For Taemin_eats_waffles

SHINee Secret Santa 2013
Pair: 2min
Prompt: Tacky sweaters by the fire
A/n: I hope you’l like a bit of angst ^^
It was always the same for him for the past 5 years of his solitary life. He didn’t really want to spend Christmas with different families year after year but he doesn’t have any choice does he?
Ever since his parents died and his brother taken into another foster home, he was always spending his 5 years in different foster care until he’s old enough to live on his own, He sighed as he was introduced by his foster dad Siwon to his foster siblings.
“Taemin, meet Minho, he’s your hyung and Sulli, your saeng.” Siwon introduced and he nodded meekly. 
“hi Taemin oppa!” the girl greeted him with a bright smile. “Hello” he muttered almost inaudibly.
“Where’s omma?” Siwon asked and in seconds, a tall girl entered and crouched down to level with the 14 year old. ”Hi Taemin, I’m Sooyoung. You can call me whatever you’re comfortable with. Let’s get you change shall we?” She said with a warm smile and took his hand to lead him towards his room.
The Choi’s were very well off; with a house the can fit 12 and a real fireplace. There was a tree already placed neatly beside the fireplace and Taemin’s eyes brimmed with tears, he can’t even fathom why he’s not yet immune to the salty liquid.
“Are you okay Taemin?” Sooyoung asked and Taemin nodded. “I know it’s been hard for you so if anything’s making you uncomfortable, just tell us okay. I’m really happy that Siwon took you in. Dinner will be ready in an hour okay?” She said then left him to change into more comfortable clothes.
Taemin took in his room, a white room with a soft bed and all the necessary furnitures. It was warm and roomy, and if Taemin hadn’t known well, he’d think it’s a hotel. He took in the new clothes for him, expensive labels tacked on the cloth and Taemin sighed as he put it on.
Taemin is actually a good mannered boy and all his foster families had been really good to him. But he knew that he shouldn’t get attached to them because he’ll bound to leave them in a few months anyway.
He walked down the grand staricase and met the family for dinner. It was a simple one which Taemin was grateful for; He wouldn’t know what to do if they’ll use knives and forks.
“We’re a bit well off but we’re still a normal family.” Siwon said and Taemin nodded, giving the 4 members of his foster family a warm smile.
“Thank you.” He said then everyone prayed before eating.
After dinner, Taemin was allowed to explore the place on his own with Sooyoung reminding him to ask any maids if he gets lost or has any question. He nodded and went on his way, exploring the house as much as he could.
He stopped by the living room where the fireplace he saw earlier was warm and the Christmas tree was smelling wonderfully inviting. He sat by the front of the glowing flame and sighed to himself, drawing his legs towards his small body and rested his head on top of his knees. He was thinking of the past, of how he was happier when he was little and Christmas was his favorite season.
He was trying to stop the b tears when a warmth covered his back. He looked up and saw Minho with two mugs of hot chocolate and a warm smile. 
“Can I sit with you?” He asked and Taemin nodded. 
Minho sat next to Taemin, placing the mugs in front of them, took the sweater from Taemin’s back and handed it to him. Taemin took it and wore it. Minho suppressed a chuckle as the sweater was a bit too big for the small boy.
“I’m sorry, it’s a bit too big for you.” Minho said and Taemin just gave him a warm smile. “It’s okay. At least it’s warm.” Taemin replied as he eyed the red and green knitted sweater that were falling off his shoulder and the long sleeves gathered on his wrists.
“Here.” Minho handed the mug and Taemin gratefully took it. “If it’s not too much to ask, can you tell me your story?” Minho asked and Taemin nodded.
“It’s like what Siwon-nim had probably told you.” Taemin said and Minho looked at him while taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Taemin adjusted the sweater before taking a sip of his chocolate.
“You’re the fourth family in 5 years. My first family was the Lee’s. I had a foster brother named Jinki. He’s cute and fluffy like a bunny.” He said, a smile gracing his lips. “Jinki hyung was so warm and friendly, but his sangtae was the worst.” Taemin told him and Minho nodded, smiling as he listened to him.
“My second foster family was the Kim’s where i met Jonghyun hyung. He’s a goof ball.” Taemin said, very nostalgic as he recalled how his Jonghyun hyung would sing to him. “He’s a great singer.” Taemin said taking another sip of the chocolate.
“And my last family was another Kim, Kibum hyung was such a really a diva but he’s so protective of me.” Taemin chuckled recalling the fits of his Kibum hyung.
“Sounds like a great bunch.” Minho answered and Taemin nodded. “Well I hope I can be as good as your other hyungs.” Minho said and Taemin gave him a warm smile. 
“What is it like to have a family?” Taemin asked and Minho gave him a wide smile. 
“It’s an explainable feeling really but maybe i can show you how it feels.” Minho said making Taemin confused. 
Minho took his cup and Taemin’s cup and laced it on the floor. He then shifted his position and wrap his arms around the small kid. He enveloped Taemin in a warm embrace. Taemin stiffened as he felt the warm arms but buried his face on Minho’s chest.
“Taeminnie..” Minho said and he can feel Taemin nod. “I can feel that you have insecurities and fears. You can tell me because I’m your family now.” Minho said, kissing the top of the younger’s head. He felt warm liquid drench his sweater as Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho.
“Hyung?” Taemin spoke and Minho hummed as he rubbed the younger’s back. “Thank you.” He said and Minho smiled as he placed another kiss on the younger’s head. 
Minho kept the younger warm as the temperature dropped outside. He then took the sleeping brother and brought him to his room.
“Don’t let the past haunt you Taemin.” He said as he kissed the younger’s forehead and tucked him to sleep.
