part four

scribbles & scrawls
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Not proofread because it's 4:40AM :^( I'm good night !!



They’re almost late for class.

The bell has rung a few minutes ago, and now they’re rushing down the stairs from the rooftop, uniforms a little bit crumpled, neckties crooked, and hair completely tousled and messy.

It’s a bit of an understatement to say that they got carried away and spent the rest of their lunch break kissing the living daylights out of each other. If it wasn’t for the bell ringing and reminding them of where they are and what they actually have to do, Hyukjae and Donghae probably wouldn’t have stopped.

And as they stumble into the classroom, eyes wide like deer caught in the headlights, the teacher and their classmates all turning their heads to gape at them and their disheveled state…

They’re pretty sure they’ll be making news.




So now even the teachers are looking at us knowingly.

It’s all your fault.

What the- why me?

You started it!

Yeah but I wasn’t the one who wouldn’t stop? I tried so many times to stop you because we needed to eat, but it seemed like you were satisfied already with eating my lips alone.


WHAT I’M TELLING THE TRUTH! It’s okay though Donghae. It can’t be helped since you find me so hot. ;)

You did not just-

Oh yes I did.


Aww don’t be so shy now. There’s no room for shyness when you’ve already devoured my lips. ^^ It’s okay, baby ^^♥

WHAT !!!

Baby ^^


Aww you’re blushing :D♥ Don’t be shy. I’ve been calling you baby in my mind for so long, it’s a miracle I didn’t slip up before I confessed. You can call me that too if you want ^^

Okay… ><

Hyukjae then gives him a stupid drawing of himself with kissy lips, and Donghae has to bury his face into the pages of his textbook to muffle his laughter.




The past few months of Donghae and Hyukjae’s relationship have been nothing short of wonderful.

In fact, Donghae wouldn’t even hesitate to label it as perfect.

Sure, they sometimes fight. Whether it’s about petty little things like their different opinions on sources of entertainment such as movies, anime, manga or books. Or more pressing matters such as that time when Hyukjae didn’t tell Donghae that he and his family are returning to Seoul for summer—it was because Hyukjae thought they’d only be staying for a day or two, and he wanted to return with a surprise gift for his boyfriend, and yet they ended up staying for two weeks, making Donghae upset, and eventually, miss him like crazy.

It’s not perfect, but in some kind of warped way of thinking, probably due to the fact that he’s practically seeing the world now through rose-colored glasses, Donghae somehow believes that it’s those little imperfections that make his relationship with Hyukjae perfect.

It hasn’t been a year, and yet with the way he could easily open up about anything to Hyukjae, and vice versa, Donghae is already convinced that his boyfriend is also his best friend. Ryeowook is only second place, sadly, no matter how much Donghae adores him.

They get along really well most of the time—Donghae doesn’t think he’d ever seen a pair with as many things in common as they do. They understand each other, without any need for words. One look, and they could already guess what the other is thinking. One gesture, and they would know what the other needs. One little twitch of the lips and crinkling of the eyes, and it’s automatic: the world instantly becomes a better place.

There are, however, two things that are somewhat bugging Donghae.

The first one is the fact that, as a pair of barely legal teenagers, it couldn’t be helped that their minds sometimes become overruled by their raging hormones.

It isn’t once that they’ve engaged in steamy make-out sessions either in Hyukjae’s or Donghae’s room. Poor Choco never joined them anymore for their movie nights, after that incident where Hyukjae moved on top of Donghae to devour his lips, and eventually, his neck and collarbones. Their hands had also been wandering underneath their shirts, and they were probably making noises they shouldn’t be making (when Hyukjae’s parents were downstairs, for ’s sake), but they were almost unstoppable.

Almost, because just when things are getting hotter, and Donghae is feeling a lot more needier, Hyukjae always finds a way to stop.

He’d slow down the kiss—from passionate and wild, teeth clashing, tongues mingling, coupled with a series of moans, gasps, and grunts, to slow, gentle kisses and pecks, soft caressing of lips against lips, and silent sighs of contentment, until they’re nestled comfortably within each other’s arms, cuddling.

Just cuddling.

And it’s sweet, really. Donghae loves cuddling.

It’s just that it can get utterly frustrating when he’s wanting so much more, and yet his boyfriend so obviously tries to avoid it.

It makes him wonder, makes him feel a little anxious and paranoid, makes him scared.

And yet he couldn’t gather enough courage to simply ask.

The second thing that’s bugging Donghae is another issue of courage. Or his lack of it, apparently.

He is in love.

He’s sure of it. Totally, definitely, one-hundred percent sure. He doesn’t just like Hyukjae. It isn’t just a crush anymore.

He’s in love.

And yet all the times he has felt overwhelmed by his own feelings and emotions, felt those words on the tip of his tongue, begging to be said, Donghae just ends up mute.

He couldn’t say it. He wants to, of course, he wants to tell Hyukjae so badly. But there’s always something holding him back. There’s that dreadful sense of nervousness. The endless worries of how those words could possibly change their perfect relationship. The anxiety of seeing how Hyukjae would respond. The fear that Hyukjae might not feel the same way.

And so, he does not say it.

Even when Hyukjae cups his face tenderly and peppers sweet, loving kisses all over his face, making him feel butterflies and cause his heartbeat to become unsteady, Donghae does not say it.

Even though he wishes he could.




“You know, maybe you should try to seduce him.”

Donghae promptly chokes on his own saliva before he turns his wide eyes towards Ryeowook.


“What?” the younger boy simply shrugs. “Clearly, he’s also feeling the same. There’s no way he isn’t, what with the way he marks your neck, he’s like some kind of deprived beast,” Donghae gulps in mild horror, “He’s probably just holding back for some reason, but if you actually try and do something, he wouldn’t be able to resist anymore. You know, if you probably try to react more vocally to his touches and grind onto him or something.”

