The Dragon Prince


Na Ri has always been sick.

She was born with many difficulties. Even now, at the age of 19, she was not well.

Her mother took her to go see a wise man one day. 

He looked at her up and down and casted a couple of spells. 

Just as they were leaving, the old man spoke up.

"Don't forget. You must stay away from the dragon. Any kind of dragon. That way, you will be well." 

Na Ri thought nothing of his warning. 

That is, until the day she met him



Kim Nari


​"Why would you even love me? I can't even do anything! I'm not even normal! I.. I don't want to do this anymore."


Wu Yifan a.k.a Kris


Dragon Prince 

"I wish I could give you the world. Heal you and love you.. but I can't. I can't love you."


Yang Yang


The Arranged

​"I am not afraid of letting my freedom go. I love you and I am willing to walk along side you, as husband and wife. Just give me a chance."



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