Chapter 19

Destiny - We are meant for each other (EXO's Mama and Papa)

"Luhan hyung, how long do you know Kris?" Kyungsoo knew Kris is older than him but he doesn't want to call him 'hyung'. He doesn't want anyone to think they are closed.

"Hm? Why do you want to know?"

"Just asking."

"I think it's nearly a year since we met. Why?"

"Nothing." Kyungsoo thought wandered. A year. That is why Luhan didn't know about Suho and his relationship with Kris. They met after the accident. "Then, how the two of you met? Because to me you two have very different personalities."

"Ah! I wondered that myself sometimes. You know, a year ago, I was hospitalised for broken nose. I met Kris there."

"Broken nose? How did that happen?" Kyungsoo really wants to know what had happen.

"One day, I was taking a walk at the park, you know, the one near our complex."

"Right, I know that park. Suho hyung and I sometimes play badminton and jog there."

"You guys did? Why didn't you invite me? You don't know how lonely I was at night."

"Why didn't you call us? There were few times we did stop by your house but no one answered. We thought you still at work so we just went by ourselves."

"You should call me! Sometimes I bring work home so I didn't notice the doorbell or the knocking or the shouting. Maybe I was asleep but I never miss a phone call." Luhan pouted.

Kyungsoo looked at Luhan. He is really sad. Kyungsoo just smiled. This small-faced hyung really is cute. "I'm sorry. Next time, I will definitely call you."



"So, here we are." Luhan parked the car. "What are you going to eat? I heard that their steak is very delicious."

Kyungsoo got out and closed the car door. "Hyung?"


"Your story? What happen next?"

"Right, my story. What story?"

"You said you got hospitalised because your nose was broken."

"I did. Here, feel my nose. There is a small dent from the surgery. Feel it." Luhan shoved his nose towards Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo searched for the dent with his finger. "There is! Maybe it's your nose that Chanyeol hyung talked about."

"What did Chanyeol said about me?" Luhan take the menu from the waiter.

"He said that when he first saw you, his thought was 'so small'. Did you nose got smaller after the surgery?"

"I think the doctor told me about it."

"Really?" Kyungsoo gave back the menu after ordering. "Luhan hyung, your story is not finish yet."

"What story?"

"How your nose got broken."

"Ah. You know that there were attacks near the park?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

"One night, I was taking a walk and felt someone was following me. I looked behind but no one was there. When I continue walking, I still feel someone was following me so ran." Luhan took a bite of the food that just arrive.

Kyungsoo can't stop listening to Luhan story. "So, what happen next? Someone punch you in the face and stole your wallet?"

"Hm?" Luhan chewed his food. "No."

"Then what happen?"

"I was running while looking back so I didn't see what's in front of me. And I hit a street lamp." Luhan sipped some water.

"So, who was following you?"

"A cat."

Kyungsoo disappointed. "Hyung, you get me nervous for nothing." He started to eat.

Luhan wiped his mouth. "That was delicious."


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From the filler I guess you know. Sorry lame filler.


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2437 streak #1
Chapter 45: thank you Chanyeol for being the sensible brother!
if Kyungsoo and Lay can't stomach the idea of them being back together, sorry for them but they have to live with it... they were destined from the start and nothing can take them away from each other since they still found each other despite the circumstances, and that was A LOT...

the story abt the rings tho... HUHUHU no wonder it's so precious
2437 streak #2
Chapter 41: Chen being in between this sibling spat is so funny! his whiny thoughts abt him being the middleman, doing everything LMAO it's refreshingly funny
2437 streak #3
Chapter 40: why did the implication of the store room take so long to register... UGH
Suho knows now too and it hurts when he has to plead for his brothers to not take away the only memoir of his relationship with Kris he chose to keep
2437 streak #4
Chapter 39: idk if i commented on it before but Chanyeol's food combos sound disgusting HAHAHAHA
2437 streak #5
Chapter 38: that's determination right there! go get your man Kris!
2437 streak #6
Chapter 37: oh Yixing... i know you love your brother, but... UGHHHHHHH
2437 streak #7
Chapter 31: this is so sweet... precious moment for the brothers
2437 streak #8
Chapter 29: i really forgot what happens next but please tell me it's not an accident again!!! how is Lay gonna forgive Suho if something happens to Kris and he's with suho again??? UGHHHHH
2437 streak #9
Chapter 26: DUN DUN DUN DUN
2437 streak #10