“I-I can’t do that!” Donghae splutters. “That’s indecent! What am I, a stripper? I’m gonna grind onto him like he’s a pole? You’re crazy.”

“But,” Ryeowook argues, shifting on Donghae’s bed more comfortably as he pulls the fish plushie closer into his chest. “You won’t lose anything if you just try.”

“I would lose my pride and my dignity,” Donghae grumbles. “Probably also my sanity.”

“Oh you will lose your sanity alright,” Ryeowook cackles. “When Hyukjae gives in and s you straight into the mattress with his pole, until his sheets are making imprints on your plump , yeah, you’ll lose whatever remaining sanity you have.”

And as he gapes incredulously at the snickering younger boy, Donghae questions his life choices. Especially that choice he made a few months back to befriend Ryeowook.




Donghae being bothered doesn’t come unnoticed to Hyukjae.

The latter keeps on asking him about it. Because no matter how hard Donghae tries to smile and brush it off, Hyukjae is just really good at seeing through his fake smiles and diverted gazes.

Seriously, what’s wrong?

It’s nothing.

You can’t tell me it’s nothing. I know you like the back of my own hand, Lee Donghae.

I don’t want to talk about it right now.

Hyukjae looks sad and it makes Donghae feel guilty, but it’s not like he can just write I want to have with you and I love you out of the blue on that post-it note.




Despite the fact that Donghae doesn’t want to talk about it though, Hyukjae doesn’t begrudge him for it. Other guys would have already started a fight over this. Bring up the trust issues and whip up some drama. But Hyukjae is different.

He just keeps on asking, like the persistent little he is. And when Donghae refuses to say anything (because really, let’s be real, no matter how much they like each other, directly talking about is just too awkward and embarrassing. And there’s no way he’d blurt out the I love you when Hyukjae is nagging at him to tell him what’s bothering him. It’s just not the right moment for that), Hyukjae just nods in understanding.

Donghae thinks he would have to tell his boyfriend sooner or later though, because no matter how sweet and understanding Hyukjae is, he truly doesn’t like hiding things from him like this.

He sniffs, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his thick coat. It’s winter now and Christmas is just around the corner. Various decorations of red, green, gold and white litter the town. The air is crisp and cold, and the skies are dark with the promise of snow. Donghae exhales through his mouth and he could see the puffs of warm air escaping his lips.

He’s waiting on a bench in front of a mall. It’s the last weekend before winter break and he has a date with Hyukjae, who he assumes would arrive in ten minutes or so.

Out of habit, he bites his lower lip and couldn’t help but smile as he thinks of the lip balm he applied earlier this morning. The strawberry-scented lip balm Hyukjae gifted to him a few weeks back to protect his lips from drying due to the cold season. He manages to suppress a giggle at that thought, Hyukjae’s voice echoing in his mind saying something about how he likes to kiss strawberry-flavored lips.

“What are you trying not to smile about?”

Donghae looks up, and his eyes widen in surprise at the sight that greets him.

Jihoon is in his winter clothes as well. A familiar black scarf is adorning his neck, and the tips of his nose and ears are tinted a light shade of red. He’s all by himself, no snickering friends around, and his hands are also tucked into his jacket’s pockets.

Almost immediately, Donghae stands up from the bench, huffing and turning to walk away. He can just text Hyukjae to meet him somewhere else.

“Yah, Lee Donghae.”

There is a tug on his arm and Donghae quickly pulls away, an irritated scowl on his face as he faces his ex-boyfriend. “What the hell do you want?”

“Am I not allowed to talk to you now?” Jihoon says, a lazy smirk tugging up the corners of his lips. “I’m hurt.”

“Shut up,” Donghae snarls. “I know what you’re gonna say anyway so just keep your mouth shut. I’m a gay , I spread diseases, I seduce men – what else is new? If you’re here to show off some new vocabulary you picked up to insult me, there is no need. I don’t want to hear them.”

Jihoon chuckles bef

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reuploaded both pdf and epub 'cause i found errors and i'm a perfectionist little :(( download again if u want ^^;;; OTL


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I remember reading this around 2015 or 2016... but why I didn't suscribe it? Could it be I unsuscribe it by accident? Hum.. dunno, but I'm goong here again to reread the memory that has been left in my mind, thank you for still keep the story here
Mica_Mendieta #2
Chapter 5: I want to read the story, but am I the only one who only gets a few verses of the story? won't even let me download the pdf 😭 TT
Aloa112 #3
Chapter 6: I can’t download this story 😭
Chapter 6: I enjoyed reading this! The awkward teen romance of Hyukjae and Donghae is always good to read and I absolutely love the note passing moments. They were so fun to read, gives a lot of teens in school who are bored energy. I felt bad for Donghae who got outcasted for being gay but luckily Hyukjae didn’t care for it and likes him. Man, I was surprised when Donghae’s ex showed up and wanted him back after spreading that godawful rumour. Would’ve want either Donghae or Hyukjae to punch him again because how dare he, but I respect the civilness the two displayed. It just made their relationship stronger.

Thanks for writing a delightful story!
Chapter 2: I loved it when they were using their small notes in asking who their crushes are lmao almost every high school students must have experienced having conversations like this with their crushies 🤣
Chapter 5: This is one of the best eunhae fics I’ve ever read in AFF. I always come back to this story whenever I want a dose of fluff ❤️ Thank you author-nim for sharing your amazing stories with us and for letting us come back to reread this over and over again😭
Chapter 5: Ooh lala
Chapter 2: \_>•<_/ kyaaaa!aaaaaa
Chapter 1: Hehe