love you always and forever


“luhan you must take care of yourself.okay??”

Kris reminded Luhan as he patted Luhan’s shoulder.

“don’t worry about too take care.”

Luhan stare deep in Kris’s eyes.

“okay.. I will and most importantly try to hold yourself from turning into wolf and control must be careful all the time.i will only leave for about a month to settle some important things..i’m gotta get going now..”

“don’t worry I roger that….okay then goodbye..kris”


As Kris walked far away from Luhan…he turned his back and saw Luhan was walking away…

‘I’m gonna miss you so much Luhan..i love you..’

Kris thought in his mind but he just scared to confess his feeling towards Luhan.He scared that Luhan will feel disgust and leave him.


-on the other side-


‘I’ll miss you so much Kris..i really want to tell you that how much I love you…how I fell love in first sight when I saw you for the first time..i love you kris..’

Luhan also thought in his mind while he was walking….he was also wanted to confess his feelings towards Kris but he scared that things will turned out worst if he did the end he just hide his feelings and act naturally in front of must be hard because they both live in the same house and always sharing their lovely time together..

They both have same feelings towards each other but they scared to be honest about their feelings..poor them…what will happened when Luhan entered the new school and get to know many beautiful and charming boys…



~luhan’s POV~

I woke up in the morning and yawned…huh~ its been a week since Kris left me alone…my life felt so  boring and…empty…I got up from my bed and took a fresh and nice firm shower…

As I finished showering..i went downstairs and cooked myself some meat for breakfast..Kris the one that usually cooked for our breakfast..well since he was already left I have to eat alone…as I was eating I glanced at the calendar and thought that today is Sunday so it means that tomorrow is Monday..

“hmmm..I have to go to a new school tomorrow and started my life as a normal teenage boy..not some fierce wolf…”

I talked to myself and getting ready for searching the new highschool..should I go to the boys’ highschool or…..hmm maybe it would be interesting if I go to the boys’ highschool..yeah..i think it will be the best choice…


-after searching and searching…..-

(at the apartment)

Whew~finally I arrived and rushed my way to the kitchen to eat my leftover food from this morning..oh god I’m so ing hungry…and kinda tired…well I almost walked for the entire day to search for the highschool’s address and went there to inform the school’s principal that I will move in their school…and now..all of my problems has been settled and I just need to go there tomorrow as a’m kinda nervous and excited….

I finished eating and took fresh shower…and now I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling with thousand thoughts of Kris…

‘I wonder what he’s doing right now…did he miss me??will he be alright???..and did he love me???’

That questions keep repeating in my mind…until….

I fell asleep although it was only 4 pm..well never mind I was already asleep tough…


-7 am- the next morning….

I was already awake and finished taking shower…and now I’m getting ready to go to the highschool…I’m wearing the school uniform and glanced at the reflect of me on the mirror.

‘hmm…I look good in this uniform…hehe…okay I better get going now..bye Kris…wish my happiness..i will always love you..’

I took the picture frame of Kris and kissed it…how much I miss this guy…I took my school bag and dashed off from my apartment..

After a few minutes walking…finally I arrived at the school…I caught so many attentions and stares from the school’s students but I just keep walking into the school building calmly..

‘hmm so now where is my classroom?? According to the principal….my class is….yeah..found it…this is it in front of me…looks like the class has started.i hope that i was early enough…’

I get into my new class and all of the students stared at me..and I heard many voices spoke about me…

“look’s a new student..he looks cute..”

“where??omo…you’re right he’s a good looking boy…”

“what?!a new student??he sure looks like a stray cat..meoww…meowww….hahahaha!!”

The entire class burst out laughing when they heard that ugly sentence…

‘relax Luhan..relax and keep calm..never mind them..’

Well at least half of them said that I was cute and good looking…

“okay,class!!silence please!! I want to introduce you all a new student..come on tell us what is your name…” my homeroom teacher managed to make the entire class stop laughing and  focused on me..

