it happened

Vivid but Unreal

Loving Park Chanyeol was not very easy for me. It took me into the highest risk; I could die loving him. I don’t know what makes me like this. We both love each other. It was beautiful. But some people are not.

It was that time when we insisted to elope. We decided to run away from people who hate our love. We are tired of facing them. We had no choice left, but to only run away.

So we drifted ourselves away from them, until we reached at a forest. I wasn’t so sure but it was the greenest forest that I had ever seen. Maybe the exact word for the forest should be a vast park.

“Oppa, where are we going?” I asked, squeezed his muscular arm. Chanyeol faced me and held out his hand to wipe my sweat.

“Aww my baby is tired.” He mumbled softly, scanning my exhausted look. I looked terrible, indeed. I nodded slowly and clung onto his arm.

“Hurm…” He trailed off. “We’re almost there, baby.”

I sighed and seized his arm tightly. I closed my eyes and relaxed myself.

All of the sudden, I felt myself was light and my feet didn’t touch the ground. Chanyeol lifted me up in bridal style. My cheeks were blazing red in colour. “Oppa! What are you doing?”

“I did this because you’re tired.” His brows furrowed and he pouted. He didn’t even aware that his pink lips were inviting.

I faced his chest and got embarrassed by myself. “Oppa, just give me a piggyback ride, I’ll be fine.”

Chanyeol grinned, “Alright, my love.” He later gave a peck on my cheek and there goes my sanity.

He lowered his body and I wrapped my arms around his fair long neck. I always have my own urge to bite that neck. Pardon my desire, please.

I nuzzled my face onto his shoulder as he walked. “Oppa, are you tired? If you’re - “

“Nope. I’m perfectly fine. We’re almost there, honey. Just keep holding on, okay.” He muttered and kept walking. I didn’t notice whether his long legs are shaking or not. The only think I knew I was high from the ground.  I was pondering upon his long legs.

“You’re the one who should keep holding on, oppa.”

Chanyeol said nothing in reply; he just chuckled and adjusted my position. My face turned red once again as his hands suddenly d my . No weird thoughts, okay. He just wanted to adjust our position to make him comfortable.

As he kept walking, my eyes suddenly widened at the sight of the beautiful park. The concrete pathway was covered with fallen dried leaves and some of them were maple leaves. The colour was golden, and freshly natural. Chanyeol said that nobody should clean that pathway because he likes it to be natural. His large feet sank into the bush of dried leaves and in front of him, I saw a big house. Oh no. It was a cottage. It was not too big or too small, just nice for both of us. Chanyeol dropped me onto the ground and I looked around while he was unlocking the door.

I was about to step into the cottage when Chanyeol suddenly lift my body in bridal style. I blushed again. “Oppa…”

Chanyeol looked into my eyes and grinned. It was my favourite. His typical grin. As he let me in, I gasped in amazement. It was beautifully decorated. It was just nice. The arrangement of the furniture, the colour scheme which is nature colour, the lighting and the air condition, it was very nice.

“Oppa, is this your…”

“Yes, honey. It’s my secret house. I secretly made savings and buy this cottage. I used to come here to clean it.” He said and let me sit on a bronze-coloured sofa. “Do you like it?” He asked, smiling.

I nodded furiously. He came closer and kneeled down. He took my hand and squeezed it. “Baby, I want us to stay here. Forever. Will you be by my side forever?”

I gaped at his sincere expression. His big round eyes told everything. His deep voice explains everything. I nodded and shyly said, “I will, oppa.”

As he heard my words, he leaned over and I felt his luscious lips touched mine. It was a short kiss as it lasted less than 10 seconds. I couldn’t hold myself not to kiss him back.

He pulled away as our lungs screamed for air. “Wait for me, baby.”

I was left dumbfounded and frustrated. A moment later, he came back with clothes.

“Babe, go wash yourself and wear these clothes, okay? It might be a little oversized for you but you’ll still look pretty.” He nagged. I giggled as he handed me those clothes which I knew it were his.

I rushed myself towards the bathroom and took a short warm shower. When I went out, he was already in front of the bathroom door and grinned. “Feeling fresh?”

“Yes. Thanks.” I noticed his eyes didn’t blink for a few seconds – looking at me wearing his clothes. The shirt was really oversized and fortunately I was only given a short to wear.

“Do I look bad in your clothes, oppa?” I pouted and spread out my arms.

