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My Ghost Ex
You always loved your job. But today was not one of those days. You were assigned to look after one of the new trainees that kept messing up the orders of the customers. Usually, the customers are nice but because of that, they got pissed. You were extra cautious with the new orders and at the same time, extra tired because of the newbie.
Your boss saw how exhausted you were and cut you some slack. He told you you could go home early today and let the other employee handle the rookie. You were really thankful for your kind boss.
After putting on your coat, you stepped outside the shop and inhaled the fresh pre-Winter air. There was always something about the cold that makes you calm.
Then, a warm hand encased yours and entwined his fingers with yours. You smiled as the warmth spread from your hand to all over your body. You didn't need to look up to see who it was. You knew exactly who he is and just squeezes his hand a bit.
"You're out early," he says. His voice still manages to catch you off guard and make your heart flutter at the snap of a finger. That was the voice that managed to catch your attention once you laid eyes on him on the first day of college. It was the friendly voice that comforted you for two years and the same voice that proclaims his love for you every day since four years ago. The six years that you've been together was not all ups, you agreed. It was like a roller coaster ride. But that was the thrill. You loved roller coasters and no matter what happens, you know you'll get through it because you have each other as guides.
"You sound disappointed," you pouted. "Are you cheating on me?" You asked with no actual suspicion behind your words.
"Yeah, I am," he replies, playing along. He lifted up his hand that was holding yours to look at his watch, "I'm going to taking her on a date right now, actually." He then started walking with you alongside him.
"Oh, really?" You nodded, swaying yours and his arms a bit as you walk. "Where are you taking her?"
"To her favorite Japanese restaurant," he nods, turning around a block.
You saw the restaurant he was talking about then tugged on his hand to stop him. You looked at him seriously, "That's an expensive restaurant."
"So?" He asks, starting to walk with her again.
"So, no," you said again. "That is an expensive restaurant," you reiterated, standing your ground again.
"Look," he turned around and smiled. His hands held your shoulders then he looked into your eyes, "You are now looking Park Chanyeol, the new Managing Director of the bank I'm working for."
Your jaw dropped and you covered your mouth with both your hands. "I'm so proud of you, Yeol!" You shrieked and it echoed through the streets and pavements but you didn't care. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
He chuckled low in his throat and hugged you back. The both of you spent the rest of the night over sushi.
Three weeks after the promotion, you were stuck on your bed. You were coughing and wheezing so loud even if you wanted to keep it on the down low.
"I called your boss. He's at the bakery already and he says it's alright you stay home today," Chanyeol pouted as he sat beside you, the bed dipping down with his weight.
"Thanks," you croaked. "Go on. You're gonna," cough, "Be late for work."
"I don't want to leave you," he pouts. "Especially that you're this sick."
"Oh come on, Yeol," you coughed. "You're the Managing Director. You should go to work."
He pouts some more then kisses your forehead. "I'll be gone for just eight hours."
"I know," you chuckled, coughing a bit while covering your mouth. "Now go. You're gonna be late if you don't start moving now."
"Okay," he nods sadly while fiddling with his tie.
You sighed then reached out your hand and took hold of his tie to tie it up for him. You tsked and chuckled at your boyfriend. "It's been a year since you started working with a tie and you still don't know how to fix it on your own," you shook your head in pretend disappointment.
He pouted, "I can't live without you, okay. I need you."
You looked at him straight in the eyes with a serious face, "You need me to tie your ties?"
"Yes," he nods slowly, a serious expression was also plastered to his face. He then bursts out laughing then leans closer to peck your lips. "You know I'm joking, right?"
"You were? Oh I thought you were serious," you acted. "I was already thinking about finding another man who can tie his own ties," you said, pinching his cheek.
"Tell me when you do, okay?" He smiles. "I'll punch him."
You laughed then coughed. Pft. You hated being sick. A bad side of the coldness is that it always made you sick.
"I'm going now, okay?" He said then kissed your forehead. He stood up from the bed and looked at himself at the nearby mirror.
You nodded then waved. "Take care, okay? Don't catch," you sneezed, "A cold." He smiles at you then nodded before leaving the house.
Three hours passed and you're still in bed. The home phone rings a couple times before you decided that it's an important call and you should make your way to the living room. A couple more steps to the phone, you feel like there's something heavy on your chest and you just can't shake the feeling off you.
"Hello?" You asked, picking up the phone.
The voice on the other line asked if you were Park Chanyeol's girlfriend.
"Y-yes," you answered nervously. "Why?"
"You're needed in the emergency room, Ma'am. Please come as quick as you can."
Your heart somehow managed to stop beating and just stuttered a yes before hanging up the phone and changing into decent clothes. Screw the fact that your head is throbbing with pain because of the mini colds you have, the voice said you were needed in the emergency room.
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finally! chapter one! \(^U^)/


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Nice description! - Yuki