Chapter Twenty-Six


Chapter Twenty-Six



Turning the corner, Taeyeon could already see the apartment door open. Taeyeon cursed under her breath. Tiffany still had the habit of not locking the door. She began to jog and entered the apartment, closing the door behind her and did not bother taking off her shoes, running to the girl's bedroom, passing by boxes that were still yet to be unpacked.


She froze as she saw Siwon dragging Tiffany into the bedroom as she struggled. Before Siwon could close the bedroom door, Taeyeon placed her foot in and shoved the door open. Tiffany gasped, "Taeyeon!"


Siwon scowled and pushed Tiffany behind him, "Why the hell are you here?" he hissed. Taeyeon didn't answer him but instead connected eyes with Tiffany, who seemed frightened, "What did you plan to do to Tiffany, Siwon?" her eyes slowly drifted over to Siwon's eyes, that narrowed in anger, "None of your damn business," His left hand shifted and that was when Taeyeon noticed the small glint that bounced off of the knife he had.


Taeyeon froze. Siwon could potentially kill Tiffany and her if she weren't careful.


"Don't.. Don't hurt her," Taeyeon started off calmly, wary of the knife Siwon had in his right hand as his right held onto Tiffany's wrist. Siwon clenched his jaw, "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" Taeyeon knew Siwon was getting angrier, his face notching up a few inches on the red scale, "Get out of here, Taeyeon!" he waved the knife around and Tiffany bit down on her lower lip, closing her eyes tightly as a few tears escaped.


"Siwon," she said in a warning tone, "Put the knife down,"


Releasing Tiffany's wrist, he lunged.


But Taeyeon was quicker. She took a step to the left and grabbed Siwon's wrist with her right hand and twisted it. The man screamed out in pain, the knife dropping with a soft thud on the carpet floor. Tiffany reached for the knife and kept it out of harms way as she watched Taeyeon kick the back of Siwon's legs roughly, sending him onto his knees. 


Siwon pushed Taeyeon away roughly but Taeyeon was quicker and much more swift than he was, immediately ceasing his two hands and grabbing anything that she could tie him with. So, she found a belt and tied Siwon to the bed post.


And once Siwon was all secured tightly Taeyeon whispered, "I've dealt with violent little kids," Taeyeon claimed, leaning into the man's ear, "You aren't any different,"




"What's wrong, Fany?" Taeyeon asked with a husky tone, waking up after feeling the girl in her arms squirm uncomfortably for a few minutes. Tiffany stopped moving immediately, turning around and facing Taeyeon, "Did I wake you?" she asked quietly. Taeyeon gave a short nod, stiffening her limbs before relaxing again, "Yeah, but it's alright. What's wrong?"


Tiffany blinked once but didn't answer Taeyeon's question. Taeyeon raised an eyebrow, "You alright?" she asked again, moving away from Tiffany, her fingers barely touching Tiffany's hips. The brunette bit her lip and stared at Taeyeon, "Thank you,"


Taeyeon breathed a sigh of relief, "You just wanted to say 'Thank you'?" The younger girl nodded. Taeyeon moved closer and hugged her again, "You already said that to me, Fany-ah. Go back to sleep, okay? Don't worry about it, it's all over now, you're safe, alright?" Taeyeon smiled crookedly and kissed Tiffany's forehead, "Now sleep,"


"But, Tae," Tiffany began.


Taeyeon groaned a bit, "It's the afternoon already, isn't it?" Tiffany nodded against Taeyeon's chest and the girl let out a deep breath, "Let's stay in bed for a little longer then, I'm exhausted,"


Tiffany grinned and pulled Taeyeon closer, "I like that idea,"




Jessica pointed a finger at Tiffany and Taeyeon, "You two.." she trailed off, eyes looking down at the girl's interlocked hands. She narrowed her eyes at Taeyeon, who didn't respond. Jessica started to talk again, "Are you two..." she trailed off yet again. Tiffany giggled before nodding. Jessica's eyes widened, though she had expected it.


"Wait, like," Jessica stared off in English before back to Korean, "It's official, right? Not just like a one night stand thing? Not a fling or whatever?" Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and stared at the girl for a moment before nodding once, a smile breaking out onto her face, "It's offical,"




"That's great!" Taeyeon smiled widely as Mrs. Ok, well, Ms. Park, announced the news to her with Taecyeon hugging her leg. Ms. Park looked down at Taecyeon and nodded, "It is great. Turns out he didn't want Taecyeon at all, nor did he want me," she let out a chuckle, though it didn't sound pained at all, "He changed right after we married, didn't seem like himself. The small, foolish love we had in high school vanished completely. I'm just glad he didn't take Taecyeon away," She gently ran her fingers through Taecyeon's hair.


Taeyeon's dimply was showing, "I'm glad things are turning out for the better," Taecyeon interrupted their chatter, "Will I still be able to see Ginger?"  he asked innocently. Ms. Park looked up at Taeyeon with surprised eyes, "Ginger?" 