He burst out laughing while clutching his tummy. “HAHA! No, dear. You look cute and funny! Keke!”

I rolled my eyes and made my hair into a messy bun. It was comfortable and full of his manly scent, I’m telling you, people.

He went into the bathroom and I lay on his king-sized bed. It was unexpectedly clean and smelled nice.  I rolled myself and cuddled with his bolster. It smells. HA.HA. He drools, probably! That’s one of his perfect imperfections!

I yawned because Chanyeol took a very long time to shower. What is he doing? All I could hear was only the shower sound. The water is probably the luckiest element to feel his body! I sighed at that silly thought of mine.

I was staring into spaces when the bathroom door opened and Chanyeol stepped out. Chanyeol was in his wife beater and towel. I swallowed an amount of saliva because it was a beautiful sight.

Chanyeol smirked, looking at me and took off his towel. Thank God, he wore a boxer. I pursed my lips in frustration. Stop teasing me, Park Chanyeol!

He came and sat on his bed. “Why? Something wrong?”

His deep voice made my heart vibrates in a different rate. I shook my head.

Chanyeol just smiled and came closer to me. I touched his face and smiled. “You look y, oppa.”

He leaned closer to my ear and whispered, “I know, baby.”

He faced me and hovered on top of me. We faced each other. It was nice to be pinned on his bed. Chanyeol’s hair was damp. I love it. It unveiled how y he was.

“Chanyeol oppa.” I whispered his name. He smirked and his long big fingers caressed my cheek. A smiled crossed his face because he noticed my cheeks were turning into the reddest shade of colour.

“Yes, baby.” He whispered back. I d the blanket because I could feel my heart was hammered against my chest. It’s thumping so hard, I could never imagine. I could die because of his deep voice. You can never imagine how hot he was.

The next thing I knew his lips had touched mine for the second time. I couldn’t help myself from kissing him back. Who could resist this guy’s charm, seriously? I smirked between the kiss and bit his lower lip unconsciously. He groaned and pulled me closer without breaking his lips away from mine.

I gently pulled away and panted for an air. Chanyeol grunted in frustration and moaned, “Baby~”

I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I was tired and seeing Chanyeol’s desire made me feel bad so I pulled him closer and let he kissed me again. My body shuddered as he nibbled my lower lip and trailed his kiss to my jaw to my neck.

A short moan escaped my lips and it was that time when Chanyeol pulled away, leaving me longing of more. Chanyeol ended up lying beside me and pulled me closer. I put my head on his chest and caressed his tummy. He. Has. Abs. I. Can’t. Breathe.

“Hey, baby. It’s tickling.” He chuckled after a few moments of caressing moments. I pouted and hugged him tightly.

“Baby?” I almost fell asleep when he called me seductively. I hummed, answering him.

“Shall we move to next step?” He chimed. I smelled something in his deep voice tone.

I was speechless because I didn’t know what to answer. I tightened my arms around him and sank my face onto his chest while he played with my messy bun hair. I heard him giggling and he was hovering on me again. That was fast, Park Chanyeol. I bit my lip hard and my eyes were closed tightly. I couldn’t imagine.

All of a sudden, I feel like I was falling down from a place. My body was like being pushed off from the bed. It was so unimaginably painful so I winced in pain while rubbing my head. What was that, Park Chanyeol? You want to have on the floor?

“What’s that, oppa? Do you want to do it on the floor?” I said, half-yelling in a half-asleep condition. My eyes were still closed.

“Hyunyoung, wake up. It’s morning already and you have to go to the college.”


I recognized that voice.

It was Mom. Mom? How could Mom come here and interfere my soon-to-be session with Chanyeol?

“Hyunyoung, you were dreaming so hard until you fell from your bed. Get your lazy bum off the bed and dress yourself.” Mom said and I heard footsteps slowly disappearing.

I jolted awake and sighed deeply because my romantic time with Chanyeol was nothing but just a dream!

I gazed at the EXO poster and my eyes glued to the Chanyeol’s picture. “Chanyeol oppa. If only I didn’t fell from this idiot bed, I would have pregnant of your child.”

“Hyunyoung?!” Mom raised her voice from the kitchen.

I heaved a deep sigh. “Yes, Mom.”




A/N : ARGHHHH /stabmyself/ It's random and.... LOL not so good. T_T

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milkysehunnie93 #1
Chapter 1: LOL so it was a dream? nice story tho ! ^^