"I don't know what to do," you cry your lungs out in front of your best friend Eunyoo.
She hold both of your shoulders. "______-ah, get a hold of yourself and prepare for the worst thing."
She sighed and look at the other direction. "You and Sehun might break-up." When you started crying all over again she pace at you. "Stop, you can find somebody better than him! You are pretty and smart and talented!" She yelled at you that made you stops crying. "Look," she added when she was calm. "Don't think that everything is wasted, consider this a lesson learned. Don't fall in-love with guys with rich hair."
"I can't believe this," you wipe the tears on your eyes. "Our second anniversary is coming."
"Stop thinking about that second anniversary ," she goes sky high mad again. "Break up with him before he breaks up with you."
"B-but Eunyoo-ah," you look at her. "I want to give him a second chance."
She raises her brows. "Second chance? This isn't the second chance _______ ! For Pete's Sake this is the fourth time already!"
"Then I should give him another chance!"
The day ended in frustration and tears. The next day, which was suppose to be your anniversary you don't want to go to school but you have a long quiz in your major subject.
While you were heading to your locker you notice that there were not much people in the hallway, the only sight was the utility cleaning at the end of the hall and there was something in the lockers. Different colors of post-it notes and looks like a rainbow wonderland. The avenue of lockers were covered with post-it notes.
Isn't this vandalism? Or the person responsible for this is lucky because this is the Fine Arts building? You read one of it,
Next one
You cry
making you worried
"Is this some kind of message or something?" You look around and went to the first locker.
Dear ______,
Happy Anniversary babe.
I am so sorry for making you cry, that you almost had a fight with your best friend Eunyoo. It was a part of my plan on our anniversary. You wasted your tears for this surprise. Now I feel stupid. I came up with this, so you could forgive me. This is 500 thousand post-it in here and I will be u all night just for this. Sorry for making you cry, you know that I have learned my lesson, I know I've been a bad boyfriend but I promise you that I will treat you right this time, I love you, I really do. It's hard to lose you ______. I've lost you three times already and this time I will never do that mistake anymore. 
Once again, happy anniversary and I am sorry.
The next post-it were quotes and the lines he said when he was asking you to be his girl.
It brings you to tears again and you can't even read the rest.
There was a strum of guitar that made you stop and turn.
There was Sehun at the end of the hall slowly approaching you while he was singing your favorite song with a bouquet of flowers. You can see Eunyoo at the end of hall smiling widely. Some of your classmates were there holding heart cut-outs, some ballons and flowers.
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YongNa #1
Chapter 12: Creepy one!baekhyun is a ghost? *gasp
Chapter 7: aww~ so sweet~ *hug d.o
Chapter 5: I will post it now :) Matte~Matte ^_^
Chapter 5: love your story..short but sweet.. :D
Chapter 1: i will wait do kyungsoo letter~ T.T
Chapter 1: kyaaaa!! how can lay be cute and fluffy one moment and right down romantic the next? this is interesting! looking forward to ur updates!<3