Take Care
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Okay...SOOOO, I've recently made up a new plot for another story.../sigh/ I know, go ahead and beat the crap outta me. /closes eyes and holds out arms/ –(-.-)–But I like the idea of this one. /shrugs/ And of course Hyuna will be the main female character. ^^ But I can't decide which EXO member should play the male lead. DX I don't know why but I've been obsessed with pairing Hyuna up with EXO. 0.o So any ideas? Please help me! /pouts with big puppy dog eyes/ Pwease? With a cherry on twop? /continually bashes eye lashes innocently/ Please comment them! Thank you! I'm also trying to update today so stick around, but I apologize if I don't get update! ^^ BUH-BYE XD 

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Chapter 18: Ah I just started reading this yesterday and haven't been able to stop! I love it and hope you update again soon!
vip4nia #2
Chapter 18: Its been a long time since your last updated so welcome back authornim ^^
4MinuteFaNs #3
Authornim,when you gonna update this story..???kinda miss with it...TT^TT...
BoA_Lover #4
Chapter 18: Update Soon<3
Chapter 6: I ship gayoon and baekhyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ and kai & hyuna is sweet too hahaha
Chapter 17: Damnnn i had butterflies in my stomach while reading this chapter <3 Pls update soon author-nim!
Chapter 17: Please update soon author-nim.... I really love all your stories and especially this one. I really cant wait to read what is gonna happen next. Your are awesome.... xoxo ^_^
blueciel71 #8
Chapter 17: omg so cute~ update soon!
sheryin #9
Chapter 17: Wat a happy family^^
4MinuteFaNs #10
Chapter 17: OMG!!Love b0th 0f when kai 'll d0 anything for his wife...and w0w,such a proctective husband is he....i'm glad kai found Moka...such a cute family..>~<...