The Scandal Part 4

Stuck Between Two

     My dad walked around the corner of the doorway with his arms held open for a hug. "Look a little more excited to see me." His voice was hoarse and deeper than usual.

     "What are you doing home?" I ran into his arms and hugged him as tight as I could. The scent of his Armani cologne stung my nose as I breathed into his gray knit sweater.

     "I think I may have caught that flu that's been going around so I decided to come back home a few days early and have my beautiful daughter take care of me." He looked down at me with a smirk on his face.

     "That's mom's job." I grinned and kissed his cheek, the sharp hairs on his face pricked my lips. God, he really needed to shave.

     "Speaking of your mom, where is she?" He asked.

     I wriggled away from him and scratched my head. "I was actually going to ask you the same."

     My dad walked back into the living room, this time turning on the light to eliminate the blue glow the TV was casting across the room.

     "Where have you been?" He sat on the couch and began eating of the bowl of caramel coated popcorn that was placed on the cushion next to him.

     "I went to a party."

     The word party didn't sound right coming out of my mouth and my dad agreed.

     "Party?" He held a piece of popcorn to his lips, too shocked to eat it. "Since when do you party?"

     "Since mom started setting me up with her friend's offspring." I threw myself onto the couch and clutched one of the gray pillows closed to my chest.

     My dad chomped down on another handful of sticky popcorn. "How was the party? Did you make any friends?"

     That was such a typical parent question. He was acting like I went to a five year olds birthday party and played in the bouncy castle.

     "Boring and no." I plunged my hand into the bowl of popcorn and dropped a few in my mouth.

     My dad looked over at me with a very unsympathetic frown. "That sounds like a typical _______ answer."

     I flicked a popcorn kernel at him and it flew onto his sweater. "You know I don't like being around people."

     "I will fully take the blame for that. You get your social awkwardness from me but don't worry, you'll grow out of it soon." He picked the popcorn from his sweater and placed it back into the bowl. "Well, hopefully."

     The door creaked opened and the sound of paper bags ruffling and high heels clanking against the floor filled the house. Did my mom go grocery shopping again? How many organic granola bars and honey wheat toast does one person need?

     "Oh my god."

     My mom dropped her keys onto the floor when she saw that she wasn't to only one in the house.

     "What are you two doing here?" She asked, picking up her fallen keys.

     "Well hello to you too, honey." My dad stuffed his face with another handful of popcorn.

     "Oh, hi." She walked over to the couch and placed her shopping bags on the coffee table. "I'm guessing you settled the case early?"

     "No, more like I got sick." My dad pointed to his raspy throat. "Hence the voice."

     "Well I'm glad you're back." She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a ruby red lip print on his stubble. "Now, I was waiting until you got back from the barbeque but since you arrived early, here you go." She handed me one of the shopping bags which I soon realized was from Chanel.

     I gripped the bag's handles and placed it on my lap. "Is this what I think it is?"

     "Open it and find out." My mom smiled and sat beside me.

     I reached into the bag and pulled out something in a black cloth baggie. "Oh my god, it is!" I pulled the bag off, only to reveal a classic Chanel bag.

     "Thank you!" I squealed and immediately stood up, swinging the bag over my shoulder.

     "You look like a fashion model, honey." My dad smiled.

     "You think so?" I struck a pose and laughed.

     "All you're missing now is oversized sunglasses and a Starbucks cup." My mom smirked.

     "Speaking of Starbucks," My dad stood up and smoothed out his sweater. "I could really go for a coffee right now, especially one of those holiday themed ones."

     My mom stood up as well and flipped her hair over her shoulders. "I say we take a family outing."

     "Only you two would consider a trip to a coffee shop a family outing." I gently placed my purse on the couch and smirked. "You guys definitely know how to dork anything up."

     "oh, hush." My dad laughed and pushed me towards the hallway. "Let's go!"

     I have to admit, I love spending time with my parents. The great things about these two was the fact that they weren't you typical, boring, old parents. My mom got pregnant towards the end out the end of her senior year of high school and had me when she was only 18. So my parents are relatively young to have a seventeen year old daughter. Although my parents are in their mid-thirties, they honestly look like they could be in their last year of college. My mom always had a this youthful glow to her and my dad honestly looks like a 20 year old male model. (Cough Cough Ahn Jaehyun) He has extremely good genes, all thanks to my grandpa who is 55, working the face of a 35 year old. I hope and pray that I get even an ounce of some of those genes.



This is a really short part. No Jungkook nor Baekhyun in this part.

I'm sorry guys.

You guys even had to wait...

I have a super hectic schedule. But next week will be my last week of school then I have a break, so I'll be able to type up more.

Oh, are any of you guys from Melbourne, Australia and will be going to the LOE B.A.P Tour?

I might be going so see you there!

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looks interesting
pandaexpress2808 #2
Chapter 16: Omg is her dad cheating on her mom ??
Chapter 16: I have a bad feeling resting in my stomach...I'm so scared.
baconlovers04 #4
Chapter 15: I am excited for the next chapter so hoping u could update soon!!new readers here: )
Waffle_Berry #5
Chapter 15: Please update soon!!!
Lexiyang #7
Chapter 15: Lucky you guys can go to the bap concert D: mines on a frakin wednesday..........and theres school bleh :'(
Chapter 14: How long are you gonna keep us waiting??????????
Chapter 14: please update soon ^^