own the place." Hyuna rolled her eyes and shook her head and walked again. "No!" He snapped, rubbing his face. "You're walking like an insecure teenager! Confidence Hyuna, Confidence!"    "Why don't you just ask someone else to do this?!" Hyuna asked, completely losing her cool. "It seems like I get to do anything for you without screwing up anyways." He shook his head, ignoring her. He looked around. His eyes landed on a few books. Perfect.    He grabbed some books. "Confidence. Straight. Tall." He said, "Shoulders back." She did as he said, going into her earlier position. He then set 3 books on her head. She looked at him confused.    "Why the hell do I have books on my head?" She asked him.   "Because, I'm going to teach you how to walk correctly." He answered. "Now, I want you to walk back and forth without dropping one book.
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Chapter 18: Ah I just started reading this yesterday and haven't been able to stop! I love it and hope you update again soon!
vip4nia #2
Chapter 18: Its been a long time since your last updated so welcome back authornim ^^
4MinuteFaNs #3
Authornim,when you gonna update this story..???kinda miss with it...TT^TT...
BoA_Lover #4
Chapter 18: Update Soon<3
Chapter 6: I ship gayoon and baekhyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ and kai & hyuna is sweet too hahaha
Chapter 17: Damnnn i had butterflies in my stomach while reading this chapter <3 Pls update soon author-nim!
Chapter 17: Please update soon author-nim.... I really love all your stories and especially this one. I really cant wait to read what is gonna happen next. Your are awesome.... xoxo ^_^
blueciel71 #8
Chapter 17: omg so cute~ update soon!
sheryin #9
Chapter 17: Wat a happy family^^
4MinuteFaNs #10
Chapter 17: OMG!!Love b0th 0f when kai 'll d0 anything for his wife...and w0w,such a proctective husband is he....i'm glad kai found Moka...such a cute family..>~<...