




Chanyeol straightens out his attire and pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. He fiddles with his hands every two minutes, and his eyes dart around the shelves of books uncertainly.


He is nervous.


It's his first day of work as a librarian, and he is determined not to screw it up.


"Here, Chanyeol, go arrange these books in their respective shelves." A senior librarian ahjumma carts around a trolley of books. "I've arranged them in alphabetical order of the author's names to make it easier for you." Chanyeol thanks the ahjumma for her thoughtfulness, and the ahjumma smiles back before disappearing into the office for some admin work, probably.


Chanyeol pushes the trolley to the adult fiction section, before stopping and placing the books neatly in their respective categories. He goes to the "A" shelf first, diligently putting all the books there in alphabetical order, even though he knew it was going to be messed up by customers later. After unloading all the books, he goes to the "B" shelf, and he continues the routine for a while.


The pile of books in his trolley decreases as he gets into the rhythm of it, and he is packing all the books much more efficiently now (partly because the trolley is getting easier to manoeuvre).


The rhythm stops abruptly however, when he sees a stunning young man about his age, leaning on the "L" shelf. He has striking red hair, small, pretty eyes and an equally small, pretty mouth. He was holding a book in his right hand, his left hand supporting his right elbow and the corner of his lips are curved up into a small smile.


His heart begins to drum a new rhythm of its own, and it almost stops as the red-haired guy looks up from his book and looks at Chanyeol. 


"Oh hey, you're the new guy right." The red-haired guy says in his smooth, alluring voice, and Chanyeol feels a little bit of him melt.


"I'm Baekhyun." He transfers his book to his left hand and offers Chanyeol his right hand. "I came here 3 months ago, haha. It's nice to see someone of my age, finally." 


Chanyeol shakes his hand dazedly, and as their fingers touch, Chanyeol swears he feels a tingle travelling from the tips of his fingers to his spine. Baekhyun smiles then, this time it was a real, proper smile, and Baekhyun's eyes crinkles happily, and it hits Chanyeol's heart full on.


"I'm C-Chanyeol." He manages to say in between his thundering heartbeats, and Baekhyun's eyes widen.


"Woah, your voice is so deep!" Baekhyun laughs, and oh god, his voice. His eyes. 


Chanyeol falls in love.


(He still can't believe how easy it is to fall in love.)





















The senior ahjummas can see it.


They smile when they see Chanyeol stretching his neck muscles to look at Baekhyun rearranging the books at the other side of the library. 


They also smile when they see Baekhyun bumps his trolley into Chanyeol's accidentally-on-purpose so that they could make small talk.


One day, one of the senior ahjummas find Baekhyun secretly flicking through the database of the workers' infomation.


Baekhyun gets scolded.


"Baekhyun, you know it's supposed to be confidential information." She chides him sternly. Baekhyun frowns.


"I just wanted to find out Chanyeol's birthday." He looks down and plays with his fingers. "I wanted to do something special for him."


The senior ahjumma sighs, and lets it go, this time. She knows that Baekhyun is a good boy, and she gives Baekhyun Chanyeol's birthday. Baekhyun hugs her and apologises and thanks her profusely, before leaping off to the shelves where Chanyeol was.


The senior ahjumma smiles.


(Secretly, she is wishing that Chanyeol and Baekhyun to be together already. In fact, the seniors ahjummas had already formed a Chanbaek club, or the Baekyeol club, as some of them insists.)


















Chanyeol goes to the library as usual on his birthday, expecting the day to be just... well, like a normal day.


He definitely wasn't expecting his vision to go black, and the spine tingling sensation of Baekhyun's voice in his ear. "Guess who?" Baekhyun whispers, and Chanyeol blushes like crazy as his hot breath travels all the way down his spine.


"Baek, what is this?" His breath hitches as his vision is returned to him by Baekhyun, and Baekhyun playfully hugs him from the back.


"This is happy birthday." Baekhyun says.


Wha--How did he--


"I have my methods." Baekhyun is pressing close to Chanyeol's back, and Chanyeol can feel Baekhyun's sly smile on his back. 


Chanyeol turns around to face Baekhyun, and he sees that Baekhyun was blushing just as hard as him. 


"Lets go in." Baekhyun says softly, and leads Chanyeol in, hands intertwined.
















The library holds a small celebration for Chanyeol's birthday, and this is the first time the "No Eating or Drinking in the Library" rule is broken. (The senior ahjummas made them promise not to drop any crumbs, and not to start any cake fights.)


When the celebration is nearly over, Chanyeol hugs Baekhyun.


"Thank you." He softly says into Baekhyun's red, soft hair. 


Baekhyun pulls away, and for a moment Chanyeol panicks because he thinks maybe he's pushing it a little too far, maybe Baekhyun doesn't like being hugged, but it doesn't make sense because Baekhyun just gave him a hug just now, but just then Baekhyun tiptoes and kisses Chanyeol, and Chanyeol feels all of him melting and before he knew it he was kissing back, and they were kissing each other, and--


"Oh my god, come watch this, hey all of you. Project Chanbaek is a success!" 


Chanyeol breaks away from Baekhyun, and he sees Baekhyun's flushed face and swollen lips. Baekhyun smiles Chanyeol leans down to kiss him again.


He thinks that this is the best birthday ever.


(Apart from the ahjumma-ing, he supposes.)

















Happy birthday our beloved happy virus!! <3

I actually wrote this because I was nervous lol

I just got a part time job, and yeah I'm kind of nervous (but its better now) and my fingers were actually trembling while I was writing this. LOL

Hmm anyway this is like a super short drabble and ugh never mind at least I managed to write something ><

Hope you like it (or not). ^^






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Chapter 1: The Best!!! :)) I like this!!! :))
Chapter 1: you must be a really good writer to come up and write this fluffy fic in a short time ;__;
i think i got diabetes
anyways good luck with the job!
Jia_Yi #3
Chapter 1: So Fluffy <3
Great story , author nim ^_*
Chapter 1: Like like like! ^^
OMG, that fanclub formed by the ahjumma's is hilarious! XD
Chapter 1: awwww~
yes! happy birthday to chanyeol! ^^
this one was good. ;)
BubbleLightBaek #6
Chapter 1: i love it!so fluffy! and good luck at your part time job btw! ^^