Crossover: OnGyu

100 word Challenge
Sleepover; Rated; 112 words

When the SHINee members popped out of nowhere uninvited, Sunggyu had suffered a major headache and heart attack. The dorm was quite a battlefield with karaoke and overflowing beer. The teasing, wrestling, bashing and laughing were not pleasant for Sunggyu’s tired ears. So he just sighed and made his way back to his room. But a hand stopped him and dragged him out of the dorm. “Let’s have a sleepover at our dorm.” Onew suggested and the thought of a peaceful sleep crossed Sunggyu’s mind as he nodded.

So much for peaceful sleep; the minute they stepped inside the deserted dorm, their bodies were pressed together and both were a mess.

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Shinee Pairs are all done.. last three pairs I did was rated (oh my)


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Chapter 18: too short but i kinda get the story..