Taemin woke up the next day and wondered why he was on his bed. He sook his head as he remembered how he was crying on Minho’s chest as he told his bitter past. He sighed as he went to the bathroom to fix himself, still wearing the tacky sweater from last night. 
He was greeted by the smell of cocoa and faint coffee when he stepped inside the dining room for breakfast.
“Good Morning sweetie.” Sooyoung greeted him and Taemin smiled before sitting on the vacant chair reserved for him. A plate of waffles and a cup of hot chocolate. He thanked the maid and started to eat. 
“Isn’t that Minho’s sweater? It’s too big for you, I should buy you a couple of sweaters.” Siwon remarked and Taemin pulled the side over his shoulders.
“It’s warm and comfortable, I’m okay with this one thank you.” Taemin said and Siwon eyed him but smiled.
“One’s not enough for you my dear. We’ll be attending the midnight mass later okay?” Siwon reminded him and Taemin nodded, fully aware of the Choi’s strict obedience to their religion. 
He ate breakfast in silence after.
The midnight mass was unexpectedly enjoyable for Taemin and he found himself in tears as the pastor told them that Christmas was about families. He remembered the warm embrace his Minho hyung has given the previous night and the tears just spilled; he missed his family so much.
“It’s okay Taeminnie, We’re here.” Minho embraced the younger and the boy cried into his warm arms.
He was exhausted from crying when he found himself in front of the fireplace wearing another of Minho’s large sweater and holding a cup of chocolate. But this time, he wasn’t alone, the four Choi’s were gathered around the Christmas tree.
“Taemin oppa join us!” Sulli invited him and he reluctantly walked towards the small group. 
Sooyoung and Siwon was both smiling as they handed the gifts. “Taemin, our gift for you.” She said with a warm smile as she gave him the gift. He reluctantly took it and gave them thanks. 
“Open it quickly” Siwon was smiling widely. “Merry Christmas.” He said.
Taemin sat in front of the fireplace, wearing a large sweater that slips from his shoulder. He felt the sweater being pulled up and he smiled as he saw who did it. Minho sat next to him and handed him a warm cup of hot chocolate. 
“Been 4 years already Taeminie, how does it feel?” Minho asked and Taemin gave him a warm smile.
“It still feels surreal Minho hyung.” Taemin sighed, looking at the family picture placed on the fireplace mantle, five persons beaming with smiles. “It feels great hyung.” He then smiled and Minho ruffled the younger’s hair.
“I have a surprise for you.” Minho said making Taemin confused. They then heard voices approach the living room and Taemin shoot uo from his place and dashed towards three familiar faces.
“Jinki hyung!” taemin ran and hugged the older male, making him fall on his behind but laughed it off. “I missed you too Tae!” Jinki said.
“Any hug for me?” Jonghyun asked and Taemin hugged him as well. He then took a deep breath and approached Kibum who had his arms across his chest.
“Key hyung!” Taemin chirped but the male just rolled his eyes. “What did i tell you about tacky sweaters?” Kibum asked and Taemin picked the hem of his large sweater. ‘Come here!” Kibum suddenly said, opening his arms and Taemin hugged him tightly. 
“Hyung!” Taemin was teary eyed as he looked at the three familiar faces then turned to Minho who was smiling. 
“took me a this long to find them, I hope it’s not that late.” Minho scratched the back of his head. 
“Thanks Hyung!” Taemin said, crying as he held on to his Minho hyung. “Thank you!” He continued.
“awww... This is so touching!” Jinki uttered and Jonghyun nodded while Kibum rolled his eyes.
“Group hug!” Jonghyun suggested and the three hyungs quickly joined the brothers and enveloped Taemin with more warmth. 
Taemin couldn’t be anymore happier.
“Open it quickly” Siwon was smiling widely. “Merry Christmas.” He said.
Taemin took the box and gingerly opened it. His hands trembled as he took the paper and read the contents. His tears fell like waterfalls as he looked at the four persons with him. He shook his head in disbelief, he couldn’t believe it.
‘i’m...” Taemin tried to speak.
“You’re part of us now Taemin.” Minho said, handing him a sweater with his name, similar to what the other four was already wearing.
“I’m adopted?” Taemin asked and the four gave him a smile. 
Taemin approached Siwon and hugged him. He then walked towards Sooyoung and gave her a hug, then Sulli excitedly hugged him and planted a kiss on his cheek. 
“Well, why don’t you try it on?” Minho pointed to the sweater and Taemin nodded.
Taemin wore the sweater and was surprised that it’s a tad bit large for his small body. Minho chuckled and back hugged him.
“I think you look cute with an overly large jacket.” Minho said and Taemin laughed at himself. 
“Can we take a family picture?” Teamin asked and the four Choi’s nodded. 
So this is what family feels like.
A/n: Hi there.. Sorry if this is more like a family fic compared to a fluffy love fic. THis was just struck me when i read the prompt. I hope it’s okay with you santee~ ^^


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Chapter 22: yay~ ill join again ^^
Chapter 14: I've published this story here:
Chapter 14: Ooh i liked this. Ioved iit actually. Jongkey <3 oddly hooking haha
Chapter 20: Y u hve to die key? And i really enjoy reading jongkey. There wont b a Sequel right? Hehe
Chapter 13: And the minkey one is so sweeet
Chapter 11: I read the jongkey on 10th chapter. I love it. Y did they break up if they still love each other? *sighs*
Chapter 20: Taemin_eats_waffles I have a question for you. Which song did you use? I still can't figure that out.

BTW, thanks for the story! It was really well written.
AptonKey #9
To: AptonKey
From: charidavis
Chapter 20: awwww... mayazero is my santee in Infinite Secret santa.. now she's my santa in SHINee secret santa ^^

Thank you so much for writing my vague prompt and equally rare pair ^^
I'll drop by your wall later and give you my sincerest thank you^^ You did well~