“annyeonghaseyo…my name is Xi Lu Han but you can call me Luhan..”

“wow..he’s a Chinese..but he has the Korean look same as Tao and Lay...”one of the student spoke.

 ‘so..this class also have some Chinese guys..well maybe we all can get along’

“yes..i’m a Chinese..and I will be in your care…kamsahamnida”

“okay..thank you Luhan.Now you may choose your own seat..i hope you guys will get along with him…be sure to treat him well..i take my leave now…”the teacher told us.

“Yes,sir…Thank you,sir.” we all bowed and I walked towards an empty seat beside a Chinese looking guy and sit beside him..

“do you mind if I sit here??beside you??” I asked him and he only shook his head means that he didn’t mind I’m sitting beside him..

“thanks..what’s your name??” I asked him with a smile and he only pointed his notebook.

“hmm???ohh..your name is Zitao..can I call you Tao??” and again he didn’t let out his voice but just he mute or what??well whatevess…

During the class…thanks to my good memory I managed to memorized all of their names…


“hey,Luhan..wanna join us for lunch?? At the rooftop..” Kai..who is the most kind hearted (for me) among all of them asked me out of the blue..

“well…if its okay then I can join you guys”

“good boy…Tao??how about you?? You’re in silent mode today…what happened??” he asked Tao and again Tao only shook his head and keep staring through the window…

“hmm..if you say so…lets go Luhan!” Kai said as he put his hand around my shoulders.I turned back and saw Tao still keep staring through the window..He sure looks like he has many problems…

“was Tao always like that??” I asked them..

“nope..he is the cheerful type all the time but maybe he argued with his father again..” Chanyeol told me while staring at a tall building.

“look over there…the tall building is his father’s company building.His father’s company was the biggest company in Seoul..” Sehun the one that told me that fact of Tao.

“…why did Tao argued with his father??” I asked them with questioning look.

“well actually Tao’s father told him that he will replace his father and take care of their company but Taoi refused it because he felt burden and he wanted to live free by himself.”

“so…he bought an apartment using his umma’s money and live there alone …his umma understands him unlike his father.”

This time Kai and Lay told me the story.

“oh..poor him..i hope he will be alright.” I said and finishing my lunch.


~2 weeks later…~ (well sorry I’ve got no idea and just skip the unimportant part..hehe…hope you’ll enjoy it though.)


-Tao’s POV-

I woke up with a strong headache and unfamiliar room..wait. yesterday,I was hit on the my god..just the hell where am i?? !! I tried to get up but I failed.I got both of my hands and legs were tied tightly….suddenly the door was opened and five guys who were wearing all black smirking at me as they went in.

“looks like the cute panda has awake..”the tallest man with husky voice spoke.

“just tell me what the hell did you want from me??” I asked them with annoying tone.

“we want your money!! For your information..we already told your beloved rich parents that we kidnapped his son and we asked for money in return for their they did noy give us the amount of money that we wanted….you will be dead!” the muscular man said and they all burst out the evil evil laugh..

Suddenly one of the men pointed a gun on my temple.

“ju-just kil me if you dare!! I’m sure that my parents will bring cops here..haha..” I glared at each of them..

“shut up kid!! I think we should close his mouth so that he can’t even talked..Seungri-ya!!give me that piece of cloth over there..i want to tie his mouth too.”the shortest man among them all said and tied my mouth after he got what he I cant even talk..!!

“lets leave him alone here guys..lets go and wait for our money..haha!!” the leader one,maybe, talked to them and finally they leave me alone in this empty dirty room.

‘I have to stay calm and find some way to ask for help..hmmm..aha! the window!! I could drag myself towards the window and ask for any help..if there were some people here.’

I tried so hard dragging myself towards the broken window and stare outside..thanked god..there is a road down there..i hope I can get any help.

~after 30 minutes~

!! I’ve been staring outside for almost an hour…suddenly….