"My girlfriend and I's dog," Taeyeon answered simply. Ms. Park's eyes widened a bit before she smiled, relaxing a bit, "Oh," she said and Taeyeon warmed up as she knew Ms. Park thought nothing wrong of she and Tiffany's relationship. Ms. Park looked down at Taecyeon, "Well if Ms. Kim says it's alright to visit every now and then, it's fine by me," she grinned.




"Don't!" Tiffany squealed as Taeyeon caught her by the waist using her left arm while her right hand was full of frosting, "Stop struggling," Taeyeon giggled. Tiffany squirmed, trying to get away from Taeyeon but Taeyeon held on tighter and wiped the frosting all over Tiffany's face. Tiffany froze and gasped playfully, "You did not just do that," she turned around and saw Taeyeon's face decorated with flour and pink frosting.


Taeyeon nodded, "I did," she responded.


At the same time, Tiffany reached for the bag of flour while Taeyeon reached for the bowl of frosting. Let's just say it'll take a while for them to clean up the kitchen.




"You're actually crying because of this movie," Taeyeon stated in disbelief. Tiffany smacked her arm, "It's romantic!" she exclaimed.


"Who's that guy? Zac something?" Taeyeon pointed to the main character in the movie. The brunette wailed, "Efron, Zac Efron!" The two of them continued to watch the movie and Tiffany's sniffing subsided. The movie took a sudden turn as the main character suddenly kissed the girl.


"Why is he.. Wait why are they suddenly... How did he.. Are they having se.."


"Shut up, Taeyeon," Tiffany lightly slapped Taeyeon's cheek. Taeyeon frowned, "Well you seem focused on their bed scene," Tiffany scoffed and looked over at Taeyeon, "It's just a movie,"


"I bet it's turning you on," 


Tiffany didn't respond and Taeyeon smirked.





"Ginger! Out!Taeyeon scolded, pointing to the bedroom door, seeing the small dog walk in. Ginger looked up at his two owners and his ears twitched. Tiffany frowned, "He totally ruined the mood," she stated, gently pushing Taeyeon off of her. Taeyeon groaned, "Is this what it's going to be like when we have kids?"


Tiffany blushed, "You want kids?" Taeyeon widened her eyes, "W-Why? Do you not want kids? Because if you don't want kids, that's fine by me. I mean—" Tiffany shut her up with an abrupt kiss before leaning out and nodding with a smirk on her face, "I want kids, Tae,"


"Let's make some?"


"I don't think that's physically possible with two girls," 


"Let's pretend it is,"




Taeyeon smiled at the girl whose head was laid on her shoulder. She shifted a bit, allowing the younger girl to lay her head down onto her lap without waking her. Taeyeon eyed Tiffany's features and couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach, the same kind she's had ever since she's met Tiffany.


Taeyeon's fingers ran through Tiffany's silky hair. Her mind wandered off, thinking about all the things the two of them have been through together. From their late night tteokbokki to now. Taeyeon couldn't help but think how lucky she was to still have Tiffany after all of the crap they've gone through.


There were lots of times Taeyeon thought about giving up completely, to erase Tiffany from her mind, to completely live a new life. But she knew it was impossible. The girl had carved her name into Taeyeon's heart– painfully, as a matter of fact, and Taeyeon knew it was inevitable that the girl would pop into her mind nearly every day.


And a lot of times, Taeyeon wished that she hadn't let Tiffany go so easily. She wished that she would go back and not cause drama, to keep Tiffany as a friend if anything.


But now.


But now.


Taeyeon like where everything was. She liked having Tiffany next to her in bed every morning. She liked getting to kiss the girl whenever she wanted, knowing that the girl loved her as much as Taeyeon loved her. Tiffany was just someone Taeyeon couldn't get enough of.


And Taeyeon, she knew that it was fate for them to be together. The rough roads have passed, they love each other, it was clear now, even if it did take a few problems for them to finally realize it.

Aaand done~ So the beginning of this chapter was a full part of the scene with Siwon from last chapter, if that makes sense. It was fun writing this story while it lasted haha!

Thank you to my readers who always commented, even if I uploaded a crappy chapter~ I love you all and I hope you all continue to support me on my future stories!

I still have more stories to finish, so why don't you all go visit me on my other stories? Haha, thank you so much, I love you all! 




I'm making a YulSic prequel/sequel story of this



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Oh so we actually did hit 1001 subscribers but then two people unsubscribed.. Was planning on updating when it hit 1000


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btcrules27 #1
Chapter 29: Pain is my comfort. Pain is my friend. I love how this breaks my heart seeing Taeyeon hurt. Yes. Thank you author-nim ✊
Chapter 28: This was majestic!! I totally loved it 🥲❤️
Chapter 29: Beautiful story....Taeyeon is so sweet and lovely... ^^
Chapter 10: Then Taeyeon will never have reason why she left alone years ago? 😕
Chapter 9: Her family is watching her? Her whole family is dead or they just hiding from her?
Chapter 1: So the whole family is gone in 1 night? 😵
Chapter 1: loving it
Chapter 28: Omg its sooooo great story i ever read
Chapter 16: "The last night"