‘Is that Lu..Luhan!! it was really him!!!..’ now what should I do to catch his attention…hmmm…aha!! The  empty beer can.i took the beer can and gained all of my energy to stand and threw the can outside so that it will catch his attention…

I waited for him to looked up here and there he was!! Staring at me with questioning look..i tried to screamed but I got my mouth tied by this piece of I tried to lift up my tied hands and I think he knew what I mean after he saw my hands that were being tied…thanked God…he gave me the ‘wait for me!! I will come to save  you’ look and took out his cellphone calling someone..i think he must call Kai and the rest of our friends to come and save me.after he finished calling..he gave me thumbs up and climbed up this building’s I have to stay quiet and waited for them to save me..

After a few minutes has passed..suddenly I heard the voices of some people who has beaten up..

‘it must be them!’ I thought myself..i hope all of them save..

Out of the blue…the door flew opened and the muscular man was holding Luhan with a gun pointed on Luhan’s temple..

“is this your friend??huh?!you want him to die!! Don’t you?!!well then….”he said and pulled the trigger.

‘Luhan!!!’ I screamed inside..i was struggling to free myself from this ty ropes…but it was useless…the tall man with husky voice punched me right on my left cheek..he keep punched me over and over again until I felt that my body cant even move….and my vision’s getting blurry…I cant hear anything..all I can hear was Luhan’s voice screaming out my name and then I fell unconscious.




-end of POV-




-normal POV-

BANGG!!!! The sounds of gun being released…

“Luhan!!!!!!” Kai and Sehun screamed in unison…finally all of them who were called by Luhan came and thanked to the cops they managed to caught the men that has kidnapped Tao and  sent them to the police station to get their paid for all of evil things that they have made…

Tao’s parents also there and they were so grateful because their son was still save..but the most worst thing was….Luhan has been shot across his heart and died at the scene….

All of Luhan’s friends were depressed because of their friend has died…especially for Tao..Luhan was died because he came to save him…





“no!!no!! I will shoot you if you bite me!! Argh!! No!!” the muscular man pointed his gun towards a fierce wolf which was Luhan…the man kept struggling and when the wolf was about to scratch him…he shot the wolf right across its heart..

And that was the ending of the wolf’s life…




#present …

~a few days later~

-at the apartment-

-Kris POV-

I’ve made up my mind after this one month spent my time to calm my nerves down…today..i will confess my hidden feelings towards Luhan..that I love him…but if he doesn’t accept my feelings…then I will leave him and start a new life at my village..well all of all I really wanted him to accept my feelings..

“Luhan!!i’m home!!Luhan-ya!!”

Hmm..where is he??..i knocked the door when suddenly an old woman opened it.

“uh..who are you..young man??” the old woman asked me.

“uhmm..i’m Kris and I wanted to see the owner of this apartment,Luhan.”

“oh! I’m sorry young man..but my daughter was the new owner of this apartment.”

‘new??maybe Luhan has moved to other place’

“uhmm…do you know where the old owner live now??”I asked and the old woman seem sad…I wonder…why??

“sorry young man..but I was informed that the old owner was already dead and his friends sold this apartment to us.”

“wha-??d-d-dead??” Luhan was dead?? I’m not believe in this…

“yes young man..and the graveyard was only across the main street.”


I leave the apartment and make my way towards the graveyard..where..Luhan was….

i felt my soul was gone…

Finally this is it..the graveyard…I kept walking and finally I saw Luhan’s name on the R.I.P stone..i kneel down in front of his grave and put the red roses that I was planning to give him before..but..i don’t even know that it will turned out like this..

“Luhan..i’m here to tell you that I love you..i-I love you so much..i fell in love with you in first sight..”

“I’m sorry I didn’t told you earlier….”

“i-I I love you and I will always love you…”

“I hope you will hear me…”

“m-may God b-b-bless you..”

Finally I burst out crying….Luhan….i wish I can be together with you…

Love you always and forever…..




-the end-

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lenary #1
Nice story but so short. Maybe you could write a sequel?
superkissshine #2
Chapter 1: So sad i cryed